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"People like that shouldn't work here..."

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  • "People like that shouldn't work here..."


    This just happened today, heard it from a coworker. (R.)

    This lady who is one of our coworkers (B.), and also happens to be deaf, came over to get R to help a guest with bras. So R goes over to the guest and the following ensues:

    RSOB=really sucky old bat

    R: Hi, can I help you with something?
    RSOB: Yes, my daughter told me about some certain bras, and I'd like to get some more for her.

    So, R helps RSOB, and then the suck happens:

    RSOB: You know, they really shouldn't hire those kind of people (referring to B, who happens to be Hispanic)
    R: What do you mean, ma'am?
    RSOB: YOU KNOW, they can't even speak English, and they can't help worth a damn!
    R: The reason she came and got me, MA'AM, is because she is DEAF.
    RSOB: Well, then she shouldn't be working here then, if she can't help people!

    At that point, R was just PISSED and had to walk away. Not only is B an excellent worker, but one of the sweetest people on the planet! WTF! BTW, B can "speak" English pretty well, and has been teaching me some sign language. She's just a total doll, and if had been me waiting on that hag, I would have let her have it, and damn the consequences.

    I'm STILL pissed about it. Bitch.

    "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" Dante-"Clerks"

  • #2
    Personally I wouldn't care if the old bat complained to me to corporate, I would have told her that we would not be selling her today or ever and to get out of the store before I physically threw her out.

    How dare people like that be able to breath, let alone speak.

    I know how you must feel just having read that has made me soo mad.
    Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


    • #3
      That is wrong on so many levels.

      1. Racist.
      2. Bigoted against the deaf.
      3. One has to wonder what values she's pushed on her daughter.

      How dare people like that be able to breath, let alone speak."
      - I couldn't agree more.


      • #4
        I still think retail workers should be allowed to have some sort of attitude adjustment tool available, like a big bat. (both types)
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #5
          Quoth crazylegs View Post
          I still think retail workers should be allowed to have some sort of attitude adjustment tool available, like a big bat. (both types)
          "Well ma'am, I can either beat the stupidity out of you or you could have it sucked out."
          "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

          Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


          • #6
            I've gotten lines like that from customers that were annoyed that someone that worked in the kitchen couldn't help them (a kitchen worker is assigned salad bar duty every day). We do have a handful of people who don't speak any English, but they know how to say "One moment" and find someone who does speak English.

            We also have a deaf guy in produce. He's a lot of fun to "talk" to - he doesn't speak and I don't think he can read lips, and I don't know sign language.. but we don't really have any problem communicating with simple hand gestures. He also carries a Sidekick though, so he can type out what he's trying to communicate if he has to.

            Ironically, I can communicate with the deaf guy easier than the people who don't know English. He's patient and doesn't get annoyed when it takes awhile to get your message across, I can't say the same for some of the kitchen staff. The deaf guy does have an implant in his ear, so he can pick up loud noises.. but he can't hear anything else.


            • #7
              I could really use a cerebral scrub right about now.

              What is it some people have against deaf people? See here. I still shudder when I read that.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth bean View Post
                Ironically, I can communicate with the deaf guy easier than the people who don't know English. He's patient and doesn't get annoyed when it takes awhile to get your message across, I can't say the same for some of the kitchen staff.
                Probably because he's been doing the "making attempts to communicate without a language in common" thing since he was tiny. Lots and lots of practice.

                It disgusts me when people say/do things like that to people who are deaf. I haven't noticed nearly as much suckitude towards the blind, only deaf. And it makes me because there are a lot of amazing Deaf people out there.


                • #9
                  It's probably because the SCs realise that deaf people are spared from their incessant whining....
                  "When life gives you lemons, you give life a f---ing paper cut and then squeeze f---ing lemon juice on it, because life should give you something better than f---ing lemons."


                  • #10
                    There was a deaf woman working in the butcher at the Chopper where I use to bag groceries. She listened better than most of my coworkers with perfect hearing.


                    • #11
                      As someone who is partially deaf and has a partially deaf mother and brother, I hope RSOB gets her ears cut off in a freak combine harvester accident.
                      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                      • #12
                        (background)Y'know... I am not deaf. None of my children are deaf.

                        We use sign language because it's better than trying to yell in a busy store and gets the point across with a quickness... and because my almost-2-y/o refuses (note: not can't, just won't) to talk. (/background)

                        We were in Wal-mart, the other day, doing our bi-weekly grocery run. One of my heathen children starts eying the candy/X-mas displays. It's a look I know well. The "I think I'll just take this and see if mom will notice" look.

                        Me=You guessed it
                        A=My stubborn daughter
                        SB=Sanctimonious B!tc#
                        italics=Sign Language

                        Me: No. I do not think so, A. Keep walking.

                        A: *sad puppy eyes* I want it.

                        Me: *stern face, shaking head* Not happening. Hands off.

                        A: *pleading look* Please please please?"

                        Me: *dark and mean mommy face* I said NO.

                        A: *defeated sad puppy face* ok, mommy.

                        SB: *aghast, as if i was committing a heinous crime against nature* You people sicken me! You should all be shot! How dare you come out here with us normal people and pollute the store with your *bleep*ing stupidity! You *bleep*ing retards!

                        Me: *raised eyebrow, in as cold a voice as I (super frigid b!tc# from Hades) can manage* I assume you mean people who are hard of hearing, Ma'am? You think they should be shot? *wanting so badly to slap the evil woman*

                        SB: Of course they should! You certainly shouldn't actually give birth to such disgusting creatures!

                        A: *puzzled child-like innocence* Mom... What is she talking about? And why is she yelling at you?

                        Me: *to daughter while glaring at SB* She thinks that people who have to use sign to talk, you remember we were talking about that a long time ago?, shouldn't be born and should be shot.

                        A: *to SB (gods, I love this kid)* That's just mean and stupid. Maybe one day you'll have a accident and have to use sign from then on 'cause you can't hear no more. My Aunty can't hear no more and she's real smart. Smarter than you, I bet! She goes to school at *college* and she gets really good grades 'cause she's so smart. And she has to use sign language, too. That just means that she has to work harder. You're just MEAN!

                        SB: *shocked that my daughter isn't deaf, understood everything and then proceeded to call her on her BS* Well... You... But... YOU PEOPLE JUST MAKE IT EASIER FOR THOSE RETARDS TO GET WHAT THEY WANT!!! *moves off in a huff*

                        A: Mom... is it ok that I called her mean and stupid?

                        Me: Yes. Because she was being very mean and stupid. *hugs my smart kid*

                        A: *again with the puppy eyes* Can I have a candy?

                        Me: *eyeroll* No.

                        A: *sighs* ok...

                        My kids are so much teh awwwsomeness.
                        hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
                        1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
                        2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
                        3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


                        • #13
                          Quoth NotSoInnocent View Post
                          (A: *again with the puppy eyes* Can I have a candy?
                          That made me laugh loudly.

                          My kids are so much teh awwwsomeness.
                          They are indeed.
                          "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                          • #14
                            The deaf.. retarded? I would think Beethoven's ghost would argue with her there.
                            "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                            • #15
                              Quoth NotSoInnocent;228390
                              A: *to SB (gods, I love this kid)* That's just mean and stupid. Maybe one day you'll have a accident and have to use sign from then on 'cause you can't hear no more. My Aunty can't hear no more and she's real smart. Smarter than you, I bet! She goes to school at *college* and she gets [B
                              really[/B] good grades 'cause she's so smart. And she has to use sign language, too. That just means that she has to work harder. You're just MEAN!

                              My kids are so much teh awwwsomeness.
                              Your kid is all kinds of awesome!

