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Product Cover is not insurance

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  • Product Cover is not insurance

    Hey guys, thought I might share another story with you.

    I work in the computer department, but I take calls for other things like cameras and phones too. We sell product cover on most things we sell, to cover repair costs and so forth outside of the warranty period, 3 repairs and we give them a new one etc etc, usually its worth around $50 depending on how much the item is worth.

    This happened to me yesterday, I was having a bad day, having 3 bad phone calls in a row does not help my mood. This call was call #2:

    me = me
    sc = dumb guy

    sc: yes hello, I purchased a camera from you people a while back, and unfortunately it was stolen.
    me: oh Im sorry to hear that.
    sc: Yes, it is a shame. I took out a product cover on it as well, so I was wondering if I could be reimbursed for that amount?
    me (ohh great): so you had your camera stolen, and you have the receipt still, and want to return the product cover?
    sc: yes thats correct.
    me: unfortunately we cant return just the product cover by itself, as we'd need to return the camera as well, you do realise the product cover is not an insurance policy, but just an extended warranty?
    sc: yes I understand that but I would like to be reimbursed for that amount, this is not acceptable since I am a paying customer (insert rant from customer here)
    me: ok I will go get you a manager so they can explain how it works.

    Long story short, I got my manager to take the call since I dont make enough to deal with that sort of crap.

  • #2
    How the hell can a warranty cover stuff that is "stolen"?

    "My digital camera has been stolen."

    Three weeks later, after being reimbursed:

    "Oh, silly me, it was in my winter coat all along"


    • #3
      Um, home, renter's, or auto insurance should cover an expensive item, depending on the details of how/where it was stolen. If it was cheaper than the deductable, just do what the rest of us robbery victims do, and be pissed at the thief.
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #4
        He probably just left it Jester's bar.
        "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


        • #5
          Quoth Geek King View Post
          Um, home, renter's, or auto insurance should cover an expensive item, depending on the details of how/where it was stolen. If it was cheaper than the deductable, just do what the rest of us robbery victims do, and be pissed at the thief.
          If you ever file a claim against your home owners insurance, they'll pay the claim and than drop your policy like a rock. No matter who the policy holder might be, they all do it.

          My brother had a $700 bike stolen off of his porch (which is covered by homeowners) and I asked him why he didn't file a claim and that was what he told me. He works in the industry, so I assume he knows what he is talking about, plus I've heard the same thing from other people who have filed claims.

          What's even spiffier is when you go to get a new homeowners policy, because you have filed a claim in the past, they will charge the you a higher rate. Which is really why no one files a homeowners claim, unless the amount is quite large.
          Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


          • #6
            Not in my experience. I lost a digital hearing aid while on a trip back from holiday. The insurance paid out £1300 with no quibbles and I am still with them.

            That isn't to say there is a difference between the way insureres operate in the UK and US.
            "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


            • #7
              It probably is just a US practice.
              Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


              • #8
                Quoth LifeCarnie View Post
                If you ever file a claim against your home owners insurance, they'll pay the claim and than drop your policy like a rock. No matter who the policy holder might be, they all do it.

                Quite true of some policies, but I'm not even going to start that arguement here, as it is worth a 10-page thread all its own. Just making a note of it. I will note that there are some good policy writers out there that don't drop you for one claim. Do some research before buying, and people should be able to find them.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  Quoth Bagga View Post
                  How the hell can a warranty cover stuff that is "stolen"?

                  "My digital camera has been stolen."

                  Three weeks later, after being reimbursed:

                  "Oh, silly me, it was in my winter coat all along"
                  Quoth Geek King View Post
                  Um, home, renter's, or auto insurance should cover an expensive item, depending on the details of how/where it was stolen. If it was cheaper than the deductable, just do what the rest of us robbery victims do, and be pissed at the thief.

                  Geek King: I'm confused. Why would a warranty (NOT Insurance) cover the cost of a stolen item? Any warranty I've ever had is soley to cover the cost of repairs or to provide a replacement if the item isn't repairable.
                  Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Alpha Strike View Post
                    Geek King: I'm confused. Why would a warranty (NOT Insurance) cover the cost of a stolen item? Any warranty I've ever had is soley to cover the cost of repairs or to provide a replacement if the item isn't repairable.
                    Separate issues. I was just pointing out that no warrenty I've ever heard of covers theft, but a properly insured person would be covered.

                    Sorry for the confusion.
                    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                    Hoc spatio locantur.


                    • #11
                      The store I work at now does extended warranties on our cameras too, which is really a beautiful thing. The thing some customers need to realize is that they warranties don't cover major negligence, and having a 4-year warranty does not mean you should kick your camera around.
                      I had a lady a couple weeks ago come in ranting and raving, she had sent her camera for warranty repair, but the distributer upon checking it out decided that the damage was due to negligence and not defect or excessive use. Her camera hadn't even returned from them and she came in to scream at me.

                      SC - I want to know one thing, if my camera isn't covered under the warranty, what the hell is an extended warranty good for.
                      Me - The warranty covers any issues that are not negligence of the user, for example if your LCD screen were to fade, the sensor inside your camera stops working, or it fails to power up, anything like that is not a problem, so long as there is no damage to the product.
                      SC - So what you're saying is you're ripping me off.
                      (My manager comes in)
                      Man - No, what he's saying is you need to take care of your stuff and your stuff takes care of you.
                      SC - Well this is rediculous! I want my money back for the warranty that's useless.
                      Man - Unfortunately it's beyond our two week return period, so there is nothing we can do.
                      SC - What's your name, the way you're treating me is not appropriate! I want to speak to the manager!
                      Man - I am the manager.

                      (she starts to shut up a bit and act a little more civil from that point on)


                      • #12
                        Quoth TheMyerWorker View Post

                        sc: Yes, it is a shame. I took out a product cover on it as well, so I was wondering if I could be reimbursed for that amount?
                        me (ohh great): so you had your camera stolen, and you have the receipt still, and want to return the product cover?
                        sc: yes thats correct.
                        me: unfortunately we cant return just the product cover by itself, as we'd need to return the camera as well, you do realise the product cover is not an insurance policy, but just an extended warranty?
                        sc: yes I understand that but I would like to be reimbursed for that amount,
                        OK, it sounds to me like the SC wanted only the cover cost refunded, not the camera itself.

                        I do know that if you get an extended warranty on an auto and something happens to total out the auto before the extended warranty is used up, that they will refund the unused portion (I just got back over $1000).
                        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                        • #13
                          I've bought extended warranties, and was told that if I changed my mind, I can refund that specific thing, while keeping the item. I've also gone back in later and purchased an extended warranty a week after I bought the item (saved my butt that time).
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Im not saying that we cant refund the warranties at my work, but in this particular circumstance we couldnt because the item was stolen due to negligence. If he still had the camera I'd say we would have been able to refund the extended warranty within 1 month or so of purchase (managers discretion) but it sounded like the guy had the camera for over a year.


                            • #15
                              Oh yeah, I understand that. It's like anything else. Normal return policies apply, and some special ones too. I don't think I'd try to "return" an extended warranty either a) after a year, or b) if the product was stolen. My mind just doesn't work that way. Apparently that's the difference between me and an SC.
                              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


