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  • #16
    Had a day when I sneezed suddenly into the crook of my elbow, and the customer I was dealing with at the time gave me an odd look, then said, "You should get a flu shot."
    "And get the flu? Not a good way to start my new relationship with the company. I don't get sick unless it's a super virus. I'm pretty damn resistant to the illnesses that just tend to migrate the buildings. Living amongst young children for fifteen years, and being exposed to every single one of their sicknesses builds up your immunity really quick, just like surgeons hardly ever get sick...?"
    Lady looked confused, "But, you need a flu shot."
    "And waste the supply that's out there that could be better put to those who need it?"
    She went on a few minutes trying to tell me why I needed it, and I kept rebuffing her attempts. Eventually, she gave up.
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #17
      My vote would be for snot all over the card.

      Also, continuing with the hijack, has anyone noticed that the Men In Tights sogn is the same exact song as the Jews In Space, just different words?
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #18
        Quoth draggar View Post
        has anyone noticed that the Men In Tights sogn is the same exact song as the Jews In Space, just different words?
        Yup. But I couldn't notice it until recently, as I'd never seen History of the World. 'Twas definitely not what I was expecting it to be. 'Twould have been... 'Twerrific...
        "I call murder on that!"

