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Misanthropy: It's the only logical choice

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  • Misanthropy: It's the only logical choice

    On the phones at the newspaper’s newsroom…

    The Regular SC
    “[paper] Newsroom.”
    “Hello, is Stan there?”
    “Ah… what’s the last name on that?
    ”You know, Stan.”
    I get this call at least once a week when I'm working on the phones. My department is over 200 people. My particular division of the company, over a thousand. The entire corporation probably has enough people to populate a small suburb. Furthermore, we don't have contact numbers for freelancers at the phone desk, so if you're asking for someone because you spotted the first name in their byline, we're in Lost-cause Land. You know what, lady? Stan's here, but if you don't pay the ransom, you'll never hear from him again!

    Way to break those stereotypes
    “[paper] Newsroom.”
    (Elderly Male): “Why isn’t it littering when your neighbors have trees and you don’t and their leaves blow all over your lawn?”
    “I’m… sorry?”
    ”I’ve got ten feet of leaves on my lawn, and I don’t even have a tree. Why isn’t that considered littering?”
    “Well, sir, I’m not sure if it is technically littering, though I can certainly understand that it’s annoying.”
    “No, it’s littering! If it wasn’t happening, I wouldn’t have to be calling the editorial board of [paper].”
    “Well, I--” CLICK.
    I'm surprised he didn't complain about those damn kids, too.

    Despair is my mistress
    “[paper] Newsroom.”
    “I’m looking for Carol Zellman. That’s Z-e-l-l-m-a-n.”
    “Let me just check that for you… I’m sorry, sir, we don’t seem to have anyone in the company by that name.”
    “Oh, no, I’m looking for her. She lives in Chicago, you see.”
    … “So, you’re just trying to get in touch with this person?”
    “Yeah, and I was thinking you could help.”

    “Um… honestly, sir, I think you would be better off calling Information and giving them the name.”
    “Oh, well, I think her number’s unlisted.”
    (You know, I think that might tell you something....) “Uh, well, we don’t really have a service like that…”
    “Well, I was thinking I could, you know, send in a photo and you could put it in the paper.”
    “You mean, like in an advertisement.”
    “Well, or something. She’s about 5’9”, you see…”
    “Wait, sir, that sort of thing really doesn’t matter. I think what you really need to do is call information and ask for a private detective agency.”
    ”Oh, well, I don’t have that kind of money. Can’t I just send you a picture and put it in the paper?”
    ”Well, I can connect you to the advertising department, but that’s kind of expensive in its own right.”
    “Well, I could afford maybe $5 or $10.”
    “No, no sir, I don’t think that’ll be enough.”
    “Oh, well then. Thanks anyway.”
    Sure, no problem. And thank YOU for calling, sir. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get a gun and a single bullet. Oh, wait, the phone's ringing again....

    I'm just talking so you can jack off to the sound of human suffering; pay no attention to the content
    “[Paper] Newsroom.”
    “Is this Entourage?”
    “Could you repeat that? You've reached the [Paper] Newsroom.”
    “Is this Entourage? Oh, wait, you said this is the newsroom? Sorry about that, buddy.” Click.
    I still have no idea if he was looking for a club, a person or the staff of a TV show....

    Didn't any of you people ever hear of a public library?!?!
    (Caller seems to be patched into the phone line via a Styrofoam cup and string. The tautness on the string seems to vary a bit, too, causing the blurry voice to fade every so often--so not only to I get to run through this conversation, I get to strain to hear it.)
    “I’m calling about that dermatologist, you know the one who was murdered on Michigan?”
    Pause. Dig through memory to a year-old murder investigation (that was, admittedly, noteworthy at the time). “Oh, right, I remember.” Get to Google real quick, ‘cause I know what’s coming next.
    “What was his name again?”
    “Dr. David Cornbleet.”
    ‘What was that?”
    “David. Cornbleet. C-o-r-n—“
    “Wait, wait… C…”
    “t as in tom.”
    “And he was killed in his office on Michigan?”
    “How did he die?”
    “He was stabbed.”
    “And it was in his office?”
    “Where on Michigan was that?”
    “30 N. Michigan.”
    “Do you know if they have improved security there?”
    … “No, no I don’t have that information.”
    “Okay, thank you.” Click
    And here I was hoping that we could go over the Hoffa case, too.

  • #2
    Quoth Freemage View Post
    “Do you know if they have improved security there?”
    … “No, no I don’t have that information.”
    “Okay, thank you.” Click
    And here I was hoping that we could go over the Hoffa case, too.
    I wonder if he asked that because he was planning something
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
      I wonder if he asked that because he was planning something
      I ask, because I plan on killing him again!
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth Freemage View Post

        Way to break those stereotypes
        “[paper] Newsroom.”
        (Elderly Male): “Why isn’t it littering when your neighbors have trees and you don’t and their leaves blow all over your lawn?”
        “I’m… sorry?”
        ”I’ve got ten feet of leaves on my lawn, and I don’t even have a tree. Why isn’t that considered littering?”
        “Well, sir, I’m not sure if it is technically littering, though I can certainly understand that it’s annoying.”
        “No, it’s littering! If it wasn’t happening, I wouldn’t have to be calling the editorial board of [paper].”
        “Well, I--” CLICK.
        I'm surprised he didn't complain about those damn kids, too.

        My neighbor's yard is like that. His leaves always falls onto our driveway. Before he moved in, you could actually see down the street from the inside of our house. But now, when you look over, it looks like a small forest. It is annoying to have to mow our drive way, because of that asshat
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          Quoth Freemage View Post
          On the phones at the newspaper’s newsroom…

          The Regular SC
          “[paper] Newsroom.”
          “Hello, is Stan there?”
          “Ah… what’s the last name on that?
          ”You know, Stan.”
          I get this call at least once a week when I'm working on the phones. My department is over 200 people. My particular division of the company, over a thousand. The entire corporation probably has enough people to populate a small suburb. Furthermore, we don't have contact numbers for freelancers at the phone desk, so if you're asking for someone because you spotted the first name in their byline, we're in Lost-cause Land. You know what, lady? Stan's here, but if you don't pay the ransom, you'll never hear from him again!.
          I used to work for a company that employed over 300,000 worldwide and people would call and ask for Stan and his friends. None of whom actually worked in customer service or seemed to have a last name. The caller also didn't usually have any idea what department or division of the corporation the Stan worked in. Not to mention that among the 300,000 employees there were a couple of hundred people who had the first name Stan. Yet the caller expected us to know who they wanted.

          My #1 pet peeve is people who treat customer service like a switchboard. My company has two 800 numbers, one is a direct line to customer service, the other is the main line for the rest of the company. Guess which one gets the most switchboard type calls?
          Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


          • #6
            Quoth Freemage View Post
            I'm just talking so you can jack off to the sound of human suffering; pay no attention to the content
            “[Paper] Newsroom.”
            “Is this Entourage?”
            “Could you repeat that? You've reached the [Paper] Newsroom.”
            “Is this Entourage? Oh, wait, you said this is the newsroom? Sorry about that, buddy.” Click.
            I still have no idea if he was looking for a club, a person or the staff of a TV show....
            Maybe the TV show. I don't watch Entourage, but I know that 24 will sometimes use a phone number in the show that is connected to a phone on the CTU set, so you may actually get someone from the cast if you call.


            • #7
              Quoth powerboy View Post
              My neighbor's yard is like that. His leaves always falls onto our driveway. Before he moved in, you could actually see down the street from the inside of our house. But now, when you look over, it looks like a small forest. It is annoying to have to mow our drive way, because of that asshat
              Erm, well, it's HIS yard, he can have a tree in it if he wants. Why does having a tree in his yard make him an asshat? Trees are good for the environment.
              My Myspace, add me!


              • #8
                Quoth RammsteinGirl View Post
                Erm, well, it's HIS yard, he can have a tree in it if he wants. Why does having a tree in his yard make him an asshat? Trees are good for the environment.
                OT - We once had neighbours who put in a swimming pool, then complained about our trees dropping leaves in there and would we please remove the trees (that were there 20 years before these morons moved in)? After all the other crap they'd done over the years, we instead started fertilising the trees.

                (we used to refer to them as a vulgar slang term for a certain part of the female anatomy that happened to rhyme with their actual surname.)


                • #9
                  Quoth edible_hat View Post
                  (we used to refer to them as a vulgar slang term for a certain part of the female anatomy that happened to rhyme with their actual surname.)



                  • #10
                    Misanthropy, it's not just for Dr. House anymore!
                    I question my sanity every day. Sometimes it answers.


                    • #11
                      Quoth coldcupofjoe View Post

                      My best guess would be Hunt.

                      Why do I suddenly have the urge to watch "Porky's" right now?
                      Last edited by DGoddessChardonnay; 12-09-2007, 09:15 PM.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        I swear, you add a hick accent and two coworkers fighting over the last doughnut, this is so my everyday at work.
                        "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

