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Customer cuts to front of line, nearly starts brawl. Ah, Holiday magic!

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  • #16
    So when I go to Wally World, I can get a gift card for kickin' somebody's ass? Sweet!!
    If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

    Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".


    • #17
      Dammit, you reminded me that I have to go to Walmart and The Mall.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #18
        I can see both sides of the argument for the gift card, from the manager's view and the counter-view raised here, but I would have to side with the manager. If for nothing else, to reward the guy for standing up for himself and everyone else there, and to apologize for his inconvenience that shouldn't have happened in the first place.


        • #19
          As far as whether to reward (gift card) or punish (kick out) the first guy, I suppose it would depend on what values you want to encourage. No violence or aggression, and the shover gets kicked out. Cooperation and teamwork, and the shover gets a gift card.
          "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

          "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


          • #20
            I was at the CS desk of a local supermarket today. Their were three registers, two were open. I was the only person in line. A "lady" comes in the exit side, ignores the cashier in the open lane and goes up to the clerk helping me and says "miss, miss i need you to do x, y and z for me." The clerk stops looks at her and says, "I am helping a another custoemr now, but <Other clerk> will gladly help you." Sc, not amused stomps of saying she WILL FIND a manager, since "she"(the clerk) is too bust to help a custoemr. I finish my business at the desk and do some shopping. After I check out I see the SC wander up the the CS desk. I stop for a second and her the lady ask the clerk, "miss I can't find a manager to get you in trouble, can you call one for me?" I bet they had a good laugh over that SC.


            • #21
              Quoth mattm04 View Post
              I stop for a second and her the lady ask the clerk, "miss I can't find a manager to get you in trouble, can you call one for me?" I bet they had a good laugh over that SC.
              The solution is simple: page the manager with the least tolerance for stupidity and watch the fireworks
              "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

              "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


              • #22
                The other guy sounds like a jackass too. He could have approached the guy about it without resorting to childish name-calling.


                • #23
                  Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                  I'm glad to hear people still do this. I see it occasionally (I'm in northeastern US), but it is more of a rarity than a common occurrance. I offer sometimes and other people have done the same for me (good karma, and all that), but as a cashier, I rarely see it happen in my own lines. Maybe it's the region and maybe just the store I work at (think: Big Box Retail).

                  I used to do this but I think I'm done. Last time I did, two other people from further back in the line used this as an opportunity to rush up and cut in front of me. One of them didn't say a word, just barged in front of me. The other one, when I said "um excuse me?" huffed and sighed at me and said "well you let that other lady go first and *I* just have 3 items. I am IN A HURRY". Yeah, we were in the express lane, none of us had that many items, (it was 15 items or less, I had 12 or 13 but still....) and we were all in a hurry. She wouldn't move either. The whole experience aggravated me so bad, now I don't want to let people in front of me like that.


                  • #24
                    Wow...I hate to ask this, but where are you from.

                    My family is originally from Chicago, and I could see any of us getting in to a fight. But down here in good ol' southern Indiana people cut and do rude things all the time and people just take it.

                    A guy cut me off in Driver's Ed, so I honked. The teacher said I was 'not being polite'. Ugh I hate slow country life...give me the life where people fist fight at Wal Mart for cutting line. LOL.
                    Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                    • #25
                      My family is originally from Chicago, and I could see any of us getting in to a fight. But down here in good ol' southern Indiana people cut and do rude things all the time and people just take it.
                      I notice that too living in this area. I'm originally from northern ohio where everyone's more "in-your-face" when someone feels violated in one form or another. Someone from up there wouldnt even bat an eye in getting in your face and being like "Hey MF. You got a f****** problem c***sucker!" (they actually talk like the stereotypical jacked-up New Yorker with a Minnesota accent). Here people usually just "go behind your back" and will NEVER confront you face-to-face. I run into that crap with a good deal of "professional" women that have really big heads, the kind that have oversized SUV's, reek of too much Macy's perfume, have WIKY as their ONLY preset on their car radio and tend to be from Newburgh or a really wealthy part of the county.
                      Last edited by ditchdj; 12-02-2007, 03:04 AM.


                      • #26
                        I'm not in a bad part of town, I'm in a canadian city of less than 150 000 in southwestern ontario. and these were two white guys I would say between late 20s and late 30s involved in this incident.

                        And for the record, it was only a $10 gift card, it's not like we gave the guy the moon or anything.
                        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

