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I just want a phone!

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  • I just want a phone!

    My wife’s cell phone is a piece of crap. We wanted to buy a new one, but didn’t want to spend $300, and are mid-contract so we can’t get a deal on one from the service provider.

    Off to e-bay we go.

    I find a guy that sells only a lot of phones and seems reputable. His e-bay name is Batterymania. I win an auction on the phone we want. I have the silver Razr phone, we ordered the Red version so we could use each others chargers, but still could tell them apart. We ordered one that was Brand new (not re-furb), so as to avoid the problems she is having with her phone. We have to pay $18 for shipping, which is INSANE, but that is an entirely different point.

    So, the new phone comes in the mail. I plug it in and leave it charging for 24 hours like it instructs me to. I pull it off the charger when I get home from work. My wife gets home an hour later. We plan on having dinner then going to the store to have the service switched to the new phone. 1 hour 45 minutes after I pull it off the charger it starts to beep that the battery is low. 10 minutes later it shuts itself off.


    I charge it overnight, it dies in less than 2 hours. I put my fully charged and well functioning battery into the phone, and it dies in less than two hours. I try to call the guy, but there is no phone number. I send him a message and he tells me to ship it back to them and he will replace it.

    I’m out $6 shipping. (I have now paid a total of $24 in shipping.)

    We get the new phone a week and a half later. It has the EXACT same problem. It will not hold a charge. I tell the guy again, he tells me to ship it back again, and he will replace it again.

    I’m out another $6 shipping. (I have now paid a total of $30 in shipping.)

    We get the new phone a week and a half later. I open the box to find that it is a refurb, and a BAD one at that. The shell of the phone does not fit the body, and the edges are scratched where someone pried it open. And guess what…it has the EXACT same problem. It will not hold a charge. I tell the guy again, he tells me to ship it back again, and he will replace it again.

    I said no. This is a Motorola phone. Motorola makes good phones, I have had half a dozen of them. You are selling rejects. I gave you THREE chances to give me a good and functional phone. You failed. I want my money back.

    They told me that I would have to pay them back, then they would refund me the original purchase price, minus the initial shipping, and minus the two extra shipping’s at $18 each, AND a 15% restocking fee.

    This means I would be out the initial shipping of $18 + three return shipments @ $6 + two replacement shipments @ 18 + $24 Restocking fee = $96

    What a bunch of crap.

    I did some research. According to a very helpful person at Motorola, the reject rate of my style of phone is less than 0.05%. At that rejection rate, the odds of me getting three rejects in a row are 1 in 800,000.

    I e-mailed him again and said “I need your name, phone number, and physical address. I am filing suit in small claims court for the $96 that you are attempting to charge me. Attached is the statement from Motorola saying that this model of phone has less than a .05% defective rate, which means I only had a 1 in 800,000 chance of getting three bad ones in a row. I am keeping the phone I currently have as evidence that you sent me a refurb, not a new phone as I purchased. Please be aware that you will probably be required to travel to Michigan to defend yourself in court.”

    Less than two hours later I received the following e-mail “I have overnighted a pre-paid shipping sticker to you. If you return the phone I will refund the entire purchase price including the initial and all subsequent shipping.”

    I REALLLLLLYYYY hated to play the “I’ll take you to court” card, but I think it was absolutely insane that I received three non-working phones in a row. None of which were in the original packaging, so I am fairly confident that the first two were re-furbs as well.

    P.S. In case you missed the name earlier, avoid the e-bay seller BATTERYMANIA. They are not a reputable person, and only responds to complaints when directly cornered, and then only acts because they knew that they had a very high liability.

  • #2
    You didn't need to threaten him with court. Threaten him with E-bay. If E-bay finds out that his is selling re-furbished phones as new, it is fraud and they boot him from their site as an abusive user.
    Last edited by LifeCarnie; 11-30-2007, 09:24 PM.
    Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


    • #3
      That is a good point. As soon as we recieve the refund I will do that. I took pictures of the phone and you can see the gaps where the case does not fit, and the scratches allong the edges.


      • #4
        Not to throw a "yeah but..." into the equation, but do you KNOW how many people are STILL waiting for Ebay to look into their complaints? Sellers are NOT threatened by Ebay, because Ebay generally settles on the side of the seller, as they have had so much customer fraud. No, court is a much better threat, because they know Ebay won't do jack squat about the problem and the seller will probably just come back under a new seller's name to do more ill business. I only say this because I have been burned by a bad seller, only to have Ebay respond to my several complaints with a "what do you want from us?" email. Anyway, that's my two cents.


        • #5
          Dude.. WhAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?

          This guy has 461 negatives!!!

          A power seller usually has 30 - 40 from honest mistakes and/or SC's The REALLY good ones have 2...3 or NONE!!! This guy is a pro, sells whatever he gets for as much as he can, and hopes people don't make too much noise. You got a refund by being intelligent and not worth the effort to scam further.

          You REALLY lucked out.

          This guy has litterally thousands of people who got what they wanted, and hundreds who got scammed.



          • #6
            I feel for you. I had to deal with a bad Ebay seller recently. Was not a scam, but she messed up the sizing on a VERY expensive (handmade) dress, and reacted vindictively to a NEAUTRAL rating. Since I rarely buy and most people don't leave ratings, this basically ruined my buyer rating.

            You had it so much worse, and actually, by the point you got at the end of the story, I would've been afraid he was just trying to get the phone away from me and wouldn't actually send one.

            Also, I agree that if you wanted to take action, a lawsuit, while being a bigger headache, would do more than eBay reporting. He can always make a new eBay account. New e-mail and bank account for PayPal, a new address (PO or a friend's), and he'd be good to go.
            The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


            • #7
              As a seasoned Ebay buyer, I can tell you that getting good electronics can be tricky there. The most important thing is to check the feedback. If they have over 400, then that should tell you something about the seller. I make it a rule to buy from those with only a 100%. Sometimes, I'll go a 97-99, but I make sure to read the neg feedback first to see what the prob was.

              Hope you can find the phone you want!


              • #8
                My favorite Ebay seller is Returns Central. They sell returned items and have a 30 day return policy. I got a camera with a very slight defect for a steep discount there, and the slight defect does not interfere with its operation in any way. Shipping was fast and the seller was very professional. I don't know if they have phones, but it might be worth a try- lord only knows people return things for a million reasons, and probably the LEAST common reason is that there's actually something WRONG with it!
                My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                • #9
                  Things I've learned when shopping ebay:

                  Always, always, always run the seller's name through

                  If there are more negs than I care to see in the past month, go on to the next seller.

                  If the seller's rating is below body temperature (98.6) go on to the next seller.

                  If the seller is not in the US, go on to the next seller.

                  If the seller does not accept PayPal (a violation of the eBay TOS for sellers), go onto the next seller.

                  I use this method for as well.
                  Random conversation:
                  Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                  DDD: Cuz it's cool

                  So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                  • #10
                    Quoth bob the goat View Post
                    My wife’s cell phone is a piece of crap. We wanted to buy a new one, but didn’t want to spend $300, and are mid-contract so we can’t get a deal on one from the service provider.

                    depends on who you have service through-
                    For example if you go through my company if your phone is lost/stolen/ or damaged without insurance we'll let you sign a 1 year contract and get a handset at 1 year(about $100 more than with a new 2 year contract-but still less than full retail) pricing(for example if your contract is up next June-the discounted phone would extend your contract until december 1st 2008), and we used to give 25% off full retail.

                    Call customer service-be nice, explain that the phone is not working right and ask what your options are
                    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                    • #11
                      Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
                      If the seller is not in the US, go on to the next seller.
                      Unless you want bootleg products, in which case they're awesome.
                      The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


                      • #12
                        Quoth napoleana View Post
                        Unless you want bootleg products, in which case they're awesome.
                        There are US sellers that have bootleg. Not all bootlegs are overseas. You just gotta know where to look.

                        I don't buy them if I can avoid them, but with the Geneon debacle, I may have to do that.
                        Random conversation:
                        Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                        DDD: Cuz it's cool

                        So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                        • #13
                          I use them for cosplay supplies because a US seller has yet to make what I'm looking for (these are NANA accessory replicas, not Naruto headbands), but 1) I don't buy from any that have bellow a 99.0 rating, 2) unless it has insurance at a reasonable price, I don't buy anything that would be a tragedy if it got lost in shipping (which hasn't happened yet), and 3) I read the negatives.

                          I think it depends on what you're looking for, and you need a willingness to accept a little risk. But no, I wouldn't buy electronics. We can't even get dependable ones from; why would I expect good ones from eBay?

                          Edit: Oh, and no one with horrible English. I need to be able to communicate with them if something does go wrong.
                          Last edited by napoleana; 12-01-2007, 05:10 PM.
                          The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


                          • #14
                            ive just resently gotten alittle in to ebay (rating barely there so not big) because its easier to get the comics im looking for through it. But hey i wont do anything without seeing the negatives. If the negatives say something like, missing x more than 10 times yeah no...

