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The Joys of Lotto

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  • The Joys of Lotto

    So I know a lot of people overseas visit this I'll start out by explaining that during the first of the month the treasury department thinks its a good idea to mail all the elderly and disabled people in the US their social security checks. However a large majority of people who claim to be 'disabled' and unable to work are entitlement whores who found a quack doctor who would write an excuse so that they can sit at home and get free money from taxpayers (at least from what I observe).

    Now we sell lotto tickets at our store. Which means the first of the month is a bad time to be at the service desk. I have probably rang up close to over a $1000 in lotto alone today. Then I get the old people who hoard their tickets for a month and expect me to check all 95 or so tickets they have brought in.

    My favorite is when people ask me about lottos that we don't sell. I'm in Indiana which has Powerball but not MegaMillions...yet we have people ask what the megamillions numbers were or what the jackpot is. I DON'T KNOW!

    I hate the first of the month. I hate the social security department. I hate white trash. And I hate entitlement whores. That's my message, thanks for reading.
    Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store

  • #2
    When I worked at the Store 24 many years ago, I watched people throw away their money on lottery tickets and make my life miserable. The worst time to work was between 9 and 11 pm on lottery nights, because that is when the machines would go off-line and people would be lining up to buy them at the last minute. This was followed by a transitional period where people were realizing they were too late to buy a ticket or too early for us to know the numbers. Then the phone would start ringing, less than TWO MINUTES after the numbers were drawn on TV! Why can't they just watch it on TV??? They repeat it every time the thing goes to commercial. Eventually, a co-worker brought in an answering machine and we recorded the numbers as soon as we found them out. We couldn't just unplug the phone or not answer it because there might be actually an important call, or whatever.

    Watching these folks throw away their money on scratch tickets, sometimes scratching their tickets at the little counter and leaving it and making a mess, I would wish they'd just throw their money away at me instead.

    This sure brings back memories, does it ever. Thank god I left before they tried to make me a "supervisor".
    I was not hired to respond to those voices.


    • #3
      It aggravates the hell out of me too. Everytime someone steals from the SS department, they're stealing from people who really need it. And then they spend it all on lottery tickets? Sheesh... See, this is why they put a time limit on welfare in NYC, too many people were abusing it.
      6/16/2008: Best. Day. Ever.

      Things I've Learned: Birth is not a miracle, it's a science, and science is damned disgusting. It's also really, really, cool.


      • #4
        It's really sad when towns (like the one I live in) almost *thrive* off of the "first of the month people." At a couple of the jobs I worked at (including this one) we have to brace ourselves around the beginning of the month. People have to work extra shifts/hours just to handle the crowd and that's when we usually have our highest sale days....

        I think our welfare has a time limit on it as well. But most people have found a way around it by claiming disability.
        This area is left blank for a reason.


        • #5
          Let's save the discussion of who deserves welfare assistance to Fratching!

          Other than that, as far as SC behavior goes, let 'er rip.
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #6
            Just remember....

            You work hard because millions on Welfare depend on you.
            Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


            • #7
              This discussion IS closed.

              Anything further on this topic can go to Fratching!.
              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

