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SCs and Snakes

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  • #31
    Quoth Saydrah View Post

    Breeders who make money are what we in the rat fancy call 'bad breeders,' backyard breeders' 'feeder breeders' 'petstore breeders' and 'jerks.' The point is, you can't raise rats, treat them well, get the best stock available, provide them with a nutritious diet and appropriate caging, and produce loving, healthy pets without:

    1. A lot of research and at least a year of getting to know people in the hobby and learning from them before you start breeding.

    2. Spending a LOT of money. I drove 16 hours one way for my foundation stock and drive the same distance to the only show with respectable quarantine practices in the fancy in order to exhibit my rats before trained judges. That's just the beginning. I have spent more on my rats in the past year than I have on food and entertainment for myself, by a factor of about five.

    3. Spending a LOT of time. You can't make money when you have one litter a month, which is the MAX I think most breeders can handle, with a couple exceptions. Babies need DAILY socializing, no exceptions.

    4. VET BILLS. No matter how great your caretaking skills are, you will have VET BILLS and the caps are there for a reason.

    If you want a business venture, I suggest that you look outside animal breeding. People who breed animals and do it right tend to lose money or MAYBE break even. A great rat is around $30-$50 at the MOST. That doesn't even cover one tank of gas for my 16 hour drives, and mine do not sell for that much- only one breeder I know commands that price for his rats, and it's for good reason. Other animals are much the same, though the numbers are different. The costs of doing it right are high, and the rewards are, at most, covering the food bill for the month. I do this because I love rats and I want to produce healthy, sweet rats that will improve the fancy overall. I love having babies around and I love being proud of the fact that my foundation rats are among the best in the Western United States. This is what a 'hobby breeder' is- someone who breeds because they love the animals and as a HOBBY- something you SPEND money on, not something you get money FROM.
    Good points. I didn't even think of the vet bills actually, among others.


    • #32
      Quoth TheSnakeLady View Post
      LOL... I had a snake that did that to my sis... Though I think it's a "warm person" thing and not a cleavage thing, since a friend of mine has a cornsnake that keeps trying to crawl up her husband's shorts.
      It was funny tho, especially with the uninitiated; one very large boobed woman actually screamed when she looked down and saw the snake's tail disappearing up her sleeve. XD We just stood there and told her to wait, and that he'd come out when he was ready. She stood like a statue, and then he came out her other sleeve.

      Regarding breeding rats; while I worked at the pet centre there was one time when I bred two of the rats, and there were special circumstances. This stupid woman who'd let her female rats escape brought two of them back to get a refund. One was alright but the other was vicious; I and my collegue suspected that she'd been cruel to it, ie swung it by its tail or thrown something at it cuz no rat just turns nasty just like that.

      We then had a problem; we couldn't sell it as a pet, cuz it really was nasty. We had to wear gloves to change its food and water, cuz it would just leap like a tiger at a hand that appeared in its cage. Then my collegue got a brainwave. If we proved that the rat was fertile, then maybe our regular breeder would buy it at a reduced price. So we put in the cage of the "bitchrat" a male rat we had at the time that was huge and taking a while to sell; we figured he might as well earn his keep. xD

      Needless to say, he did his bit and we ended up with the bitchrat having 9 babies. The babies were all sold, some of them earmarked even before they were old enough to leave their mother and we did sell the bitchrat to our breeder for the reduced price of £2. Of course, both myself and my collegue knew what we were doing, regarding the breeding; but we saw it as a means to an end, ie to find out whether the rat was fertile, rather than a means of making money. It was also weird how fast the baby rats sold; we had other pet rats for sale at the time, but the baby rats were somehow more desirable.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #33
        It was also weird how fast the baby rats sold;
        Baby rats are much cuter than adult rats. I tried raising my own feeders once, and they got really cute just about the size that would make a decent cornsnake meal. >.< Never did get a mouse colony to reproduce well. Allergies killed that venture... now I just order frozen/thawed in bulk.


        • #34
          Quoth Saydrah View Post
          If you want a business venture, I suggest that you look outside animal breeding. People who breed animals and do it right tend to lose money or MAYBE break even. A great rat is around $30-$50 at the MOST.
          Maybe you can point me towards one of these breeders? I've had pet rats, but had to stop. They would only live for about 2 years. I kept buying from pet shops, because I couldn't find a rat breeder, and didn't know how to find one I could trust.

          When the last one was put to sleep, it broke my heart. I know it was the right thing to do, but ... Damn, that hurt. I felt terrible letting them take him in to go to sleep, I really did. Oh hell, it hurts to think about it.

          Still, point me to one? I'd love to have a couple that were from good enough stock to live a few years, instead of just two. No, it's not a guarantee, but it's a starting point.



          • #35
            Quoth TheSnakeLady View Post
            Baby rats are much cuter than adult rats.
            That's just it; we had loads of baby rats in at the time, cept for the male; however the ones born on the premises were seemingly more attractive.

            Well, cept to one family who bypassed all the babies to coo over the male; they bought him and named him Chucky. XD
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #36
              Quoth TheSnakeLady View Post
              LOL... I had a snake that did that to my sis... Though I think it's a "warm person" thing and not a cleavage thing, since a friend of mine has a cornsnake that keeps trying to crawl up her husband's shorts.
              Is it a girl snake?


              • #37
                Is it a girl snake?
                Nope, and that's the funny part.


                • #38
                  Quoth TheSnakeLady View Post
                  LOL... I had a snake that did that to my sis... Though I think it's a "warm person" thing and not a cleavage thing, since a friend of mine has a cornsnake that keeps trying to crawl up her husband's shorts.
                  I can't believe I'm the first to new meaning to the term "trouser snake"
                  Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                  • #39
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                    My ex's roommate has a snake (don't know what kind; I've never seen it as it's in his bedroom, but judging from the size of his tank, he can't be all that big). When I learned that I had a pang of for little Pablo. He's been mistaken for a bunny before...a snake might think he's just a big mouse...
                    My husband had an indoor/outdoor cat that would show off his kills by bringing them to the front door. One morning the cat is standing there proudly with a chihuahua. I always wondered if the cat thought it was a big rat?

