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A few short delivery stories

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  • #16
    You were delivering pizza at 8 months? There's no way I could have put up with the amount of suckiness that you do with all those raging hormones! My hat(if I was wearing one)goes off to you!

    Also, I can't believe that people called you during a power outage to order pizza! How did they expect you to cook it, by candlelight???


    • #17
      I remember when I answered the phone at the gas station I work at and the person on the line wanted me to deliver cigs to her house! Convo went something like this:

      Me: "... Service how my I help you?"
      SC: I would like a carton of B&H Blue stripe delivered to blah blah.
      Me: ...(stunned silence for a moment as my brain tried to catch up)
      SC: I need it in 10 min!!
      Me: You do realize that you phoned a gas station right?
      SC: OF COURSE where else would I get cigs from!!
      Me: We don't deliver.
      Me: We don't deliver.
      SC: (more screaming)

      I kinda lost patience with her and just started saying "no" over and over again until she hung up.

      Funny part was she phoned back later and got the owner and complained that I was rude and refused to deliver her cigs.

      We had a good laugh about that after. I love my boss.


      • #18
        This dredged up memories of a little old lady called Liz. A dear sweet old thing she was, if everything was going her way. She was unable to travel far due to the incapacities of age, but she persuaded the managers of the local convenience store to deliver to her. They didn't do deliveries, but they did this on their own time as what they perceived to be the right thing to do.

        They'd pop out for the five-minute walk to her place during their lunch break and take the carrier bag of food to her door. There came a time when one manager had the day off and the other was sick. In comes Smiler, a lady who worked there and was my source of information.

        She took the order and told Liz that she would pop it around after work. This wasn't good enough! Smiler explained the reason. Oh, did Liz have a fit or what? Yes, indeed she did.

        The result? Nobody would even take her phone calls and she was banned from the store on the occasions she could get out.

        Yes, it was that bad.



        • #19
          I love these stories!

          By now I'm wondering if he isn't a parrot who has been trained a few lines.. Or if he thinks repeating the same line there any faster, I also noticed that he has ordered 1 Ribeye dinner.. Just 1, no kids meals, no mutiple dinners.
          Hmm....methinks somehow I picture a man laying down a ribeye steak on a large plate and he and his "kids" wolf it down like dogs.


          • #20
            Quoth Racket_Man View Post
            some nights I am VERY GLAD that I do not own an AK-47 with a back seat full of ammo.

            one of these days I am going to post my rules of delivery start to finish from the phone ringing to when I get back to the store to after close.
            There's this great song by Tom Smith, Domino Death. I always snicker when I hear it.
            I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


            • #21
              my mouth dropped open when you said you would go through drive thru's of other places for people. wow. i would never think of asking someone working to do that. you are incredibly nice.
              I also advocate the use of the "delinquency bat" where people with the juevos to ask things like that and dont have the money, get "anatomical readjustment"
              (i hit them).


              • #22
                Ugh, pizza delivery. Did it full-time for a year, and part time for almost three
                more. Most horrible eight years of my life. The things we have to do to pay
                the rent.

                The bane of my existence was poor tippers. You drive through a rainstorm in
                late November (temp about 35 degrees), in YOUR car, dealing with ignorant rubes
                who got their driver's licenses from the gumball machines at Wal-Mart, to the
                address of a $300K home with a Cadillac in the driveway (and probably a Jag in
                the garage), and you get to 'keep the change' from $30 on an order that was
                $29.30. Yeah, buddy, like that 70 cents will even make a DOWN PAYMENT on
                the gas I used to get your damned food to you, you cheap bastard.

                I have to admit, though, I thought I'd seen it all. But never, EVER, have I had a
                call from someone wanting me to deliver food from another place.


                • #23
                  Me: Sir.. Are you going to order a pizza or argue?

                  SC: Argue.. You should be able to bring me whatever I want
                  Well, at least he's honest...
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #24
                    I will stop by for something for a large tip if we're not busy. I got a $20 tip for picking up a bottle opener on my way one night.

