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Xmas brings out the worst in people... (long)

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  • Xmas brings out the worst in people... (long)

    From yesterday:
    It was craaaazy busy all day. My store is a small volume one, and we don't really do much business. As a result, we generally only have one cashier ringing, and maybe two if it's really busy. I had three cashiers at any given time. It was mayhem. Add to that associates who either called off, NC/NS'ed, or who were busy out on the floor, and it was rough. Especially considering that the three cashiers I had ringing left two people out on the floor (manager and a framer). Very rough.

    So there's finally a lull in the customers, and it was just me ringing. I have two customers in line. One of them (the first in line) had a huge cart full of stuff (we'll call her SC). The other only had one item that I could see (We'll call her NC for "nice customer"). Since SC got there only shortly before the other customer (by a matter of a few seconds), I asked her if it would be okay if I took care of NC, as she only had one item. SC glares at me, and NC simply states, "oh, that's fine--I have a basket of stuff" (which was sitting on the floor; the only thing she was holding was a wreath, which led me to believe that she had one item. An honest mistake). I thank her and apologize for my misjudgment to the both of them. SC meanwhile had become more huffy and started mouthing off something along the lines of "this is ridiculous" and the absolute worst--"maybe YOU need to think about getting some more CASHIERS up here." I look around--nope; still two customers in line. She was just getting surly because I had merely suggested that it'd be nice to be polite to another customer, which I think anyone would have done. (I also have a suspicion--and I *hate* that this would even factor into it--that SC wasn't a happy camper because she was a different race than NC and I . Again, I hate to even mention it, but the way SC overreacted suggests it). Luckily, though, NC's transaction went smoothly and she was cheerful all the while, even after SC's transaction, which took forever. It was nice to end that ordeal with a customer who was very sweet.

    Two from today:
    I snicker every time I recall this...
    Basically, I got yelled at for answering the phone. By the person who called.
    Once again, I had three cashiers ringing. All three of us answering phones when able. I pick up this call, and then this happens...
    SC: Yeah--I was on hold; someone was checking on some play-doh for me, but we got disconnected.
    Me: Okay--I'll have that associate pick up your call. Just one moment. (prepares to put SC on hold when...)
    SC: Do you know if she was able to find it? Oh, i forget her name... What was her name?
    Me: I don't know, ma'am--I wasn't the one who took care of your first call, but if you could just hold for just a--
    SC: (yelling) Are you SERIOUS? Are you going to be able to get her? I can't believe this! Will you be able to take care of this?! (among other groans, laments...)
    Me: (grinding teeth, eye literally twitching) Ma'am, I assure you that I am absolutely fully capable of completing such a menial task. Please hold.

    Now, she could have waited patiently. This would have resulted in me asking my co-worker, ten feet away from me who took the call and transfer accordingly, taking less than ten seconds. BUT she took the long route, insults me, whines, and wastes about 40 seconds. Which is the better method?

    And finally...:
    I had *just* taken my till out of my drawer and was fleeing to the office so I could count down when a customer (who saw my drawer in my hands, and still decided it was a great idea to bug me) decided to accost me. (in this case "sc" stands for "STUPID" customer).
    SC: Say, if this is on sale for 25% off, and the coupon is (I already know where this is going...) for 40% off, can I use the 40% off, too?
    Me: Unfortunately, no. Sale prices are fixed, and we cannot give any additional discounts on them.
    SC: Really? It would just be a really good deal if I could use the 40%. There isn't a way to make it the original price and then take the discount off it?
    Me: No, there isn't. Sale prices are non-negotiable. If an item is on sale you cannot get it for any other price (at least at my store).
    SC: What if it's on sale for 30% off?
    Me: No. Ma'am, the coupons are only good for 40% off any one regular price item. It's written on the coupon you have there.
    SC: Ohhhh--so the coupon's only good for regular-priced items. I see. Thanks!

    Really? Did she *have* to ask three times? Did she think I'm like that guy from Austin Powers and that I'll cave after she asked me thrice? I hate people...
    Last edited by Listerfiend; 12-03-2007, 03:30 AM.

  • #2
    I'll admit to being annoyed about mark-downs that seem primarily to negate a much better coupon discount (ie, 25% off negating a 40% off coupon). Presumably, the customer came to the store looking for the item, hoping to use the coupon; being blocked from doing so because of a supposed discount is rather frustrating. That said, I also realize cashiers don't set policy; in such a circumstance, I would politely head over to customer service and discuss the policy with the manager, make my case, and base my actions according to the response I got.


    • #3
      Had a woman yesterday who brought some Christmas lights up to check out, I rang them up, and she handed me a coupon. "I'm sorry, I can't use the coupon on these, since they're on sale already."
      *blank look from customer* "This coupon is not valid on purchases of trees, etc."
      "You're missing this whole line here, 'Coupon valid only on regular price items'. I'm sorry about that, but I can't take the coupon."
      So, she asks me to hold the lights while she goes to get some other stuff. And never returns.

      On top of that, I had a line of two people yesterday. Two people. Three other registers were open, as well. Suddenly, customer two starts muttering, "You'd think they'd have all the registers open, seeing as it's Christmas!"
      Having all the registers open would seriously cut into our given hours for... basically, everyone else in the store. Besides that, we've been dead slow at times, if we had all our registers open, we'd be wasting hours. It wasn't like my transaction was going to take very long, either. It was a matter of minutes, at most.
      "I call murder on that!"

