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Most pathetic scam attempt ever.

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  • Most pathetic scam attempt ever.

    This SC seemed like your average fuel customer... fills up their car, pays, then goes back to the car, gets in and drives away. Except instead of driving away she got out of the car and came back into the store.

    SC: "There's something wrong with your pumps! My fuel gauge was on half, I put in $30 worth and the gauge still says half! And there's nothing wrong with the gauge."
    Me: "OK, what I'll have to do is take your details and pass them on to the manager..."
    SC: "Can't you do something now? Give me some free fuel or something?"
    Me: "I'll take your details for the manager, or I can call Weights & Measures and you can wait until they get here."
    SC: "No it's OK" (leaves)

    Did she seriously think I'd take her word and give her free fuel?

  • #2
    Quoth edible_hat View Post
    Did she seriously think I'd take her word and give her free fuel?
    Remember, SCs are stupid, but think that they are smart. They ascribe their stupidity to everyone else.

    So, yes, she probably seriously thought she could scam you.



    • #3
      Quoth draco664 View Post
      Remember, SCs are stupid, but think that they are smart. They ascribe their stupidity to everyone else.
      LOL, when I worked at the movie theatre, my favorite would be a customer acting all high and mighty, looking down upon us "dumb, lowly, theatre workers" and then attempting to storm out only to slam into the huge glass doors.

      "Push to Exit"

      All they had to do.


      • #4
        Pfft woman drivers....

        I kid, I kid !!!!

        Maybe she just didn't realize that many gas gauges take a few moments to a few minutes to climb all the way up to the new measured amount of fuel.

        Not knowing this may have had her act without thinking.

        Or maybe she just pumped fuel into the trunk?


        • #5
          maybe she just didn't realize the ever-climbing cost of gas and feels that the $30 that filled her tank a few years ago should be sufficient enough to fill her tank now.

          I have one of the tiniest cars known to man, and when the cost of gas isn't too bad it costs me over $45 nowadays, I've paid well over $50 before though.


          • #6
            Oh, my God! How many other gas stations does she try pulling that on? It's kind of like when the police pull you over for speeding, doing 80 in a 55, and you try talking your way out of the ticket by saying, "But officer, my speedometer said 55!" I should know. I pulled this once and the cop would not budge, probably because he hears that 20 times a day.


            • #7
              Quoth greensinestro View Post
              Oh, my God! How many other gas stations does she try pulling that on? It's kind of like when the police pull you over for speeding, doing 80 in a 55, and you try talking your way out of the ticket by saying, "But officer, my speedometer said 55!" I should know. I pulled this once and the cop would not budge, probably because he hears that 20 times a day.
              you know, at least make it sound reasonable... like if you get pulled over for doing 75 in a 65, tell the officer your speedometer was between 65 and 70, still speeding, but being honest about being a few miles over and they may at least reduce the fine or better yet, let you off with a warning.

              Oh and for the gas... i just put just over a quarter tank in my car (a nissan versa, which is considered a compact) and it cost $15... so I can easily see $30 taking the gauge to just over half (especially since utah is still below the national average for per gallon cost).
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                Quoth mymaskofsanity View Post
                Pfft woman drivers....

                I kid, I kid !!!!

                Maybe she just didn't realize that many gas gauges take a few moments to a few minutes to climb all the way up to the new measured amount of fuel.

                Not knowing this may have had her act without thinking.

                Or maybe she just pumped fuel into the trunk?
                On my Ford Escort ZX2, the gauge goes up fast. Between $15-$20 will fill it up, if it is under the 1/4 mark.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  "Certainly, ma'am, if you'll just come this way..." *Points in the direction of the "[strikethru]WARNING! STAIRS OUT![/strikethru] ZOMG FREE GAS!" door.*


                  Dammit...can't figure out how to get strike through to work.
                  You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                  • #10
                    WARNING! STAIRS OUT! ZOMG FREE GAS!" door.

                    Hope this works


                    • #11
                      Quoth edible_hat View Post
                      SC: "There's something wrong with your pumps!"
                      "Are you sure it's the pump and not the one operating the pump?"

                      Free fuel ... that's such an oxymoron ...
                      This area is left blank for a reason.


                      • #12
                        Quoth gunsage View Post
                        "Certainly, ma'am, if you'll just come this way..." *Points in the direction of the "[strikethru]WARNING! STAIRS OUT![/strikethru] ZOMG FREE GAS!" door.*


                        Dammit...can't figure out how to get strike through to work.
                        Just highlight the part you want struck through and click on the S above the message.

                        Alternately, type [ S ] and [ /S ] around the struck through part (remove the spaces, though).
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #13
                          A few weeks ago I pull up behind some old lady filling her car. I get out, insert CC go thru appropriate steps to begin pumping and as I am pumping she begin yelling at me for stealing gas. I explain I am using a credit card, and the transaction occurs just like any other CC transaction. Se stop and go up the the attendant, since she is hard of hearing the clerk turns up the volume on the speaker.

                          OL: Miss, that guy is stealing gas!! You better stop him!!
                          C: <pause> Maam, that is a Credit Card transaction and the gas is paid for.
                          OL: No, it is not, call the police, he is stealing.
                          ....repeat tis concept over and over.....
                          BY the time I finished the Old lady was still arguing with the clerk as I drove off.

                          BTY, I have TrailBlazer and $40 will fill the tank from 1/4 at $3/Gal.

