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I hate this man...(long)

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  • I hate this man...(long)

    some background before i get into the story. one of my managers and i each of a list of 6 people. these 6 people are all customers. they are the ones we hate the most. each spot is dedicated to a customer who has been rude and hateful, or just plain sucky towards us. well, because of this story, a regular who wasn't on my list, jumped to number 1, and pushed somebody else off.

    we have this regular(now to be known as SR for sucky regular). i don't know his name, but another AM knows him, and always make comments abou him being off his medicine. i honestly don't know if SR has some condition that he needs to take medicine to make him nice or what, cause i can't believe half the stuff out of my AM's mouth. but SR can be nasty one minute, and then give him a few minutes to calm down,and he isnt. then the next day, he will be nice to whoever he was nasty to.

    one of my coworkers avoids him, because SR kept asking her to come to his house, for random things, and then for Easter dinner. now...SR is probably in his 40's, and my coworker is 19. creepy or what? he doesn't leave her alone when he comes in, so anytime i see him approaching her, i walk up and tell her i need to talk about something over in a different aisle. she understood what i was doing the first time, so whenever i use that line, she knows i really don't need her, she just agrees, and walks with me.

    another time, we had a trainee, C, on front register, when she called for customer assistance up front. my manager was in the office counting money, and couldn't go up unless absolutely neccessary, so she sent me. it was SR. he had a W card, which is what he give to people when they return things without reciepts, or if we think it is a suspicious return. you CANNOT buy cigarettes on it. the register will not allow it. we have no way of overturning it. well, C didn't know that. so i go up there.

    Me: you can't buy cigarettes on a W card. the register won't let you.

    SR: i just bought that card today! it should be good!

    Me: you didn't buy this card today. you can't buy it. we give it to customers when the return things.

    Sr:Fine, i got it today. i want to buy the cigarettes on it.

    Me: im sorry, it won't let us do it.

    SR: why not?? make it do it!

    Me: we have no control over it. its a corporate policy.

    SR: im getting so angry. im going to come back and throw a BRICK throw your windows!

    Me:OK! did you have another form of payment for the cigarettes? no? ok.

    so i went to grab the keys for a void. i told the manager what he said, and she said if he is still causing problems, let her know. i go back out, and he is still there(i guss some woman paid for his cigarettes), and i didn't want to leave C by herself with him, so i stood there for 10 minutes waiting. my manager called me, and i told her what i was doing. so she came out, and waited until he left.

    now, this following story is what pushed him to number 1. some more backstory. we have another regular customer who i absolutely adore. in fact, all our employees do. we call him Teddy. he is handicapped, and actually has no legs. he is the sweetest man ive met. he came in yesterday, and was buying some stuff. before he put his stuff on the counter, i heard SR outside, yelling at some woman outside. i don't know what about, but i could tell it was angry yelling.

    as im ringing out Teddy, SR got in line. he then CAME BEHIND MY COUNTER and grabbed a pack of cigarettes. broke two rules!!!do not come behind counter, do not get your own cigarettes. so i finish with Teddy. as soon as i finish my conversation with Teddy, i turn to SR.

    Me-Please do not come beh-
    SR im already in a rush and you are stalling me even more!
    Me(at this point, i decided i was going to be firm and not nice)- do NOT come behind this counter again! do NOT grab your cigarettes again!
    SR- I won't come back here again! if you see me in here again, just scream!
    Me,thinking, is that a promise?
    SR is going on and on, when Teddy jumps in.
    Teddy to SR- if you don't watch that mouth, you better watch that foot, cause i will be driving this 300 pound wheelchair on it!

    SR- you think your man enough? oh wait you aint a man! you have no legs!

    i was furious at that point. i do not have the power to throw people out, and the whole thing was done beofre i could call a manager.

    i am going to have a talk with my store manager tonight. he is getting ridiculous.

  • #2
    what a self involved ass, people like them should get the boot! i hope teddy wasnt hurt by that dips comment!
    it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.


    • #3
      That SR, should have his ass kicked and tossed out & banned from the store
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        i talked to the store manager. he has been banned!


        • #5
          Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
          i talked to the store manager. he has been banned!
          yay! that makes me very happy!
          it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.

