By all means, LEAVE THE AREA COMPLETELY. Sure, we have nothing else to do but circle the entire effing store a minimum of four times in search of someone who, instead of having common courtesy and STAYING THERE, just absolutely HAS to be different and play a cute little game of Hide-And-Go-Seek. How about Hide-And-Go-F***-Yourself? I don't know which habit is more rude, having someone get something for you and then leaving, or the IDIOTS that leave used tissues in the shopping carts instead of *gasp* throwing them away.
I'm sorry to rant. I know that the entire world revolves around you, my oh-so-precious customer. I realize that we are just lowly, lowly peons, and that peasants like me are a dime a dozen and you're completely above us. Just because I'll get in trouble for not getting as much work done as I COULD HAVE GOTTEN DONE IF I DIDN'T HAVE TO PLAY HIDE-AND-GO-SEEK WITH EVERY CUSTOMER, doesn't make it rude, or an inconvenience. After all, I AM here to hold your hand and do all your shopping for you.
I'm sorry to rant. I know that the entire world revolves around you, my oh-so-precious customer. I realize that we are just lowly, lowly peons, and that peasants like me are a dime a dozen and you're completely above us. Just because I'll get in trouble for not getting as much work done as I COULD HAVE GOTTEN DONE IF I DIDN'T HAVE TO PLAY HIDE-AND-GO-SEEK WITH EVERY CUSTOMER, doesn't make it rude, or an inconvenience. After all, I AM here to hold your hand and do all your shopping for you.