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Yes, the cheese melts instantly,,,

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  • Yes, the cheese melts instantly,,,

    Anyway, so I am the head chef at a corporate cafeteria. Which means, we have the most impatient asswipes as customers.

    Today, a SC orders a cheese burger from the grill. (because they are so impatient we actually have to precook the burgers to about medium. They will actually not wait the 5 minutes it takes to cook one fresh)
    My grill cook finishes the burger and gives it to the SC.

    SC: "it's cold."
    Grill cook: rolls his eyes, takes the burger from her, and temps it.
    "the temp is 170, it is not cold"
    Hands it back.
    I kindly explain to her. "The burger is not cold, the cheese is cold."
    SC: "Well if the burger was hot the cheese would have melted."
    Me: "Mam, cheese does not melt instantly, if you want your cheese melted, your burger will be overcooked."
    SC: rolls her eyes and walks away.
    god I wanted to take that burger and shove it in her face.