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Nice guys finish first occasionally! :)

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  • Nice guys finish first occasionally! :)

    This just goes to show you the rewards that can be reaped by being nice:

    I recently added my son to my cell line, upgraded to unlimited text, but stupidly didn't upgrade my minutes and (even more stupidly) failed to tell my son how many minutes we had to share each month. What would normally have been a $120.00 US bill ended up being a bit over $300.00. Bad part is, I couldn't even blame my teenager for it, since I hadn't told him how many minutes we had.

    But I digress.

    I called my cell company today to move up to the next tier, which is 1400 minutes per month. I explained what happened to the customer service rep and why I had to move up. She was polite, funny, and accomodating. I told her that I work in customer service, and that I am well acquainted with the nitwits who scream and yell at me for things that are totally beyond my control.

    Long story short, she pulled up my last month bill, looked at the overage minutes, and SPLIT the difference with me. I ended up getting a credit for over $100.00. At no time did I ask or expect to be credited, since it was completely my fault that the overages occured, but she did it anyway.

    I was pleasantly surprised and excited. I promptly got her name and location and emailed a compliment about her to the website.

    I can't help but wonder if I would have gotten a credit if I had been yelling and screaming.

    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

  • #2
    depends on the supervisor that day, I'd guess

    I've had similar things happen. I firmly believe being nice gets you more.
    Pit bull-

    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


    • #3
      One thing I like about my company, my manager just never happens to be around, if the guest has a problem they must speak to guest relations (which is bs, I always have a manager on duty here that I report to)... and I know people who work over there... if the guest is nice they will bend over backwards for them, if they are mean and nasty they will quote policy that restricts them until the fat lady sings.
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        i think if your nice and willing to help them help you, those in customer service are alot more likely to be nice and give you a break.
        mostly just because you gave them a nice refreshing break from the ass hats of the world.
        it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.


        • #5
          Being nice certainly does get you more. We do it at my store all the time, if people are buying several expensive cameras or getting plenty of warranty goodness and whatnot, and they haven't complained once we'll tell them "and we'll throw in a second memory card" for you or something else they may want/need.
          If they bitching and moaning about a $300 camera? sorry, prices are set by the manufacturers.

          Always remember: it doesn't hurt to ask POLITELY.


          • #6
            I agree. The people who act like three year olds when they were "overcharged" are usually lying and trying to trick us. The people who calmly go up to the CS desk and explain the situation, their was a sign, i didn't notice it scanned twice, etc. are usually telling the truth. The same goes when they ask for a product, nice we look really hard, sucky, not so much.

