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Amusing Tidbits (not sucky)

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  • Amusing Tidbits (not sucky)

    I spent the weekend working retail hell, feeling tired, bitter and very unholiday-like. So I thought I would try to recall a couple amusing moments from work and remember that not all is as sucky as it seems.

    Mr. Awesome Funny Hat
    There is a gentleman who comes in occassionally that, for want of a better word, is unique. Or rather, his hat is. He is an older gentleman and very polite, and his hat can be seen from across the store. It is big, floppy, has streamers, sparkles and so help me, even a pinwheel. I'm sure the jokes on us, because anytime I see it, I can't help but smile. Not sure what he does for a living, but I'm sure it involves beating to his own drum. Once I looked outside to see what type of vehicle he drove. Rest assured, his van puts the hat to shame.

    Wait, what am I holding
    Quite a few customers swipe the wrong card through the card reader. Not the wrong credit card, but the wrong card entirely. They'll swipe through some random store point card and glare at the reader for beeping at them as undreadable. Fortunately, these people really don't stay sucky. Not once they realize what they're holding and that they grabbed the wrong card. This happens pretty often, actually.

    The Land of Potter
    I used to work in a Movie/Music store and when the previous Harry Potter book came out, we were required to ask for reservations. Actually, there was a contest who could get the most reservations (I won, yipee), so that was the real reason I asked. What I found so amusing is that you simply couldn't tell who was a Harry Potter reader and who wasn't. People would get so excited and then you'd have the very maternal, grandmotherly types who would go rant because Harry Potter is EVIL. The best, though, were the big, serious, biker-looking dudes that came in to buy a CD or movie. I'd ask if they'd like a reservation, and suddenly they were all grins and excitement, eager to order the new book. Cracked me up every time.

    You Said What?
    Guy last week comes through my line while yakking on his cell phone. Now, as long as I'm not talking to you or otherwise engaging you, I could care less if you're on the phone. Yet, I couldn't help but hear the topic. "Baby. BABY. Look, I'm checking out at *my store*. Yes, I'm really at *my store*. Look, I know when I go over to HER place, I usually TELL you I'm at *my store*, but this time I really AM at *my store*. Look, I'm checking out right now." I briefly debated if I should ask him a question in a really catty customer service voice, but decided against it.

    So the guy hangs up, and as he hands me his money says"Geez, what is it with women, being all jealous like that". This he said in a way as if he was trying to get me to agree with him. Sorry, you're not fooling anyone there, chuckles. Mr. Charisma, you are not.

    I sweetly handed him his change and bid him a good night. I held in my laughter until after he left.

    Warm Fuzzies
    This last bit has no real importance, except that it made me feel good. Even with the craziness & bitchiness of this past Saturday (1st Saturday in December and 1st of month = hella busy), there were a couple people who commented on how pleased they were with my bagging. Once woman in particular got really excited. Now I know other customers will naturally gripe how I'm bagging things "wrong", but this made me feel good and I felt appreciated, even if just a little. Silly how the simplest things kinda make your day.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

  • #2
    Retail can be hell but I also love it. Customers are an endless source of amusement. While some of my co-workers are driven to frustration I generally take the insults and bad attitudes easily, as their actions only make themselves look bad.

    That being said, sometimes it can be very rewarding. People can be grateful for the simplest of things (conversely, thirty minutes of hard work can be easily snubbed). One lady told me I had made her Christmas, just because I found the computer she wanted in the back.

    And I am very envious of people like Mr Floppy Hat Guy. It must be pleasant to live without concern about what others think.


    • #3
      I agree! I had a customer the other night who was looking for an outfit to wear to dinner with her son, GF and GF's parent's who they were meeting for the first time. She also thought that the son and GF might announce their engagement at that same time.

      She wanted something nice, but not fancy...and the one item she liked we didn't have in her size, and no one else did either. SO i suggested an alternative, which she loved, and thanked me over and over for helping her, that the outfit was perfect, etc. and she was very happy! Made me happy too, as a lot of our customers are at the complete opposite end of the spectrum!


      • #4
        Quoth JesseCuster40 View Post
        And I am very envious of people like Mr Floppy Hat Guy. It must be pleasant to live without concern about what others think.
        Sounds rather like Jake Mangelwurzel around these parts. Independently wealthy, and independently thinking.

        The above two links mention him. Met him on a couple of occasions.


