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Not very sucky, but mostly ODD!

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  • Not very sucky, but mostly ODD!

    I used to work at one of the chain pharmacies. This means they had drugs, drinks, cleaning products; all the comforts of home without the home. They also had their own line of EVERYTHING in the store. They even had their own soda (which were gross, they kept them stocked for workers in the breakroom but nobody ever touched them.) I remember this one couple fondly, but to this day I still can't figure them out!

    Every Monday morning, this half nice, half not nice couple would come into the store to buy their items (he was the nice, she was the not nice.) On Mondays, if you bought the store brand AND you were over the age of 55, you got a 10% discount, regardless of other sales or discounts. This actually turned out to be a VERY GOOD thing for them, and I'll tell you why. The man would walk in and browse the magazines, paruse the candy aisle, whatever floated his boat. The woman walked in like a lady on a mission. She darted straight toward the cleaning supplies. We kept them WELL STOCKED, just for this lady and the unfortunate victims who needed whatever she tried to clean us out of. Heaven forbid we EVER run out of at least a DOZEN of what she wanted; otherwise we got yelled at and spent an entire hour filling out rainchecks for things that weren't even on sale! She'd return to the registers no more than five minutes later, buggy stocked to overflowing with multiple air fresheners, bleach, detergent, fabric softener, dish washing liquid, glass cleaner, surface cleaner, toilet paper, paper towels, etc, etc. Sometimes she'd just come back for another cart. (Kinda reminded me of Super Market Sweep ) She never spent any LESS than two hundred bucks per visit, EVERY MONDAY, and it was always the same items, with the occasional "luxury" item, like a snack or diabetic candy.

    After about two months of seeing them like clockwork the beginning of every week, I finally broke down and asked the husband, "Do you guys own a bed and breakfast or a motel in town?" The husband just smiled and replied, "Believe it or not, no. This all goes in our house." I was glad he didn't mind the question, because I had been DYING to know, but she had been buying enough cleaning products to keep the WHITE HOUSE spotless for a month EACH TIME! What did she do with all of it? She must have cleaned 24/7 with that much stuff!

    So, thinking back on that, I was wondering. Do any of you have any regular customers that do things that are SOOO bizarre you had to just scratch your head and wonder about it? I had several like that. There was rebate guy, who bragged about sending off at the very least a hundred rebate coupons a month, whether he needed the product or not. There was "be prepared" guy, who always came in and bought a truckload of chips every Friday (there was a cheaper grocery store next door.) There was "check my drugs" lady, who forced the pharmacists to dump her pills out on the dirty counter, just so she could count them and make sure they were right. Just some very odd folks. What about you?

  • #2
    I remember one guy who commented on the phone about how, in a recent posting to him, we hadn't included the county he lived in in the address. I apologised for that, figuring it was just him being nitpicky (he obviously got his post, after all, or he wouldn't have been able to tel) only for him to say, and I quote

    "You have to be careful, the government doesn't want us to have counties, he wants us to be part of Europe you know"

    Thing is, we're in England...we ARE part of Europe.

    bloody weirdo.


    • #3
      At the grocery store I worked at, we had a couple come in once a month or so, and buy lots of Playtex rubber gloves, a few big pack (24 count or so) packages of paper towels, sometimes sponges, and an apple or a banana. They never used a cart or a basket, they used their old plastic grocery bags.
      What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


      • #4
        Quoth Part-Time Parrothead View Post
        At the grocery store I worked at, we had a couple come in once a month or so, and buy lots of Playtex rubber gloves, a few big pack (24 count or so) packages of paper towels, sometimes sponges, and an apple or a banana. They never used a cart or a basket, they used their old plastic grocery bags.
        Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That has certain sexual connotations that have just ruined my day.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          When I worked at Wal-mart there was an old lady we refereed to as the bag lady. she would come in with her arms full of cloth and paper bags and then put them in a shopping cart and walk around the infants department for 2 hours. We used to think she was going to try to steal stuff so I would spend the entire time being super customer helper and following her around or showing her stuff. Finally she got to know me and it turned out she was just wasting time every week until it was time to play bingo. She liked the infants department because I was so nice and she would then call her daughter and tell her about all the baby stuff she saw for her grandkids.


          • #6
            My favorite strange customer was when I worked at Longs Drug Store in Reno, this guy had immigrated from Germany just before World War 2 (he was about 5 when that happened)... and he actually memorized my schedule because he knew I was the only employee that could speak german and would always make sure he went through my line during a slow time of day because he would always want to spend 5 to 10 minutes talking in german just to keep in practice. Not a sucky customer at all, he was actually one of my favorite because he helped me learn more german and he never had any problem with waiting patiently for me to help another customer before resuming our conversation. He was actually one of my favorite customers, but damn he was strange.
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7

              While they are on special I have a customer who order 16 Juniors at a time.

              Turns out he freezes them and eats they over a week's time.


              • #8
                Quoth wagegoth View Post
                Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That has certain sexual connotations that have just ruined my day.
                I didn't mean it like that.

                It was just watching two people stuff lots of plastic bags with stuff was weird.

                ...Thinking about it more, they put the gloves, in groups of eight, in produce bags, and would rebag their stuff once it was scanned. It always looked like they were trying to steal it.
                What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


                • #9
                  Quoth veridas View Post
                  I remember one guy who commented on the phone about how, in a recent posting to him, we hadn't included the county he lived in in the address. I apologised for that, figuring it was just him being nitpicky (he obviously got his post, after all, or he wouldn't have been able to tel)
                  The UK post office doesn't want counties on the address, actually. I saw the guidelines a bit back, and all they really need is postcode, postal town, street name, and house number. Anything more has a higher chance of fudging their machines.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                    The UK post office doesn't want counties on the address, actually. I saw the guidelines a bit back, and all they really need is postcode, postal town, street name, and house number. Anything more has a higher chance of fudging their machines.

                    I can belive that, I spent a summer sending out form letters once. I didn't really need as much information as some people gave, and others refused to give a proper address.
                    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                    • #11
                      I have this customer. she is a wonderful older lady. she is from England(in in the US) and she has a son who has a wife and children who still live there. she is in every tuesday, and sometimes on sunday(waiting for bingo), and she will buy TEN boxes of fruit snacks, and candy to send to her grandchildren. thats not the weird part.

                      the odd part, is she has told me a couple times, that she has an extra room at her house, that is FULL of toliet paper. not an extra closet, not an extra cabinet. an extra ROOM. she is always buying lots of toliet paper.

                      she is as nice as can be, but its somewhat strange to me that she lives alone(yes, she has said this) yet she has a whole extra room full of toliet paper....


                      • #12
                        Quoth Ljt09863 View Post

                        she is as nice as can be, but its somewhat strange to me that she lives alone(yes, she has said this) yet she has a whole extra room full of toliet paper....
                        OT, but my boss used to work as an assistant manager in one of the stores. Apparently one day he was ordering supplies and accidentally added an extra zero in the quantity field...and ended up ordering 2000 rolls of TP.
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          When working at the gas station /C store ,I had a guy come in every day and buy a $5.99 bag of beef jerky.

                          FOR HIS DOG.

                          I asked him about it, and he told me that his dog had been a stud dog. And was doing such a good job he wanted to reward Studley.

                          So Studley the Dog got beef jerky every day.

                          In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                          She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Cutenoob View Post
                            a stud dog. And was doing such a good job
                            Nice work if you can get it!
                            "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Cutenoob View Post
                              When working at the gas station /C store ,I had a guy come in every day and buy a $5.99 bag of beef jerky.

                              FOR HIS DOG.

                              I asked him about it, and he told me that his dog had been a stud dog. And was doing such a good job he wanted to reward Studley.

                              So Studley the Dog got beef jerky every day.

                              Oh, I had so many customers over the years do this, they would come in and buy a can of tuna, that costs about $2.50, for their cats, a $6 bag jerky for their dogs, and then beg me to give them any expired merch. because they could not afford anything for themselves.
                              Now I am all for taking care of your pets and pampering them, but if it is to the point that you have to beg a gas station clerk for any expired stuff that the a vendor left behind there is something wrong with this picture.

