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They're not going to open, no matter how long you stare at the doors!

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  • #31
    Quoth poofy_puff View Post
    One thing you can do to stop that is to have the mother cat spayed.
    Right now, all our cats (15) are spayed/neutered. The last cat to get spayed was a neighbors cat, who always ate at our house (since there's always cat food available outside) and they never fixed her, so she'd be repeatedly having kittens, most of which would end up at our house, anyway. We'd take them in, tame them, and get them fixed, but we could never catch her. So, this last litter, the neighbor's cat decided to have the kittens in our garage. We gathered them up and took them in the house. She had to come in to take care of them and ended up in the house the whole time, so we were able to finally get HER spayed.

    The only thing is that I know we'll always have kittens, cause my gf finds them at work, or someone's cats had kittens and I take a couple. It's a never-ending cycle ... but I love my cats/kittens.

    *Ooops ... sorry ... I replied to this before I read that it went back on topic! Apologies
    Last edited by Ill_Used_Heroine; 12-07-2007, 07:13 PM.
    I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


    • #32
      Quoth Ill_Used_Heroine View Post
      *Ooops ... sorry ... I replied to this before I read that it went back on topic! Apologies
      Ya know what? It happens.
      That's the nature of internet forums. Someone will latch onto one small part of a post, and the thread goes for a bit.
      It's annoying, especially for the OP who was talking about something completely different, but as long as it doesn't erupt into nastiness, the tangents aren't a big deal. Most people just shrug it off and wait for it to get back on the rails.
      Sometimes it does, but sometimes it doesn't.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #33
        I'm surprised that nobody mentioned the other kind of idiots...the people who will stand there to wait for the door to open, and then get *hit* by it when someone leaves.

        One of the restaurants my grandparents frequented was like that. People would actually stand near the kitchen doors on their way to the bathroom...only to get hit by the doors when the waitresses brought the orders out. There were actually signs warning them of the danger.

        Too bad, since it usually made for quality entertainment
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #34
          *chuckles* Where I work it's kind of fun watching the old folks waiting and lining up outside the bank from the 1st to the 3rd of every month for their social security checks.

          Since I live in Texas and my town is a somewhat rural, I jokingly remarked to a coworker that I refer this monthly crowd as the "Silver Cattle."

