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Oh no, not the $1 coins and $2 bills!!!!

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  • Oh no, not the $1 coins and $2 bills!!!!

    What is with people who are reluctant to accept $1 coins, $2 bills, and other such odd change when they get change back? It's just money, take it and go away already!

    It's been rare to get these pieces of money in most places I've ever worked, but the store where I work now seems to get tons of odd currency like $2 bills and $1 coins. It doesn't bother me to take them as payment, but it sure seems to bother some customers to get them as change. The only reason I try to get rid of them as fast as I can is because it's just easier to count money at the end of the shift. I usually end up buying them myself if I have the money, or selling them to the next shift's drawer if I don't have the money to buy them. Then again, I'm smart enough to realize that I can use them other places or take them to the bank just as easily as I can any other money. Geesh! Ignorant people like that just annoy me because they have to be so whiney and picky instead of just taking their change and leaving!

    A couple of weeks ago, I had a small pile of $1 coins in the drawer. I didn't have the money to buy them myself, so I decided to give them in place of a $1 bill when a customer would have 3 or 4 $1 bills coming back in their change. So, if a customer would have $4 change coming back, I'd give the customer 3 $1 bills and $1 coin to make the $4 change. I'd keep giving them out that way until they were gone. I thought it was a good plan to circulate the change without loading one poor customer down with a bunch of $1 coins or having a bunch of $1 coins to sell to the next shift.

    I get this one jerk who decides to make an issue out of getting the $1 coin in his change. He first insisted that I short-changed him until I pointed out that one of the coins was a $1 coin. By that time, I'd already shut the drawer and started ringing up the next customer. I told him that one of the coins was the $1 coin. Of course, he didn't want that. He wanted a $1 bill instead. So, I told him he'd have to wait until I got done with the customer I was ringing. He stood there grumbling about being in a hurry until I finally got the drawer open. He threw the coin on the counter rather than handing it to me, so I threw his $1 bill at him in a similar fashion as I grabbed the coin and put it back in the drawer. The other customer just looked at him, and had this puzzled look on her face. I just looked at her and made a comment about a dollar being a dollar the same as an idiot being an idiot. She just laughed, and made a sympathetic comment about it all spending the same.

    Then, yesterday, my first customer of the evening pays for her small coffee and snack purchase with $100 bill. I barely had enough change, but it was feasible, mostly small bills. I had several $2 bills in the drawer, so I decided to use one of them to replace two $1 bills. She knew we'd just changed shifts because she stood there waiting through it. I thought I was being nice by not loading her with the $2 bills just to get rid of them at once.

    As soon as I pull out the $2 bill, I hear her yell, "Don't you give me a $2 bill. I want ones!"

    "I've got you a couple of ones in the stack, too," trying to fake a grin that was mostly a grimace at recognizing the typical PITA demanding tone. "I wouldn't load anybody with $2 bills like that."

    "No! I don't want the $2 bills. Give me ones instead!"

    I just sighed to myself and rolled my eyes, "Okay.... fine...."

    I proceeded to recount the change after resorting the pile of money as she continued rattling on about how I probably wouldn't want the $2 bills either.

    I sat her money on the counter without counting it back to her, and shot her a sarcastic grin. "It's just money to me, and I have quite a collection of $2 bills in my stash at home. They don't bother me because it all spends the same. By the way, thank you for foisting your $100 bill off on me first thing of the day. That way, I still have time to rebuild my change."

    So, the lesson is that the customer thinks it's okay to foist whatever they see fit on us. It doesn't matter if it might be slightly more difficult for us to work around, but we shouldn't dare inconvenience them in the slightest.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

  • #2
    I have never understood the hatred of dollar coins... I actually prefer them... where i work we have a change machine that gives out dollar coins, it's great I can just stop at the atm on the way to work on monday take out a $20, get $20 worth of coins, and have my vending machine supply for a week... I'll also use them at 7-11 near my work in place of bills, and they've even taken to using them as change because so many of us do the same thing... and scarily since there are so many of us that live in the same area of the valley, the 7-11 by my condo is starting to do the same thing.

    oh and my I actually kinda prefer dollar coins to dollar bills... for that matter, I'd much rather we used the euro system in the US, with 5cent, 10cent, 20cent, 50cent, one dollar, and 2 dollar coins, then go into bills.
    Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 12-05-2007, 09:07 PM.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Quoth aurelemsrealm View Post
      Then, yesterday, my first customer of the evening pays for her small coffee and snack purchase with $100 bill.
      Oh man, I hate it when people do that. Especially when they get snarky if I try to give them a 50 as part of their change. You have to ask for the hundred special at most banks in the area, so don't tell me you don't want big bills.
      The High Priest is an Illusion!


      • #4
        Every once and awhile I get a silver quarter in my change. I always keep them, since the price of silver has skyrocketed since they were originally cast, and their value is usually 10-15x their face value, depending on condition.

        You can tell them by date and also their sound. They make a odd "chink" noise when they hit other coins. Also, the side of the coin is one solid color vs. the mixed look.

        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        I oh and my I actually kinda prefer dollar coins to dollar bills... for that matter, I'd much rather we used the euro system in the US, with 5cent, 10cent, 20cent, 50cent, one dollar, and 2 dollar coins, then go into bills.
        I'd welcome a simple coin system for currency, but I've been to some countries where the coin denominations are out of control.
        Last edited by LifeCarnie; 12-05-2007, 09:35 PM.
        Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


        • #5
          Ah, what the heck. Our bills start at 5€. Thats right.

          We have 1,2,5,10,20,50 cents - 1,2 euro and then it starts with the bills. No one complains about them.

          I tell you, if I ever see an American complain about it, I will hit him in the face.

          Melody Gardot


          • #6
            Quoth Panigg View Post
            Ah, what the heck. Our bills start at 5€. Thats right.

            We have 1,2,5,10,20,50 cents - 1,2 euro and then it starts with the bills. No one complains about them.

            I tell you, if I ever see an American complain about it, I will hit him in the face.
            That's reasonable. I've been to places that have coins that are the equivalent of 1/27th the value of a 1 cent US coin.

            Why would you need 27 coins with the collective value of 1 cent? They're pointless, I never spent them on anything. 1 cent barely even has a purpose anymore.
            Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


            • #7
              Quoth aurelemsrealm View Post
              <snip> As soon as I pull out the $2 bill, I hear her yell, "Don't you give me a $2 bill. I want ones!"


              "No! I don't want the $2 bills. Give me ones instead!"
              Some people are superstitious about $2 bills. They consider them unlucky.

              See here for more info.
              What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


              • #8
                I used to get tons of dollar coins. The only real problem that I had with them is that once you get about 20 or more they would start to weigh down my drawer, so that it would not open right. In most of my stores I had some customers who collected them, so I would just sell the coins to them when they popped in. Sometimes though, if there were too many coins or I was running low on bills, I would wait for a regular SC to come in, I would slide what 1$ bills I had under my drawer and give him all coins for change.


                • #9
                  i have the same thing happen to me but in a diffrent fashion. they will pay for something thats less then $5 with a hundred bill and then whine when i give them a 50 instead if all my 10s and 5s.
                  again, if you look at one my current forms, im not a bank. 2 blocks east then turn left and 4 blocks south!
                  it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Part-Time Parrothead View Post
                    Some people are superstitious about $2 bills. They consider them unlucky.
                    really, that's weird, i've always had a lucky 2 dollar bill... I guess i'm just strange...
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      We always get a TON of dollar coins after the county fair, since that's what they give out to people who want to play the games. None of the attractions will accept bills. So, for about 2 weeks after the fair, everyone pays for their DVD rentals/overdue fines with dollar coins. Always throws us off, and we usually just deposit them. Since they're set aside in the till, I never think to give them back as change. Hmmm ... I think I'll try it next time and see what happens.
                      I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


                      • #12
                        Around here the subway system only dispenses the $1 coins when you use their automated system, and I just found out the same goes for the post office when you use any of their automated machines. From my understanding the U.S. government wants to try and make the coin more popular which is why they released the new presidential program which features a new president every 3 months. I have no opinion one way or the other, though I do think they are kind of pretty.


                        • #13
                          Oh wow I love the gold coins. Make me feel very piraty they do indeed. Either that or all midevil lordly to have a pouch full o gold coins clinking (even if they are probably brass or gold plate...)

                          I too would like to see the dollar bill get retired. Ol george is fine and dandy and all but just no style and hes kinda outlived his time.

                          As for the 2$ bill I've only seen like 3 in the past 10 years I think. They for some reason dont get used around here much.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Millahtyme1983 View Post
                            Around here the subway system only dispenses the $1 coins when you use their automated system, and I just found out the same goes for the post office when you use any of their automated machines.
                            oh, that reminds me of Salt Lake kinda... the TRAX system gives change in dollar coins, so a lot of places close the stations always have dollar coins on hand... same with the places that are close to the post offices.
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #15
                              I like handing out rarer money and people seem to like to get it, especially if they have a kid in tow. "Hey, check it out, here's a two dollar bill in your change. Ooooh." Or I ask if they want this nifty one dollar coin I have or a half dollar. I like receiving rarer money too and frequently buy it out of my drawer.

