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So I'm a bitch now, it seems.

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  • So I'm a bitch now, it seems.

    Since I'm tired and lazy I'll just do a nice little copy and paste from another area where I posted this story.
    Forgive any lack of necessary backstory, as I could likely pass out at my computer but really felt like posting this.

    SM = Sucky Man
    ME = I'm my own biggest fan

    I was called a bitch at work today because a man and his three buddies -who seemed to relish seriously invading my personal space- couldn't understand that what they had in front of them was not what they wanted.

    SM:"You don't understand what I'm telling you. I want his mattress for this size and this price."
    ME:"K, that brand of mattress does not come for that price in queen size. The one you have is the only one of that name in this size."
    SM: "No, you don't understand."
    ME: "Oh but I think I do. Now do you want this one or not?"
    SM: "Fine."

    I ring through his temp card and it declines, since the mattress he returned earlier today was on that card.

    SM: "Why did it decline?"
    ME: "What's your limit?"
    SM: "$1,000."
    ME: "Ok, well your last purchase was $800something and this $300something that was refunded won't be credited to your account for at least 24 hours when someone from the card company can see the change and apply it to your account."
    SM: "You don't understand, I have a $1,000 limit."
    ME: "You don't understand that this card is going to decline no matter what, since the refund won't show on your card for at least 24 hours. Now if you need to figure this out you can move the mattress this way through the cash lanes and decide what you want to do? In the meantime I can help other customers."

    Note: Since they had spent like $800 something on the card I could have charged whatever amount it would have been to bring them to an even $1,000 then have them pay the remaining amount another way, but they were mentioning throughout the process (after learning the card declined) that they had no other way to pay for it.

    Then the twat-bag and his posse start pulling the mattress further past the cash lanes, when we need any unpaid for merchandise on the marketplace side of the lanes.

    ME: "No, no. This way."
    SM: "I get it, bitch!"
    ME: "You know what? When you and your little friends figure out what you want to do don't even think about coming through my cash lane. Not after pulling that shit."

    I'm sure it's no secret anymore that I don't let customers get away with treating me poorly, and on top of calling me a name he and his friends spent the whole conversation (which lasted about 10 minutes) talking to me like I was a mentally challenged four year-old and laughing at me.
    Yeah, real nice, losers. Real nice.

    I saw them later on at another lane, seemingly having the same issues they had with me.
    Guess who left without their precious mattress?
    Last edited by rerant; 12-06-2007, 05:38 AM.

  • #2
    Why is it always "Bitch"? Or it starts with "Bitch" and deteriorates from there. Male or female, always the B word.
    So welcome to the "Bitch" club! Sadly the more you hear it the less it bothers you. It hasn't bothered me for years.
    "Bitch" definiton:
    1 is any female with a spine who refuses to put up with "Shit Heads".
    2 Babe In Total Control of Herself (or Him)
    3 a word used by whinny SC's who don't get what they want and think that insulting you will make you want to help them
    4 the title to a really great song by Meredith Brooks
    Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
    The following is subject to change:
    If Your Going Through Hell,
    Keep Going...


    • #3
      I wish I had a fraction of your assertiveness, rerant. People like your SCs need to realize they can't get away with that crap. My resolution for 2008? Put some starch on my spine.
      "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


      • #4
        I've been called Bitch so many times by SC's, I've come to take it as a compliment
        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


        • #5
          So I'm a bitch now, it seems
          Welcome to the club!

          "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


          • #6
            I've been taking it as a compliment for years and years, back when I stocked auto parts my title was Queen Bitch of the Warehouse
            I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused

