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I'm not psychic!

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  • I'm not psychic!

    Holy crap! We haven't had a good one of these threads in forever. And I just had a perfect example of it today.

    Woman came through my line, had some Christmas-sy stuff, got all the way through me ringing her up, I told her her total, and she suddenly spouted, "Did you take my 40% off?"
    "For what?"
    "My coupon?"
    "You didn't hand me a coupon."
    "I don't have it with me, I need that price override."
    *blink, blink* "Okay..." *start filling out that coupon log, explaining as I go* "We can't just add that offer on, you actually need to tell us you have a coupon, but it's not with you."
    "Oh, I know! That's why I told you!"
    RJ: Tell me before I tell you the total! *just keep grinning, just keep grinning*
    SC: "I've been to all the *crafts store*'s in the area today.
    RJ: So, you don't really HAVE this coupon that you claim to have? That's stretching it, but MOD J told me to keep the customer happy.

    On top of that, I had another MOD tell me I need to page for specific coworkers to come up to me for price checks, then told me I need to start looking at the schedules to see who's available in that department, then proceeded to pick out a coworker who could do what I asked of him, but the schedule says he was gone by the time the issue came up. How the hell was I to know: He's there, and that I'm supposed to call for specific people. Every FES who's told me to call has said particular departments.
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    Why on earth is that even allowed?


    • #3
      I thought the whole point of a coupon was to clip it from a magazine/flyer, bring it to the store, and then you get your discount. If you forget your coupon then you're shit out of luck and whining about not getting the discount because you forgot your coupon doesn't automatically entitle you to any savings. And maybe, if you're nice and you're also lucky the clerk might have an extra coupon and might just be nice enough to let you use it.
      Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


      • #4
        Off-topic, but, YAY Kimberly!

        On-topic...What the hell does she think the coupon is for? The entire point of the coupon is to HAND IT IN. *thud*


        • #5
          Quoth KnitShoni View Post
          Why on earth is that even allowed?
          I was thinking the same thing. Once word of that gets out, the store will be getting bombarded with scammers.
          "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
          ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


          • #6
            Quoth TwoScoopsSciath View Post
            Off-topic, but, YAY Kimberly!

            On-topic...What the hell does she think the coupon is for? The entire point of the coupon is to HAND IT IN. *thud*
            Yes, indeed! Yay Kimberly!

            Our store allows customers to not have their coupons in hand, as we don't ever have extra coupons available for handing out. Plus, we can only use one of our coupons per transaction as it is.
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Can I throw in another "not psychic" story?

              Today was an absolutely epic / day, and I fully intend to post an entire new thread about it tomorrow, but this one fits in so perfectly with the title that I shall add it now...

              A woman came through my register today and bought several things. As she was ringing her card through, she said, "Do you have any stocking stuffer-type things?"

              "Well, yes, ma'am. That display over there [points to rack about 5 feet away] is full of them, there are several nice things there."

              "Hmm. Well, um... do you have anything else? Things to put in stockings?"

              "Well, ma'am... I mean... I'm not sure what you mean, specifically. There are lots of things all over the store that can fit into a stocking."

              "I have three teenage/grown girls. What can I get for them?"

              This was the point where I started to get irritated.

              "Well, ma'am, I don't know anything about your daughters, so I can't tell you what to get them. If they like dogs, we have dog toys. If they cook, we have gadgets. If they like candles, we have those, if they like photos, we have digital wallet frames. There are literally hundreds of things in this store smaller than a breadbox."

              "Oh. I guess I wasn't looking that closely. I guess I'll look again."

              I mean, really, WTF. No, WTF. I am not psychic. I do not know ANYTHING about your daughters except for the fact that they exist. Do you seriously expect for me to tell you about EVERY one of our ten thousand+ items in our store and induce an epiphany in you as to what to get for them? You've been wandering around this store for over an hour. I ring up your purchases, not pick them out for you.

              I am NOT a psychic.


              • #8
                Quoth Aggravated Associate View Post
                No, WTF. I am not psychic. I do not know ANYTHING about your daughters except for the fact that they exist. Do you seriously expect for me to tell you about EVERY one of our ten thousand+ items in our store and induce an epiphany in you as to what to get for them? You've been wandering around this store for over an hour. I ring up your purchases, not pick them out for you.

                I am NOT a psychic.
                Heh--I also had one of those today. Customer comes up with two nine-foot-long garlands. Tells me she would like to put them on the banisters in her foyer. Proceeds to ask me if they'd be long enough. I tell her that I've never been to her house and I need measurements of said banister in order to help her out. /face-palm/

                And Juwl, I think the craft store SC experience is the same all over; I get people like that all the time (with the coupons/lack thereof). The ONLY good thing about the coupon exception log is that if someone whines and moans about not having a coupon, I can use my discretion and not give it to them if they're being an ass-hat. Nice customers get coupons (and usually don't ask for a coupon). However, bitches do not. It really does defeat the purpose of coupons, though--since they're supposed to be exclusive rewards.


                • #9
                  At least the person apparently did it before she paid.

                  I'm always getting the morons who present the coupon AFTER they've paid...and AFTER I've started on the next customer.

                  Technically we are supposed to get MOD or FES approval before we do the exception. Ha! Because they don't have better things to do. The exception log is great...for those who cheat the system. The rule is "one coupon, per customer, PER DAY". Which doesn't apply to anyone...apparently. Drives me absolutely batty.

                  I do love it in the off season, when we don't have an ad every week. "I forgot my coupon!" "I left my coupon on the table at home!" Because then I can say "We didn't have a coupon this week! HA! NEENER NEENER NEENER! LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!" Or, ya know "I'm sorry, there wasn't a coupon this week."...

                  The rules about the coupons and the exception log have changed several times since I've been there...from the number of coupons we can take per customer, to how the log is handled.

                  What I THINK the current rules are...are... we aren't allowed to offer the coupon. If the customer doesn't bring it up, then tough shit, they don't get the discount. If a customer says "Do you have an extra flier?" Then we say "we don't have extra fliers, but the ad is posted in the doorway". Of course they want the coupon, so we have to say "We don't have extra coupons, but you can sign for one..." and we are supposed to explain that this is a one time thing, blah blah blah. But of course it's the SAME people OVER and OVER and OVER who abuse this system.

                  I will say, that the really nice customers, who are truly just wonderful people...sometimes "ask" for the coupon, without even knowing it. Those people who brighten up our day, or are just ...the sort that MAKE you want to give 'em a break. It's not done that often, because then you get the ones who turn from "Nice lady!" to "mean bitchy shrew who got the discount last time!"

                  Frankly, they should do away with the exception log and they should enforce the 1 coupon per customer per day (or at least per visit) rule.

                  Of course, at the end of the day, we are supposed to "make the customer happy". Fuck, some customers aren't able to be made happy. You give them the discount ONCE, they expect it over and over.

                  I imagine there is a benefit to the thing, but I don't know all the crap involved. It's just annoying.
                  you are = you're. not "your".


                  • #10
                    I get the whole coupon thing. My spineless company won't make the customer give it to us if they don't want to. I have actually had people hand me coupons that were LAMINATED while on delivery and make me give it back to them.
                    I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill

