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If she had been only a wee bit nicer....

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  • If she had been only a wee bit nicer....

    So many discounting horror stories, yet I can't say alot of them because frankly, I still want to keep my job at (Book Store) and many of them can be linked via that chains discounting practices. But this has to be the gem:

    SC: Excuse me, but is this 20% off?
    Me: Yes it is.
    SC: So I can also use this coupon as well?
    Me: It's either or: you get the discounted sticker, or the coupon. I suggest...
    SC: What do you mean you I can't use the coupon?
    Me: Because, we don't allow it. It says so on the coupon. but, if you....
    SC: But I just printed this out! You made me waste ink and paper!
    Me: And how exactly am I responseable for you instructing a computer to print out the coupon?
    SC: *throws the book at me* **** YOU!! *storms out*

    The ironic thing is, she could've used the coupon and got a better deal than the sticker price. I mean, it's only a $5 difference....

  • #2
    Ah, but if she was allowed to use the sticker price AND the coupon, she would have got 20% +20% plus $5 off the price. Of a BOOK. Which probably doesnt cost 100s of dollars anyway - let me check the US price of a paperback... Yep, Amazon sells loads for 15 dollars.

    Why do customers never think, "No way the bookshop is gonna sell a 20 dollar book for 7 dollars without shouting 'LESS THAN HALF PRICE' ? That would be stupid."

    But to an SC, if it is a choice between the SC being stupid or the other person being stupid, the SC always 'thinks' the other person is the fool.


    • #3
      She threw the book at you?! What a bitch. A customer did that to me too once (didn't hit me, thank goodness). Too bad she left before you could call the police and have her sorry ass arrested for assault.
      I suggest you tell the manager and keep an eye on her if she ever comes back.
      "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West

