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There is no way I did that for you before

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  • There is no way I did that for you before

    So last night at work I a lady comes up to my register with about 20 of our 3.5 oz lotions. When I go to start ringing them up she pulls out a pile of our email coupon we send out when you first sign up for emails for 1 free 3.5 oz lotion with any purchase and the fine print says one coupon per customer. I bet you can guess what happened but here you go.

    Me: These coupons can only be used with a purchase and it is one coupon per transaction. So if you wanted to use all of these you would need to make 20 separate purchases.
    SC: You did it for me last time
    Me: We can not ring up this coupon without another purchase the system wont allow us.
    SC: You did it for me 2 weeks ago
    Me: The coupon says right there (points to coupon) Free with any purchase it does not just say free lotion.
    SC: look I came in here 2 weeks ago and you did it for me then why can't you do it for me now?
    ME: Do you know who rang you up last time I would like to know how they did it
    Me: No ma'm it is not possible that I did it for you last time, if you do not have a purchase to make with each coupon you cannot get these lotions for free.
    SC: I want to talk to your manager
    Me: ok can you wait a minute while I get her?

    I walked in back and got the manager I explained what was going on and that she insisted I had done it for her in the past.

    Manager: What seems to be the problem ma'm
    SC: your associate there refuses to honor my coupons
    Manager: Do you have a purchase to make in order to use this coupon?
    SC: Last time she did it for me with out making a purchase
    Manager: The code on the coupon wont work without a purchase, also I see you have printed off 20 copies of the email and convenatly only brought in the part of the email the says free with purchase not the parts with the terms stating 1 coupon per customer.
    SC: But she did it for me 2 weeks ago why can't so do it now?
    Manager: it is not possible that she did it for you 2 weeks ago this associate didn't work here 2 weeks ago.
    SC: You’re lying
    Manager: I am the store manager I do the highering I know when she started and she wasn't working here 2 weeks ago. And do you really think we would let you have 20 bottels of lotion without making any purchase each of those bottles cost $3.50 that is like just handing you $70 for free try again.

    The SC got pissed and stormed off leaving her pile of printed emails and all the lotions sitting on my counter. My manager and I both a laugh about that one

    Score: Awesome Manager 1 Sucky Customer: 0

    Note I have worked there for more then 2 weeks but the manager knew that saying that would get the lady to shut up and that there was no way I could have honored the coupons like she is saying I did.

  • #2
    Oh how I loathe the "you've done it before" lie. I hear it all the time.


    • #3
      Glad your manager had your back. Take that, SC!
      "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


      • #4
        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
        Oh how I loathe the "you've done it before" lie. I hear it all the time.

        Agreed. This one is particularly tiresome.

        [And as most SCs forget, even in the rare case that the "You've done it before" situation did take place, no store is required to grant exceptions. You'd think that a customer would be appreciative that they got a freebie/better price previously, not complain when they couldn't do it again.]
        Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


        • #5
          Ah.. The "You've done it before" bit

          My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


          • #6
            At my library, we pretty regularly grant exceptions. For example, if it's an old book that's not in demand, we'll renew it an extra time (you can renew stuff once at my library, but depending on the materials and the library, you can renew it more times). Of course, we always stress that it's an exception to the policy and don't expect it again.

            Of course, some people abuse it, and since we're a small library (only about six clerks work the desk) we remember who does what.

            The worst case was a woman who came in every single week and argued whether she could renew her DVDs (one week, no renews especially on new DVDs). It got to the point where, when we saw her coming, we'd get the circ manager out before she got to the desk to re-explain our policy to her.
            "When life gives you lemons, you give life a f---ing paper cut and then squeeze f---ing lemon juice on it, because life should give you something better than f---ing lemons."


            • #7
              Yeah, we've done it before and got our asses kicked because we did it. NEXT!


              • #8
                If you gonna lie and say they did it before, why the hell would you insist that it is the person you are talking to now that did it? At least pin it on "the girl" who isn't in today...! Geez, SCs never learn...
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  You did it for me last time
                  Me: "I KNEW it! I just KNEW it!!"
                  SC: "What? What?"
                  Me: "Of course! It makes perfect sense now!"
                  SC: "What are you talking about?!"
                  Me: "The messy back apartment in shambles...and now this! Don't you see?!"
                  SC: "What ARE you talking about?!"
                  Me: "It was my evil twin! It HAS to be! Oh, wait, no, sorry, that was a LIE and I was pulling your leg! How does it feel?"

                  You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                  • #10
                    Ah the "You've done it for me before excuse".

                    The WIC customers use that excuse when they want something that's not allowed under the terms of the program. The most common item they use it for is cheese. Several have tried to buy sliced cheese, including the good freshly sliced deli cheese but the system won't let them do it and neither will the managers. It's not that much work to slice your own cheese by hand.

                    Today it was the extremely obese smoker who was a SC. First, she was totally unprepared to purchase her orders having forgot to get several juices and bulk cheese because she didn't read her paperwork correctly. Second and worse was her inability to enunciate when speaking to you, thus causing me to not understand half of what she said, but getting pissed when I asked her to repeat herself like it was my fault she couldn't speak clearly. Overall, it was annoying that she had to rely on government handouts for essentials like eggs and milk, but could afford to buy cigarettes out of her own pocket. That's just not right.


                    • #11
                      Epic. Fail.

                      I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill

