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The Rant, my favorite method of communication.

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  • The Rant, my favorite method of communication.

    Okay, dude. You call in pissed because you can't put any minutes on your phone. I look it up for you and it's got a disputed charge on it. You then tell me that you had set the phone up to charge your credit card automatically monthly, but when the charge came through, you didn't recognize it so you disputed the charge. You obviously did not call us and check the charge out beore disputing it or we would have been able to explain to you that it was for your phone! Our phone number is listed on your statement, right next to the charge. Strike one against you.

    You then expect me to take the dispute off simply because 'you say so'. Sorry, Skippy, but your bank has not notified us that the dispute has been dropped. Ergo, it's still blocked. You need to speak to the department that deals with that sort of thing. You then get huffy and demand that I put someone from that department on the phone right now so that they can get it taken care of. Strike two.

    Ohhh Nooos! They are closed on the weekends. You proceed to bitch in my ear about what stupids we all are for making this so difficult for you. It takes me a great deal of effort to keep from informing you that YOU are the one who has made this so difficult, by disputing a charge before checking it out to make sure it's really fraudulent. You then snottily demand to know why WE are open but THEY are not. I am tired of your attitude by this time, so I tell you quite honestly and bluntly, that they are a different department than we are. We are open 24-7 so people can put time on their phone 24-7. Disputes are only dealt with Monday through Friday, presumably because they need to communicate with your bank. Think about it. You then call me stupid names. Strike three.

    You then demand to know if your phone can be used on a wireless router. I tell you that I have no idea because I don't know anything about the phone you have, you'd want to call customer service. You then rattle off something vaguely tech-ish about your phone, demanding an answer to your question. I reiterate that you need to speak to customer service, because I do not know anything about your phone. You then feel the need to yell "Thanks for nothing!" and hang up. Strike four.

    You, sir, are a grade A loser. You know why? Because you did not even give me a chance to tell you that customer service won't be open for another hour. You'll call them and get their voicemail Ha ha. If your phone doesn't give you brain cancer simply out of spite I will be surprised. I think it hates you as much as I do.

    To the lady with the minutes obsession: calm the f$%# down. You call in outraged because you found out that if you place an order for $100, you get a thousand minutes. A $50 order gives you 400 minutes, and a $25 order gets you 150 minutes. That's the way the company works. Spend more money at once and you get more minutes for your buck. This is not an unusual concept, companies do this sort of thing all the time. So do not DEMAND that I refund all your orders for the past 3 months and redo them all in $100 increments instead of $25 increments so you can get the extra minutes. It's not going to happen. We did not 'hide' this fact from you. It's listed in your terms and conditions, and was most likely explained to you when you bought the phone. And as for demanding a supervisor? Okay, but be aware that they are not as restrained as I am and will laugh TO YOUR FACE. Because you're an idiot, that's why.

    To my supremely whiny co-irker: get outta here before I bitch slap you. I am tired of your whining. Look, I have to have 2 root canals this month, and I am not taking a single day off for it, because the company needs me on the phone during the Christmas season. I have lost weight cause I can barely eat, my teeth hurt so bad. Yet I still come to work, take calls, and grin and bear it. You have been whining for TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT because you can't take a week off to go hunting this month. I am tired of listening to you bad mouth the schedule lady for not caving in to your whinyness. I am tired of listening to you constantly sigh and make snarky comments about how unfair it all is. If you don't shut up I am going to bite you with my infected teeth and then tell you I have some horrible disease that requires vast amounts of painful shots to stave off, because, yes, I am evil like that. Now buck up, buttercup, take your damn calls and do your shooting on your days off!
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.