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Got proof?

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  • Got proof?

    I didn't hear all of this whole debacle, so, I'm not sure what, if anything will come of it.

    I was heading into the office to close my drawer, and walked in on the middle of a couple getting exceedingly angry over a lost... wallet? Purse? I dunno. They had called in within the past few days, asking if we'd found their... thing... and apparently, we had it, and one of the cashiers was able to identify it for them.

    They came in later, to pick up their thing, and it was no longer here.

    So, of course, it must've been an associate who 'stole' it. No ifs, ands, or buts. Nope. Definitely stolen, the girl who answered the phone knew what was in the thing... and, maybe, she thought it was too tempting?

    Anyway, the couple was insinuating, loudly and obnoxiously, that we have a thief on our staff, and Gods damn it, MOD B MUST figure out whom it is!

    B called the FES who'd closed last night, and checked with her to see who had received the call (identified by which register she had been on... and/or her operator number) FES says she doesn't remember who was on that register. I know it wasn't me (for two reasons: I wasn't on that register. I wouldn't go for that register if my life depended on it, and the number he wrote down was only four digits. Voila, I are not a suspect.)

    The couple even went so far as to ask if we had cameras that might've picked up motion around their thing, and possibly gotten the associate on tape?

    B just kind of laughed and said, "Don't I wish?"

    It was at this point that B realized I was partially paying attention, and went outside the office to continue the discussion.
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    Kinda related but not really but funny:

    Somebody lost their wallet at work last week. We opened it to look for an ID to see whose it was.....

    and it belonged to CBFH (aka Numbnuts)

    Lamentably nobody helped themselves to any money from it. It could've been considered a moron tax. Or payment for all the things we've had to do that he was supposed to but never did.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      At the old grocery store, one of baggers was out collecting carts and found a purse that was left in the child seat in the middle of the parking lot. He brought it back to me at Customer Service and told me where in the lot he found it.

      As per policy, I, a supervisor, and the cash office clerk opened it together to inventory the contents and look for ID.

      There was a bank envelope in the purse with $2,450 in it!!!!

      We called the woman who was ever so grateful because "two weeks ago I forgot my purse and someone took the $1,700 in it before turning it in." How much money does this woman have, anyway?

      Two weeks later, I'm out getting carts and find a purse. A very familiar purse. I look inside, yup, there's her ID. And a bank envelope full of cash. $1500 just staring back at me.

      If I wasn't so honest, I could have taken the cash, stuffed it in my car at the back of the parking lot, then turned in the purse. I did ponder quitting my job and just following this woman around waiting for her to forget her purse. It seems like it would pay pretty well.


      • #4
        Gerrinson, that woman needs an armed guard with her at all times.

        Holy biscuit.

        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Quoth Gerrinson View Post
          I did ponder quitting my job and just following this woman around waiting for her to forget her purse. It seems like it would pay pretty well.
          I gotta say, I am absolutely amazed at this woman!

          I have carried over $1000 in cash in my purse only once or twice in my life, and only when it was unavoidable. I'd go directly from point A (getting the cash) to point B (dropping it off where it needed to be) and you can bet I was damn sure where my purse was every second.

          A fool and their money are soon parted.

          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


          • #6
            Quoth Boozy View Post
            I have carried over $1000 in cash in my purse only once or twice in my life, and only when it was unavoidable. I'd go directly from point A (getting the cash) to point B (dropping it off where it needed to be) and you can bet I was damn sure where my purse was every second.
            Exactly! Basic common sense. But we all know how uncommon common sense is nowadays.

            Gee, I wish I had enough money so that losing a thousand or two in a parking lot is a minor inconvenience...!
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              Quoth Boozy View Post
              I gotta say, I am absolutely amazed at this woman!

              I have carried over $1000 in cash in my purse only once or twice in my life, and only when it was unavoidable. I'd go directly from point A (getting the cash) to point B (dropping it off where it needed to be) and you can bet I was damn sure where my purse was every second.

              A fool and their money are soon parted.
              Same. I'll have to pay for tuition in a few months and I'll be doing it in cash (just under $2,800) and I'm already terrified of the notion of having that much money in my purse for the short 1-2 hours it will be there.
              I'm considering bribing one of my larger male friends to walk me there as a personal body guard.


              • #8
                Back when I did bank drops for the dealership there would be times where I had over 10grand in cash in the pouch beside me. I know because the office lady would always ask to make sure i had my id with me so that the paperwork wouldnt get fouled up. If it wasn't for the fact I'm an honest man that would have been very tempting. Access to gas tickets, good fast cars and 10gs in cash....Hello Mexico.

                The lady with the loads of cash purse. Wow. Thats just not right. If you're rich enough that you can carry that kinda money aroud and not be paranoid I'm not sure I want to know what business you're in.


                • #9
                  Once, when I was at a local pizza joint; I found a wallet. I looked in it and found his DL. I took it to where he lived. He had $236.00 in there, and I didn't take any of it.
                  Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                  San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                  • #10
                    one time at center

                    We've had members at my job bring in fairly large sums of cash before. One time a 10 year old girl found an envelope in the woman's changing room with $400 in it.
                    But the worst was the 17-18 year old kid who came up nearly in tears because he thought someone had broken in to his locker, and he had $1800 in it. Our lockers are CHEAP, a strong enough tub generally is enough to bend the latch and force it open. He had no less than 3 employees lecture him how stupid that was. Then it turned out he had it in a different locker the whole time. I don't understand people sometimes.
                    Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


                    • #11
                      The only people who ever lose their wallets/purses in my shop seem to always be flat broke when they do.

                      That, or I'm always the second person to find the wallet.


                      • #12
                        We get lots of purses in the lost and found, but I think $400ish was the highest I've ever seen. We're required to log the amount of cash in a purse when it's turned in, and there has to be a witness when it's opened.

                        Slightly OT, one of the new cart attendants is so funny when he finds a purse in the parking lot. The first time he did, he brought the whole cart straight to a manager because he was worried that someone would accuse him of tampering with it. After he was reassured that guests are usually very grateful to the cart attendants for rescuing their purses, he started bringing them up to guest service like the others. But he's always holding it with his fingertips like he's scared to touch it.
                        It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.

