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Forget your ID day! (long, language)

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  • Forget your ID day! (long, language)

    Yesterday was Forget Your ID Day. I wasn't told about this, wasn't given a memo of anything, but I figured it out pretty quickly during the first hour of my shift.

    BW: Bitchy Woman. Perhaps the bitchiest ever to live.
    R: Store Manager. Doing his job.
    Me: Bystander. Filing discs. Trying to keep my eye from twitching.

    R: Is that debit or credit?
    BW: Credit.
    R: Okay, I'll need to see your card and a state-issued ID before you swipe it.
    BW:...I don't have my ID with me, I've done it before here without one.
    R: I kind of doubt that, it is against our policy..and if you have, I need you to tell me the name of the employee so they can be dealt with.
    BW: What do you mean by that?
    R: I mean that I'll need to see your ID otherwise I cannot take your credit card.
    BW: FINE! I don't want to buy this stuff anyways!

    So she stomps away from the counter to go talk to another woman she came in with. R goes to the back to take a phone call from the DM. I'm putting things away, when BW begins to speak, and quite loudly.

    BW: He's on the BIGGEST POWER TRIP EVER! I've spent over 2000 DOLLARS here before! I've NEVER needed my ID before to use my card. NEVER!

    At this point other customers are starting to stare at her. Sigh. Great, now through my hurting sinuses and the headache this woman has given us all, I have to say something.

    Me: Ma'am, we ID everyone with a card for your own protection.
    BW: I can protect MYSELF!
    Me: So when someone steals your card and uses it somewhere to run up thousands of dollars in bills that you'll have to pay because someone didn't check the ID...-shakes head, looks back down to what she's working on-

    She huffed and stomped out. Her buddy didn't say a word to me when she checked out. That's one of my biggest pet peeves, someone bitching and moaning about us not taking credit cards because they dont have a matching ID with them. Because considering we're a store that carries very expensive electronic items, this is the first place scammers come to. And I've seen it happen too, where an old man had his card swiped while he was at Lowes and found out that the theif had used his card at one of our stores, came to mine store to inquire about it, the one time the guy at the other store hadn't checked the ID, well, there went someone else's hard earned money..
    The next involved buying mature rated games. I ID EVERYONE. I don't care if you're rolling around in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank strapped to your back, I will ID you for a mature rated game and I will not sell it to you without one. It's our policy, storewide. No ID, no M-rated game.

    Lady brought up a game with her son, didn't have her ID on her (isn't it, you know, illegal to drive without a driver's licence?), I wouldn't sell her the game. She grabs her son's arm, yells, "THIS IS BULLSHIT! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" and stomps out. She comes back an hour later, with her ID...don't have time for it, hm?

    This happened at least two more times during the night. Really, this doesn't happen on a regular basis, why so much last night?
    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    Kinda makes me wonder just how many people get pulled over and don't have any ID on them.

    If a cop got on this site to post their sucky stories...


    • #3
      Quoth Chazzie View Post
      If a cop got on this site to post their sucky stories...
      Amen. If the stories they show on COPS are any indication, they'd have some whoppers to share.
      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


      • #4
        I don't know about America, but Victoria and New South Wales here (perhaps one or two other as well) allow you to produce your drivers licence at a police station up to 7 days after the offence, provided you meet some criteria, if you don't have it on your person.

        AFAIK though you are charged some "administration fees".
        I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


        • #5
          [QUOTE=jb17kx;235307]I don't know about America, but Victoria and New South Wales here (perhaps one or two other as well) allow you to produce your drivers licence at a police station up to 7 days after the offence[QUOTE]

          Same in the UK, you'l be given a producer where you must present any or all of your MOT cert, Insurance cert, Drivers Licence (both parts), V5 etc.
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #6
            Well here in the US, I know that they can look up your information and find out if you have a valid Drivers license. It really just depends on the officer if they will ticket you for it. A few years back I was one in a hurry and took off with out my license and got pulled over. He looked up my info (it was easy because I had my Social Security card) He basically said that he was not going to ticket me for not having my license since it was obvious that I had one, and giving me a ticket would just waist everyones time and money. So yeah it kinda depends.


            • #7
              Quoth pyxee View Post
              Well here in the US, I know that they can look up your information and find out if you have a valid Drivers license.
              Oh that information is available through the PNC, sometimes you just need to make sure all is correct. Anyhow if someone is particularly arrogant/irritating you can waste a few hours of their time by getting them to go to Police Station, if they don't then they can be arrested!
              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


              • #8
                This leads me to the question of who DOESN'T carry their ID on them? I mean, come on...if you have a wallet, you have an ID. Don't have a wallet? That's probable, but no ID? Okay, so what happens if you're, heaven forbid and hell willing, caught in the midst of a drive by or something? How are you going to be ID'd if you don't have something definitive on you and you're absolutely mangled?

                In any case, there really isn't an excuse, anymore, to not have an ID on you unless you're YOUNG. My youngest sister-in-law is 18, however, she doesn't have an ID. Her excuse is unique but unfortunate...her mother is a BIATCH that won't let her have so much as a learning permit. Fun stuff, that. In any case, that's not too common. At the very least, verifiable adults SHOULD always have some sort of identification on them at all times.
                You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                • #9
                  Since I am a bank teller I can tell you all that my biggest pet peeve are customers who don't have an I.D. with them.

                  I've had people who come to make a large withdrawal and when I ask for one they either left in in the car, home, or at work. Come on, people! You are adults now! This is common knowledge when coming into a bank.

                  To make things worse, the old folks tend to get whiny and upset if you ask for one; a lot of them make the old excuse, "Why do you ask me for my I.D.? I've been banking in this bank for 50 years! Nobody asked me for one!" I later found out that my particular branch started out as a locally-owned bank in the 40s or 50s, then bought out by a major corporation, until it merged with another one and one of my managers (who has been working since '73) spoils them by knowing them personally.

                  So many of these people are like stuck 40 years in the past and think every teller should know them by name and cannot accept the fact that people these days don't work as tellers for 20, 30 years like in the past.


                  • #10
                    I have a problem with needing ID for things like video games ONLY because my ID is not an Ontario driver's license. It's an LCBO BYID card*, and most people look at it like it's capable of decapitating puppies.
                    It's legal, it's legit, it's accepted everywhere. Just take it.
                    I get crap about not having a driver's license from people at stores too. Not everyone drives, you know, and not everyone requires a license.
                    Why would I have one when I have another perfectly legit ID and live in the city where I don't need a car?

                    This, "you NEED a driver's license," thing is stupid to me. Photo ID is necessary, yes, but for it to be required that only driver's licenses be accepted is foolish to me.

                    *stands for Liquor Control Board of Ontario Birth Year Identification card.
                    Picture + birthday + name = yes.


                    • #11
                      Quoth rerant View Post
                      This, "you NEED a driver's license," thing is stupid to me. Photo ID is necessary, yes, but for it to be required that only driver's licenses be accepted is foolish to me.
                      The States have state-issued photo ID cards for non-drivers, too. Those are quite valid for liquor and cigarette purchaces (at least they were when I was selling them twenty years ago). They're very much like the Drivers Licenses, too; a lightweight plastic card, approx 3½" x 2", with photo, name, birthdate and all pertinent information. Easy to fit in one's wallet or pocket, light and convenient to carry. SO WHY DON'T YOU?!?!

                      Like Silas said, you're an adult (or close enough approximation), you should know that ID is mandatory for certain tasks. Wake up and smell the reality!
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        Um, it was forget your ID day every day at the gas station.

                        It was always "I come here everyday, you know who I am, give me my god damn smokes!"

                        Or the infamous "You CAN'T card me!"
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          Around here, especially in the farming area, they'll just give you a warning. You might have to show up at the traffic court, police station maybe, and show that you do have one.

                          It's funny how a lot of places here in the US don't get it that a passport trumps a DL. There's been a time or two I happened to have my passport on me but nooo, I had to go digging for my wallet.

                          A friend of mine loves using his conceal carry permit. Looks almost exactly like the DL, except a different color scheme and "WEAPONS CONCEAL CARRY PERMIT" written on it in very bold print. He cracks up at the double takes and then the, bad, attempts to try to not look like they're looking for a gun (which he rarely has on him anyways).


                          • #14
                            Quoth Silas G. T. Brontë View Post
                            Since I am a bank teller I can tell you all that my biggest pet peeve are customers who don't have an I.D. with them.

                            I've had people who come to make a large withdrawal and when I ask for one they either left in in the car, home, or at work. Come on, people! You are adults now! This is common knowledge when coming into a bank.
                            A woman came through the drive up at my branch. The girl working drive at the time was new and so she was very by the book about getting ID's (as she should be).

                            SC: I want $500 out of account 123456.
                            New Teller: (pleasantly) Ok, I'll just need your signature and drivers license.
                            SC: But my purse is in the back seat.
                            NT: (without missing a beat) That's alright, I'll wait.

                            SC went on to complain as they always do until she finally just got her ID from the back seat. We all cracked up once she drove away and vowed to ALWAYS ask for her ID after that.

                            To make things worse, the old folks tend to get whiny and upset if you ask for one; a lot of them make the old excuse, "Why do you ask me for my I.D.? I've been banking in this bank for 50 years!
                            I always want to say to these customers "well I wasn't even alive 50 years ago!" How do people think being a customer for a long time is a legitimate reason for us NOT to protect their money and information?
                            "Any free samples?"
                            "Sorry, not today."

                            Come on people, we're a bank not a bakery.


                            • #15
                              Rerant: yeah, there are non-driver state issued IDs here, which I'm happy to take as well. If, you know..people remembered them. We take anything from IDs to Passports.
                              Would you like a Stummies?

