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TMI Lady

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  • TMI Lady

    The hotel owned laundromat does not have a restroom so we allow people to use the lobby one. We had one lady come in and uses the restroom. Ten minutes later she comes out and says loud enough for the poor guests eating in the breakfast room to hear "Sorry I stunk up the bathroom, do not go in there, haha."

    I mean seriously not only is that statement not remotely funny, it's also not something you announce loudly to virtual strangers. Some people are so crude.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    I'll never forget the time at Pennsic (big giant "Renfaire" type thing for those that don't know) one morning after a big party our camp had hosted. I went to the portojohns and as I approached, one of the young men from our camp came out looking green and pale, closed the door quietly behind himself, and made eye contact. He gave me this "look", shook his head slightly, and slunk off.

    He didn't say anything. He didn't have to.


    • #3
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
      I went to the portojohns and as I approached, one of the young men from our camp came out looking green and pale, closed the door quietly behind himself, and made eye contact. He gave me this "look", shook his head slightly, and slunk off.

      He didn't say anything. He didn't have to.
      Any relation to this guy?
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!

