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SC Classic

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  • SC Classic

    Yes reading the sales sign, I am about to talk about READING SALES SIGNS. I never had a HUGE problem with this classic SC faux pas, never when the sign was so blatant, and never to this degree.

    Now Toys R' Us has these signs plastered all over the electronics department. "Buy one get one half off" In white type over red background, under that is "On Activision/THQ titles in white text with black background, and under that the game system the sale is for in black on white. We have individual signs for every system (PS2, PS3, XBox 360, Game Boy Advanced, DS, and Wii). And individual signs for Activision and THQ.

    But of course they see the Buy one Get one... SKIP the Activision and THQ, and right onto the game systems. So I get through a sale...

    "Oh no thats half off."

    I look at the game.

    "Nope this is.... Sierra and Ubisoft."

    Blank stare...

    Me explaining the sale...

    "Oh then never mind I don't want those."

    Great! So just leave them there so I have to put them away again!

    Now I will admit, a sale based on game DEVELOPERS is a bit...strange. And people unfamiliar with the gaming community may have no idea what Activision or THQ is... Thats FINE, I'm more than happy to tell you... But for petes sake, don't just assume EVERYTHINGS on sale!

    By the left hand of Vecna! Read people... You learned how in FIRST grade!
    "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
    ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~

  • #2
    Quoth Will-Mun View Post
    By the left hand of Vecna! Read people...
    I try! But for some strange reason people get all upset when I want to cut them open to read their entrails. *sigh*
    You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


    • #3
      Quoth Will-Mun View Post
      By the left hand of Vecna! Read people... You learned how in FIRST grade!
      Some of us learned before then.
      But I'm not bragging or anything.


      • #4
        By the left hand of Vecna! Read people... You learned how in FIRST grade!
        Ahh, see there's the problem... the SCs fell for the Head of Vecna quest...


        • #5
          Quoth rerant View Post
          Some of us learned before then.
          But I'm not bragging or anything.
          Me neither *coughcouldspellat2yearsoldcough*
          Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

          "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


          • #6
            Quoth Will-Mun View Post
            Read people... You learned how in FIRST grade!
            ah yes, No Child Left Behind.... not even the ones that need to be.
            Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


            • #7
              Quoth rerant View Post
              Some of us learned before then.
              But I'm not bragging or anything.
              I was taught to read at age 4, then at age 6 I had to learn to speak and write english.

              So there
              How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


              • #8
                Quoth TheSnakeLady View Post
                Ahh, see there's the problem... the SCs fell for the Head of Vecna quest...
                KoDT RULES!
                I no longer fear HELL.
                I work in RETAIL.


                • #9
                  Very similar situation, only in a craft store, instead of Toys 'R' Us.
                  Had a woman come up to my register yesterday, carrying a bouquet of fake flowers. I started ringing, got three in, when she suddenly asked "Are those ringing up on sale?"
                  *blink, blink* No... *checks sale flyer under the register* "And there's nothing in the sale ad that says they should be..."
                  "But, the signs over the flowers say 50% off all flowers! Plus, Hobby Lobby would price match. So, you should too, all stores price match. *and she went on, explaining how price matching works in her world*"
                  "Er, no, WalMart will price match, IF you have Target's ad, and Target actually HAS that item in stock. Plus, I've worked jobs prior to this that didn't price match, ever."
                  "And where was that?"
                  "Never heard of them."
                  "They've gone out of business in the southern states, but are still open in the North. Er... Okay, I know J would tell me to do it anyway, so, I'll override it this once."

                  I had to override thirty or so flowers.

                  I checked with H a little while later, to see if it really was all flowers.
                  "No, it's only the Holiday Elegance flowers."
                  "I thought so."
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth Will-Mun View Post
                    Yes reading the sales sign, I am about to talk about READING SALES SIGNS. I never had a HUGE problem with this classic SC faux pas, never when the sign was so blatant, and never to this degree.

                    Now Toys R' Us has these signs plastered all over the electronics department. "Buy one get one half off" In white type over red background, under that is "On Activision/THQ titles in white text with black background, and under that the game system the sale is for in black on white. We have individual signs for every system (PS2, PS3, XBox 360, Game Boy Advanced, DS, and Wii). And individual signs for Activision and THQ.

                    But of course they see the Buy one Get one... SKIP the Activision and THQ, and right onto the game systems. So I get through a sale...

                    "Oh no thats half off."

                    I look at the game.

                    "Nope this is.... Sierra and Ubisoft."

                    Blank stare...

                    Me explaining the sale...

                    "Oh then never mind I don't want those."

                    Great! So just leave them there so I have to put them away again!

                    Now I will admit, a sale based on game DEVELOPERS is a bit...strange. And people unfamiliar with the gaming community may have no idea what Activision or THQ is... Thats FINE, I'm more than happy to tell you... But for petes sake, don't just assume EVERYTHINGS on sale!

                    By the left hand of Vecna! Read people... You learned how in FIRST grade!

                    Wil I was at Toy R US in a Chicago Suburb and I did not know what the very clear signs meant so you know what? I asked. And as soon as I found out the answer I went over a looked specificially for the games that were Buy One get One 50%off and I bought those. Not too hard for me but then again I'm not a SC either.


                    • #11
                      When working at a catalogue call center, people with the company credit card would get coupons in the mail for $10 off, and it would say on them that it cannot be combined with any other offer.

                      EVERY time, they would try to combine it with catalogue offers like free shipping.

                      Me: "Sorry, ma'am, that coupon cannot be combined with any other offer. I can do the $10 off, OR the free shipping."
                      SW: "The coupon doesn't say that."
                      Me: "Yes, it does. Turn it over, on the back right after blah blah..."
                      SW: "No, mine doesn't say that."
                      Me: "All the coupons say that. It's written right after the - "
                      SW: "NO! Mine does not say that."
                      Me: "Then I'll have to ask you to read me what your coupon does say"
                      SW: *reads coupon exactly how it should be printed, conviently SKIPPING the sentence about combining offers.*
                      Me: "Well, then, since you have the only coupon that doesn't say that, you'll have to mail it in to use it."
                      SW: "That's ridiculous! Fine, I'll just use the free shipping."

                      HA! Not going to pull that crap on me.
                      "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
                      "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"

