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100k+ without electricity...

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  • 100k+ without electricity...

    and your big criteria for getting a room is cable tv, during borderline "crisis" situation.

    In Oklahoma, we are having some issues with the electricity, mainly, a lot of areas are out. I had to work yesterday and got thousands of phone calls from people needing rooms. I have never, in 10 years, seen anything like it, it was just plain insane!

    However, I find it disgusting that people are finding available rooms at hotels and are NOT taking them due to the fact that there is no cable! My friend works for the cable company, he has been requested to work 6 day work weeks for the next 3 weeks to help fix all the damaged cable lines, so its a huge issue. And there are atleast 100k, probably closer to 200k homes without power, and these morons are worried about no cable

    I had some twat lady that worked for the electric company get a room and go ballistic on the desk clerk when she discovered no cable. She just left to go find another room somewhere else that has cable. I couldn't believe it. We were booked, and she thinks that she can find some place else, at 10pm in the evening, that has an available room and cable.

    The amount of people that walked out yesterday when they found out we had no cable was a sight to see. These people have no electricity at home, and its 30 degrees outside, and they have kids, and they refuse the room due to the cable being out.

    I am sitting here, in my apartment, with no cable, wondering why its such a big deal. I think I may just give up on humanity, there is nothing left here to salvage, we are all doomed.


    Found this on, local news channel website, looks like I was severly off on the numbers of homes without power!

    OKLAHOMA CITY -- About 634,000 homes and businesses -- estimated to equate to about 1.5 million people -- are without power on Tuesday, as electric companies across Oklahoma work feverishly to repair poles, lines and restore service statewide after a weekend ice storm.

    According to federal figures, Oklahoma's 2006 population was 3,579,212, meaning that roughly 42 percent of the state is without power, two days after an ice storm blanketed the state.

    Officials with Oklahoma Gas & Electric said they are still anticipating seven to 10 days to restore power to their 294,000 customers without electricity. It could be longer for some customers; however, restoration could start happening as soon as Wednesday, according to OG&E spokesman Brian Alford.

    Seriously, WTF!
    Last edited by slick; 12-12-2007, 03:35 AM. Reason: Info Update

  • #2

    talk about people taking things for granted.
    That's horrible. I mean..what..heaven forbid they find something to do that's not watching their precious television? Maybe...spend time with each other..?
    Pit bull-

    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


    • #3
      Oh boy at first I was thinking you can't be serious. IF I had no electricity and had my kids intow I woudl take what ever I could get htat had heat. But then again there are far too many idiots out there.


      • #4

        I moved out of my parents place, who have cable and I survived pretty well without it.

        Hell for the first three months that my boyfriend and I were dating he didn't even have the tv hooked up. But we got along fine, watched DVD's or just enjoyed each others company.

        Man these people need to get a life.
        Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


        • #5
          Geeze.. What morons.. Let's see no cable (Mind you they might have cable, but it's useless without power) and freeze to death or no cable and not freeze to death.

          My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


          • #6
            I've had worse, I had people during the southern california fires calling saying they must stay in a hotel that had HBO
            sweet mother of all that is holy, your house is on fire and you're concerned about HBO
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              This ladies comment yesterday was priceless.

              Her husband came in to get a room. Luckily we still had a few, and he got one. I explained the the no cable and no pool to him (pool is out, during the outage we had, something went wrong with the pool heater and it wont turn on). He didn't care, said "I found some place that has electricity, thank God".

              He unloads the car with wife and daughter and parks the car, in comes wife and daughter. In an annoyed, and perplexed tone she utters "The electricity is on, why is the pool not working?". I explain the pool heater to her. She then says, in an angry tone now, "The pool doesn't work, the gymnastics place is closed, and she can't play soccer in this weather, how the hell is she supposed to let off some steam?"


              Damn kid was clutching onto some freaking doll, what frustrations must this child have that she needs to take them out? Something is seriously wrong with "parents", I have never seen this kind of crap when I was young, ever.


              • #8
                I just cannot even fathom how stupid and utterly self centered these people are. There was a bad Ice storm here last year. The power at my house was out for 13 days. We stayed with a friend who had a gas floor furnace. For light we got one of those car converters that let you plug in regular appliances into the car's power things ( sorry can't think right now) but anyways we were able to run a shop light into the house. We all sat around for nearly two weeks just talking and playing Monopoly, and you know what it turned out to be the most fun I had in ages. Sometimes the best way to get some perspective is to turn all the crap off and sit and talk to people.


                • #9
                  Slightly off topic here, but I remember a few years ago, we had a really bad storm. It turned off the electricity for about a week and a half. Finally, my dad went and bought a generator. He nearly pulled a muscle hauling it into the garage. Five minutes later, while he's getting the generator all set up, the electricity went back on. I had never heard my dad shout out so many curse words in one sitting. My mom now uses it for the horse trailer.
                  "But I don't want to be among mad people."
                  You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.


                  • #10
                    I wish I had TIME to enjoy cable
                    "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
                    "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


                    • #11
                      yeah, I gotta chime in a WTF? Okay, for the clueless here are some non-cable (heck even non-electricity as long as you have light) entertainment options: books, board games, card games, talking to each other, crafts, etc.

                      In my first couple apartments, we had ice storm parties. Everyone gather at one house & we'll play games. Bring your perishables to put in the fridge (we'll eat them up before they spoil) and something to sleep on/pillow.
                      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Forensic Waitress View Post
                        Man these people need to get a life.
                        Or crack a book

                        Play a board game

                        Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                        • #13
                          Wow, talk about a culture of instant gratification. Try a book, assholes. Or talking to your family for once.


                          • #14
                            It makes you wonder how these people would've survived in the old days, when everybody had to watch TV by candlelight.



                            • #15
                              We lost our power/heat/cable for 5 days last winter due to a combination of consecutive storms and high winds. Although the novelty of "indoor camping" wore off pretty quickly, we certainly never complained about having no cable, especially when we could look out our window and see many thousands more dark houses (some areas were out for over a week). (Yes, there were some WoW withdrawals but nothing we couldn't manage.) But I'd go to work and get online and see "Waaaaaah!! The power outages are ruining my Christmas!! Waaaaah!!" and think...seriously, people, a little perspective.
                              Not all who wander are lost.

