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I hate him so much.

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  • I hate him so much.

    Do you have a customer you just DREAD serving? A regular?
    Mine is 'Sneery Man'. He never speaks to you, gives you this dirty look, throws his stuff on the counter, drops his money in your hand with a arrogant smirk, and says 'thanks' in this way that you know he doesn't mean.
    Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

  • #2
    I get people like that every day. The way I deal with them is simple: I say nothing.
    The "kill them with kindness" route just doesn't tickle my fancy enough for cases like this.
    If someone thinks they're too good to be polite to me then I'm too good to waste my breath on them.


    • #3
      I originally was super, sickeningly sweet and nice to him- asking every question, but I can't be arsed any more. If he hates shopping with us as much as he obviously does, he can fuck off, and I'm hoping to make him uncomfortable enough to.
      Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


      • #4
        Yes, I do. I have at least two customers that whenever I see their name on a trouble report or call back request, I groan. I already know what's going to happen, and I already know that it will be unpleasant. It has gotten to where I do all that I can to solve their issue, and only reply via e-mail, or through voice mail without actually calling them. Nine times out of ten, they call back anyway, and some other poor person gets them, then it turns into, "Greensinestro, Mrs Bitch is calling!" I normally make up something to be busy with and tell them I will call them when I am finished.


        • #5
          Try going robitica on them and make all your moves like that of an expressionless robot. When you see the moron come treat the person in front of them like they were an angel from heaven. The when they get to the counter, go passive and carry a blank expression. Say nothing but the price until they leave. Then when they back away, give a huge welcome to the next person in loine. They'll know they've just been snubbed due to the huge change in your personality and probably complain but shit like them gets shoveled the same way as the rest. The other people are your flowers.
          Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


          • #6
            I deal with an asshat who is the head of the purchasing department of a large NYC hospital.

            He likes to call and starts crap whenever something doesn't go his way. No matter who's fault it was, their's or my companies, and no matter who he should be talking to you. Like his local sales rep or credit rep.

            The last time I talked to him I came within a breath of telling him off. I ended up transferring him to a manager.

            Twenty minutes later he called again about another issue and was as sweet and cooperative as can be.


            The next time I'm in NYC, I'm actually thinking of planning a side trip to this buttheads office, just so I can punch him in the side of the head.

            And I'm not usually that type of person.
            Last edited by LifeCarnie; 12-12-2007, 09:27 PM.
            Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


            • #7
              Work out if he parks on Double Yellow Lines (he sounds like the type of pillock who does) and get friendly with your Local PCSO/Parking attendant/Traffic Warden (I'm prett ysure you're from the UK)
              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


              • #8
                Ohhh yes - I have one.

                She will come in every 6 months or so for digital photos to be printed. When they are done, she'll always complain that they are too light / too dark / have been cropped when they haven't and demand them for free. I'll always refuse, she'll accuse us of being unprofessional because we do other services as well as photos and are therefore too stupid to know more than one task.

                She'll then play the "Don't You Know Who I Am" card (because she is some local MPs secretary's friends brothers neighbour or something), and I'll tell her I don't care who she is.

                She'll try to snatch the photos for free, I'll refuse, she'll threaten to go to the local papers about how unprofessional and stupid we are. Then she'll stomp off shouting about going somewhere "professional" - where they also charge you £5 per print instead of the 50p I was going to charge - and they use the same machines as I do!

                It'll all go quiet for another 6 months until she decides to grace us with her presence again.

                She also looks like Alice from Dilbert, so I really can't take her seriously!


                • #9
                  Customers? No. Tier 2 agents? Surprisingly, yes. Why surprisingly? Well, I really have no idea exactly how many agents they have in a call center, but chances are, it's a LOT. In any case, there are times where an agent will call up and I know I've talked to him before. I say him because yes, I've had a ditzy girl on the line once or twice, but 90% of the bastardy stems from cocky-sounded assholes who don't know their head from the ground, but will make recommendations on what they think I should do.

         get all excited about DHCP server error issues like it's something all mysterious and such, but you want to make recommendations as to why. REALLY. Well, here's my advice to you: If you know why it's doing that, why haven't you done anything about it?! That's what I thought. Shut your face. Yes, certain things are still relatively vague to me, but I won't pretend to know more than I do, which is the main reason I really haven't contributed much in the tech help area yet.

                  The worst part is these guys are the biggest offenders of bad transfers. Note: not cold transfers...BAD transfers. I've had some of these guys chew me and my coworkers out because we refuse partial tickets, BS steps (written but not performed), and flat-out stupidity. And when I say chew us out, I mean ANGRILY YELLING AT US AND TRYING TO CLAIM THEY KNOW MORE THAN US. Yeah. Fun.
                  You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                  • #10
                    Quoth Linda View Post
                    She also looks like Alice from Dilbert, so I really can't take her seriously!
                    Is this the same woman under the thread "The Case Of The Triangle-Haired Special Order Lady"? Sounds like it.


                    • #11
                      Nervous Loner. I haven't had to deal with him much since I got put down in the "dungeon", but he does come around on occasion (this was the guy who tried to get me in trouble one of my first few nights on the job).

                      Now I get to deal with the ebay dorks who keep crying foul about combined shipping and "i have not received your email"...well I sent it through ebay's system, I received a copy so you must have gotten it
                      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

