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"next I want this" (long rant)

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  • "next I want this" (long rant)

    ok...had this "lady" (I use the term lightly) walk into the store yesterday and naturally being the wonderful and attentive asst. manager that I am ( I was doing markdowns and needed a break from it) I walked up to greet her.

    I never even had the chance to say hello when the woman breaks out and says "I want a size 44 tighty whitey" (remember...I work in an underwear store). So I showed her our classics line and got her that size. I started to walk away when she threw (yes threw) the underwear at me...which I caught and she stated "next I need a black wife beater (A-shirts for those of you who HATE this term as much as I do) so I showed her to the a-shirts and got her the size she needed. Again...she expected me to carry them. This went on for about 4 more items...Picture me..arms completely full...leading this lady around the store...havent even had the chance to say hello yet because she wont let me talk...

    So I decide to set the merchandise she has decided to buy up on the counter next to the register so I at least have my hands free. Lady just flips out and says she does NOT want HER items put on the counter where other people can steal them (uhm...what other are the only one in the store). When all was said and done I got almost a $200 sale out of it (half of it clearance...I do work in an outlet after all). THEN she had the nerve to ask for corporate's address so she can write a letter of complaint about me because I wasnt helpful, or attentive to customer needs. She continued to berate me because I didnt even say hello to her when she walked in the door.

    throughout the whole experience all I heard was "next I want this" no thank you.... gawd lady....want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first....(I didnt say this...just thinking it consistently throughout my ordeal)

    so was I out of line at all in this?
    Oh..and on top of all that..I sprained my wrist helping the UPS guy bring in the shipment for the I can hardly bend it and it hurts like hell
    "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney

  • #2
    Absolutely not! She's angry cause you didn't bow, literally, and worship at her feet! I hate people like her who need their shopping done for them cause they just cant be bothered!!!! I'll find stuff, but you need to be a grown up and do it your damn self!

    And it's not stealing if you didn't buy it!!! IT'S NOT YOURS!! ::bitter rant::

    Hope your wrist feels better!!

    First Lesson I learned from working in a bookstore:
    People who can read are made of the same rudeness as those who cannot.


    • #3
      Quoth king4aday View Post
      so was I out of line at all in this?
      You know the answer to this one. Don't be silly.

      What a bitch.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        I can't stand it when you try to be nice to customers and they are so rude back.

        I work at a mall kiosk that sells blown glass stuff. A customer come up to the booth and was looking around. After a minute I say to her;

        Me: "Hi there! How are you today?" Just a friendly greeting, not trying to make her buy crap.
        SW: "NO! I'm just LOOKING!"


        Oh, and I had a customer call a glass nativity set a "novelty" set. Just thought that was humerous.
        "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
        "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


        • #5
          yeah...this is really the first lady who really ticked me off at work at this I guess Im pretty lucky that I honestly really dont have that many sucky customer stories. Most people are really nice and understanding and they really like the service that we give them in the store.
          "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


          • #6
            Um, you're supposed to be an associate, not a personal shopper.

            When I was at the young lady's store, if anyone had ever thrown clothes at me and expected me to hold on to them and follow them around their entire excursion, I would have told them to hire an assistant and get the hell out.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              The lady was completely out of line. Like blas said, you're an associate (read: asst manager), not a personal shopper. It's not like you don't have anything better to do.

              And as far as the lady throwing the underwear at you? I don't know what I would have done. I'd like to say I'd have some smartass retort or action at the ready, but I really think I'd be so shocked at her behavior that I would be dumbfounded.

              What a grade-A fucktrumpet.


              • #8
                Oh yes, d'oh, assistant manager I meant.

                Either way, you aren't Ugly Betty. Customers can't treat you that way. Oh wait...nevermind..........I thought I was thinking rationally...
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  so was I out of line at all in this?
                  Goodness, no! And where the hell did that woman get off behaving like some diva, ordering you around and making you carry her purchases? Who does she think you are, Cinderella?? I'm surprised she didn't drag you home and make you clean her fireplace! And I've gotten the whole "you didn't even say 'hello'!" spiel too. Of course you didn't say "hello", she didn't give you a chance!

                  "next I need a black wife beater (A-shirts for those of you who HATE this term as much as I do)
                  I have vowed to never refer to tank tops as "wife beaters". I'm a woman, and it makes me dirty calling them that. And who came up with that term for tank tops, anyway? It's so loathesome!

                  gawd lady....want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
                  Hilarious. I have to use that expression some time.
                  "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


                  • #10
                    Quoth Marxfan View Post
                    I have vowed to never refer to tank tops as "wife beaters". I'm a woman, and it makes me dirty calling them that. And who came up with that term for tank tops, anyway? It's so loathesome!
                    As a guy, I don't like the term either. But it comes as a slang term from the sorts of areas (trailer parks) where the guys wear that sort of shirt and short pants/boxers because of the hot weather and lack of air conditioning and, quite often, are known to beat their wives. For whatever unkown reason, the term caught on. Doesn't mean I use it, though.

                    But man, she was worried about people stealing merchandise she hadn't even bought yet? I mean come on! Not even on a bad day would I treat someone like that. At least you got her money, though. Would have sucked if she had decided after all that not to purchase because of "the rudeness".
                    You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred.


                    • #11
                      I think I would have turned around and placed every. single. thing. slowly. back. where. they. came. from. then announce that you are going on break.


                      • #12
                        It makes me wonder what kinds of things SC's like this are thinking before they come into the store . . . (I'm going to make someone's life a living hell).

                        What the heck would she have done if you (and other associates) were busy and couldn't wait on her hand and foot?
                        This area is left blank for a reason.


                        • #13
                          I hate the term wife beater as well. I call them undershirts.

                          Oddly enough, I buy 4 packs of Hane's men's small undershirts and wear them underneath my shirts that are too low cut. They are SO comfortable.

                          Lots of guys wear them around here as well. Working men obviously wear them under their shirts and the "gangstas" and the white trash crowd wear them along with super baggy shorts, except the undershirt is usually no longer white. Like a worn-out old bra, just filthy and gross and moldy and yellow and grey!
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Don't ever think that you are out of line when someone is so blatantly being rude and inconsiderate.

                            My poor coworker once at a womens fashion store was serving this couple, my coworker and the couple were both of the same origin (this is important). I noticed that she was looking very distressed. I got a little closer to find out that the woman was in fact ordering her around like slave. I went over and said that she was needed out the back and that I would take over the sale.

                            Well the women was not impressed about this and said her job was to serve her, and that nothing can be more important than that. I said that as the customer is important that was why I was taking over helping them. Well she proceeded to do the same thing to me. But me being the tougher person that I am politely told her that if she continued to speak to me in that tone I would ask her to leave the store, there was no need for it and we were being as helpful as we could. She just huffed, I finished the sale and sent them on their way.

                            When they had left my coworker came over to thank me for taking over the sale and explain that where they come from there is a big divide between those that have money and those that don't. Basically the have's treat the others like slaves and that is exactly what she saw my coworker as. I told her I admired the fact that she remained composed throughtout the ordeal as I wouldn't have been able to.

                            Hope I didn't high jack the thread with my lengthy story.
                            Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


                            • #15
                              Corporate did call today and talk to my GM (he was there at the time) because I guess the lady called and complained up a storm about how she was treated horribly. She told them that we had not said hello, offered to help her, and acted as though we didnt have time for her. She was demanding a full refund for her merchandise because of the way she was treated. Because of this they called the GM to ask him about it, and he explained exactly how she treated us. SO...they called her up and let her know that she would not be getting a refund. the district manager called back and said that she has now threatened to call a lawyer and will be calling the better business bureau and the fraud division of the attorney general's office......

                              seriously...what is wrong with these fucktards? She wants to spend lots of money on a lawyer...and go through what could be years of lawsuits (my parents took a business to court and it took 2 years to get the judgement against the business thats another long story). Oh well...heres hoping this is the last time we here from her.
                              "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney

