So theres this "troll" of a man that is a pest around our town. I see him everywhere. Hes HUGE (probably about 500 lbs) and has terrible hygene. He goes around town trying to get ppl to donate to his walkathon thingy. I highly doubt this is legit because someone that large would not be able to do a walkathon. At least I highly doubt it. Anyways, a few months back he came into our gas station. He went into the bathroom for a long time, then he comes out and he asks to use the phone. Hes on the phone and my co-worker can hear what hes saying - hes telling the person he shit his pants and its everywhere and he needs them to bring him new pants. So she looks and sure enough, brown all over the back of his pants. He walked outside and so she headed towards the bathroom. She wasnt even halfway there and she said the stench was so bad she literally gagged. So she called one of the managers down to help clean it up. (which by the way, he says it was all over the walls, floor, everywhere including noticeable apple peals). So you would think someone who did this would be humiliated and run out and never come back right? Nope, the dude comes back in and starts telling us it was all because he drank slim-fast. GROSS. AND THEN... after all of that, he starts begging for $$ for his walkathon!!!!!! The boss was PISSED and told him to leave.
Can you believe someone could be that rude?
Can you believe someone could be that rude?