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rants and kudos (language)

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  • rants and kudos (language)

    I had to do some erands today before work, so I got a collection of tidbits throughout the day.

    -to the lady walking down the middle of the lane in the parking lot with a kid in the cart. I will run your ass over and hope your kid gets a good family in the foster system. MOVE YOUR ASS TO THE SIDE. It's not rocket science.

    -to the clerk who rang me up in two transactions so I could use my second $10 off coupon without me asking. Marry me

    At the center right now, we have a special where for every $100 in gift certificates you buy you get 2 free passes.

    -to the lady who bought a gift certificate then immediately used it to buy her son a membership. DIE IN A FIRE.

    -To the clerk who seemed suprised that I actually fixed the shelf that knocked off the wall with my shopping bag. It was my pleasure, it's x-mas and you work retail, you don't need one more doucenozzle messing up your store.

    -to the guy who came into the center at 2 minutes to close with a membership (15min transaction). FUCK YOU

    -to the co-worker who pointed out the mistake I made. Yes I realize I gave the guy too much change ($10 over) and I feel like a grade A moron for it. But quite frankly I get flustered when you stand there looking over my shoulder when you're not even on the clock. Plus you would have never known if you didn't see it, because I would have covered my stupidity with my own money.
    Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time