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The Nasal Douche and his Precious Box Sets

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  • The Nasal Douche and his Precious Box Sets

    The moment the guy walked through the door ASM whispers to me, "Damnit, I hate this guy, he's always such an asshole." ASM and I are kindred spirits, so to speak (our mutual sarcasm makes it easy for us to work together), so I give him the benefit of the doubt, because, just looking at the guy, he looked like a normal college kid.

    So I prepare myself when he brings up three dvd box sets (empty because we gut everything, and clearly marked USED because all of our DVDs are used).

    ASM pulls a discount card out of the drawer and hands it to the guy.

    ASM: yep
    Me: Again, yep
    ND: Nasal douche because he had that snotty nasally voice most people stereotypically attribute to rich people

    ASM: here man, you forgot your card here yesterday
    ND: -snatches it away from ASM- No, you FORGOT to give it to me.
    ASM: ....whatever.. -begins to pull the dvds so I can box them-
    ND: -turns to me- Those DVDs better be in perfect condition, I'm giving two of those box sets away.
    Me: Well, we check everything we get in, if stuff is too scratched up we refurb it, so they should be fine. -takes the dvds from ASM, look at them, sure enough they're pretty much perfect-
    ND: Let me see those, I need to see them before I buy them.
    Me: Ok -inner sigh, begins to show the discs-
    ND: WHAT IS THAT?! -he points at something on one of the discs, growing clearly, very aggitated.-

    So I looked at the disc. It was obviously, very obviously as it was even casting its own tiny shadow on the surface, a piece of dust.

    Me: Um...dust.
    ND: Oh. Well wipe it off. And why are there so many stickers on the box?
    Me: So..people will know the price of them. -stares at the guy who's staring at the boxes-
    ND: Well I want them off. Will you take them off? (I start to take them off) NOT THAT FAST! YOU'RE GOING TO MESS UP THE BOX!

    This is now too ridiculous for me. This guy is unreal.

    Me: Dude, they're used. They're already a little banged up. If you want them perfect, go to Walmart across the parking lot and buy them new. The discs are already in pretty much perfect condition, but yeah, the boxes are already a little banged up. They've been handled. A lot.
    ND: UGH!

    He didn't say anything else, he paid for his crap and left. ASM said that he hates the guy because he never buys new games, always used, and bitches and moans when they're not in perfect condition. Even when the used game is only five bucks less than the new copy, he won't pony up for the new one and chooses to complain as much as possible when there's even so much as a fingerprint on it. I can understand having OCD, because ASM has it and he deals (even if he still won't let me used his hand sanitizer because he doesn't want anyone else using it ). What Nasal Douche does though, I'm choosing to call that just being an asshole.
    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    Nasal douche... hehehe.

    Sounds like something this guy needs. That and a good colonic flushing with a firehose.
    "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Well, you can't please everyone...especially not that guy!
      The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


      • #4
        Ya know, being in a call center sucks, but reading stories like this (dealing with asshats face-to-face) make me SOOOO glad I can hit my trusty mute button and cuss them all out, all while making faces and flipping them the bird.
        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


        • #5
          Ah, but therein lies the eternal question...on a regular basis dealing with regular circumstances, you are likely to get the same essential amount of SCs whether face-to-face or over the phone. The question is which do you deal better with? I've often wondered that myself because I've done both. Back when I was working in gas stations it was amusing that people thought I'd roll over and play dead by showing me a little physical intimidation.

          Oddly enough, the same thing happened when I was working security. It's certainly more fun working in a call center because you get to discuss with your peers right then and there via good ol' mutey. The bad news is that EVERYONE is more inclined to be a dick because of presumed anonymity. Granted, I have their info right in front of me. If I want to lose my job, but go out awesome-style, I print out that info and proceed to pay the customer a "visit" later.

          Chances are they're not so tough now. However, that's not to say you won't get a mountain of shit dealing with people face-to-face either. I guess it just varies with the type of job.
          You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


          • #6
            Nasal Douche Returns!

            Yep. He came back. Tried to con me out of some money, too. Bitched and moaned because he wanted to cancel a preorder, when he had already cancelled it the week before. With me. So I remembered it, considering no one else has preordered that game with us. I made it clear that I knew better and he gave up and left.
            Would you like a Stummies?


            • #7
              I have to admit- I'm pretty anal retentive myself when it comes to the condition of my DVDs, even the ones I buy used. If the whole thing (disc, packaging, insert) is not in near-mint condition, I don't want it. I don't just buy DVDs to watch them, I collect them.

              However, I'm not a dick about it to the staff at the stores I buy my used movies from. I realize that used means used. I've decided against buying some pretty rare and amazing finds because of their poor condition. But it's my loss, and I know it's the fault of the asshat who owned it before- it's not like the staff of the store took out some sandpaper and chicken grease and went to town on the case after they bought it off the previous owner.

              I also realize that sometimes DVDs are messed up from the start. I had to buy three copies of 'K-Pax' before I got one that didn't skip right out of the package. But, I'm rambling.

              The guy in the OP sounds like an annoying ass.
              "She didn't observe the cardinal rule: Don't F**K with people who handle your food"
              -Ryan Reynolds in 'Waiting'

