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Cash Back

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  • Cash Back

    Okay, mom came back from grocery shopping with this tale:

    SW-sucky woman

    SW: (using debt card)
    C: Do you want cash back?
    SW: How much can I get?
    C: $100 is the limit.
    SW: I'll take $100.
    C: (opens cash drawer) Sorry, I don't have that much. You'll have to go to the next line over to get that much cash.
    SW: You have a bad attitude and should go out and take a break and think about your bad attitude.
    M: What a bitch!
    C: Well that's one way to put it.
    Is it insanity to reason with the voices in your head or to ignore them and hope they go away on their own? - Hod from Brat-halla

    "You're the nicest evil person I know" one of my managers to me

  • #2
    I think at that point, I would have taken the break the customer claimed was warranted, and when chastised by management for it, say that I was only trying my hardest to please the customer.

    After all...

    ...the customer is always right... right?

    *runs and avoids rotten tomatos and banana peels*

    *...slunks back, peers around corner to ensure reappearance is safe*

    While the customer's frustration is understandable, I completely fail to see an "attitude" on your part. Such a claim is therefore false.

    Meaning, on her part, fail.

    For this reason, I am honored to bestow upon her:


    • #3
      I, too, fail to see any attitude on your part. Sounds to me like the SC is the only one with an attitude.
      "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
      ~Curly from the 3 Stooges

