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Ice Cream and Cussing and Forks, Oh My!

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  • #16
    One of my friends gave up cursing for Lent one year in college. She charged herself a nickel (poor college student...) and donated the money to a charity.

    As for ice cream, it is 9:51pm and I have just finished a nice dish of ice cream (actually, a mug, because the only bowls I have are either cereal- or mixing-...).

    And it was yummy!
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #17
      Quoth digilight View Post
      3 folks that may drop an occasional shit, but it doesn't happen often and you know that this word means something when they say it.

      2 folks that tend to use shit a little more often and drop the rare F-bomb, but not to often (fuck still holds some meaning in their vocabulary)
      I fit between those two categories. Cuss words are mostly interchangeable in my vocabulary. It just depends on how mad I am, and which word pops out first. Needless to say, I've been known to cuss like a sailor when angry.
      The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

      Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


      • #18
        2 folks that tend to curse often but try and keep it respectable around customers and coworkers

        I'm around this catagory. But as a teacher I'm trying to get here.

        Quoth digilight View Post
        2 folks that must take to Jesus cause the harshest word or phrase they use is "ahhh nuts" (how they are able to avoid cussing I'll never know, but they have the patience of a saint)
        And no I'm not cussing at the students, I'm a klutz and keep managing to hurt myself in the classroom (dropping TEs on my foot, tripping over chairs and students desks, bashing knee into low tables that I just don't see) Suffice it to say, I tend to bite my lip so much I have a scar on it. That and I cuss like Yosamity Sam.
        Is it insanity to reason with the voices in your head or to ignore them and hope they go away on their own? - Hod from Brat-halla

        "You're the nicest evil person I know" one of my managers to me


        • #19
          Quoth Trayol View Post
          4. I swear I will find that genetic defect that makes people want ice cream at 9:45 at night.
          What's wrong with a late night snack? If you're open and clearly not cleaning up for the night, isn't it acceptable to partake of the service which you offer?

          Quoth Trayol View Post
          5. To the persons who want their shakes thin or thick or stirred or mixed or doubled and need to question our hours prices, procedures, or drive-thru speed, I hope your rectums are torn out through your navel.
          I like my shakes thick. And, if you make it for me that way without being whiny, I'll even tip you nicely for it. One girl made my shake perfectly ... I'd initially tipped her $1 (for a $2 shake) before I tasted it because she'd done as I'd requested. After tasting it, I added $4 to that tip. Best shake I'd ever had.

          Obviously, at some fast "food" places, you can't get shakes like that. Shake mix just doesn't seem to come out any other way besides gloppy.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #20
            Some Clarification

            I'm sorry for upsetting you marasbaras; I should have explained myself better.

            From fall through spring our stores close at 10 pm. Being winter the number of employees closing is usually 4. Those 4 have to restock the paper cups and spoons, clean all the dishes, clean the dining area and bathrooms, wipe down the counters, count the money correctly, restock the freezer, etc. Due to the time it takes to complete the closing process we try to start it around 9:15 so at 10 we all can just put up chairs and leave.

            Now what I mean by genetically defective people are those who consistently come in in large groups wishing to order vast amounts of ice cream and wished to stay and eat. This limits our ability to complete our closing jobs, especially the dish washer. I too do enjoy ice cream at night and I don't mind having a few people come in at this time, but it becomes a real pain when it people consistently come in and make larger orders at this time.

            As for making people's shakes thick, thin, etc. My main irritation is from customers wanting thick shakes from ice cream that cannot be made that way. For example, Chocolate Marshmallow (the marshmallow makes it to oozy and liquidy), Pistachio & Butter Pecan (for their nuts) and Cookie Dough. If your thick shake isn't of of the preceding marasbaras, I'd be fine with making. Unfortunately, due to company policy we are not allowed to accept tips. I f you happened to leave it somewhere and don't wish it returned, then I could keep what I found on a table.

            To the people who question the validity of the cuss jar:
            Many people in our store have problems filtering their words and lack the knowledge of how far their voice can carry. The jar goes beyond cursing to include anything that would make most people grimace. (bodily functions, personal lives, things i could not eveb attempt to type here) For using the money to by pizza, that was the original plan, but it go to a charity instead. The idea for pizza arose because usually once a week, a few employees would pool money to get pizza; the cuss jar money would have replaced that.

            I hope this explains some questions that many of you have had. Enjoy your last week until Christmas.
            "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

            Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


            • #21
              Thanks to my upbringing, my "cussing vocabulary" is sorely limited. I was in about 7th grade before I ever heard my dad drop the f word, and I don't think I've ever heard my mother cuss. I've been teaching for about 20 years now, so there are very few words in my daily vocabulary. My main expression is that something "inhales with great velocity."

              I don't remember what brought it on, but the first time the DH heard me say, "F@#% You!" to him, he was in utter shock!
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

