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Another computer retail episode.. (Long)

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  • Another computer retail episode.. (Long)

    Back in '99 at CompUSA I had a customer who was looking for a 32mb RAM upgrade for his custom built Pentium CPU based computer.

    He was nice enough to tell me that it uses EDO SIMMs. I went to go get two 16mb EDO SIMMs (because that's the way the upgrades work on that kind of architecture back in the day) He snapped at me! He thought I was trying to rip him off by having him buy 2 16mb chips vs. 1 32mb chip. I explained to him that's how Intel Pentium's architecture worked and if he buys a 32mb chip he's gonna need another because the system won't recognize it... giving him a total of 64mb.

    Customer insisted I was wrong and demanded me to sell him the 1 32mb chip or he was going to speak to my manager. I, being 18-19 and scared of losing my job, caved in and sold him what he wanted. I rang out his purchase too and wrote down his name (I memorized the name off his credit card). I also let him know that if he opens hardware and then returns it, they charge a 15% restocking fee. He blew me off as incompetent and left.

    Sure enough.. 4-5 hours later that evening.. He came back. He yelled at customer service and insisted I sold him a bum chip. We took it back and gave him another and he went on his way. I explained to customer service that he's going to be back because his machine needs pairs of those chips to upgrade correctly.

    Store closed that night. Next morning store opened and my shift started. Customer showed up within the first 5 minutes of open and walked menacingly towards the customer service counter and started yelling and screaming and cussing at the poor guy behind the counter. I decided to step up and explain to the employee what's been going on.

    Customer was pretty flabbergasted to see that I remembered him as I even called him by his first and last name.

    He was given three choices:
    Buy another 32mb chip ($90)
    Return the 32mb chip ($90) + eat a 15% restocking fee ($13.50)
    (Optional) Purchase the two 16mb chips ($50 each)

    He decided to return the chip then demanded that we sell him the 2 16mb chips for $90 (instead of $100), credit his restocking fee, plus give a free RAM installation ($40). We told him that it was his fault for not listening to me in the first place. Since customer service, myself, or the manager (Who I also informed of the whole situation) wouldn't budge to his demands he left the place in a fit of rage.

    He wasted $13.50 + gas for three round-trips to the store for his stupidity and has nothing to show for it. Pity him, I do not. Pwned!
    Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.

  • #2
    Awesome I've helped people before with technology and I love it when they don't believe me about whatever advice i give them. One time it got to the point when I said do one thign and they insisted they do the other choice I had them sign a libaility waiver. Just so you know I do this work on the side for people in my dorm.


    • #3
      I'm in that same situation just about every day.

      This week we have a cheapo laptop available. It has 512mb RAM, a Celeron 400 series processor, an 80gig hard drive, and Vista Basic. Those of you who know anything about computers will know that this is not a good combination. For those of you who are a little less tech savvy, imagine a Geo Metro towing a 40-foot yacht uphill and you'll have a good idea of how well this computer will run.

      Customer wanted a laptop. He wanted to play some games (Fable, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and so on) and be able to run his work's 3D drafting program, which he said was similar to SolidWorks. Now we're down to a 4-year-old kid on a tricycle towing a 45-foot yacht up a hill covered in loose gravel.

      I tell the customer it won't work. He asks why. I explain. He doesn't believe me. I explain again and demonstrate how slow this thing is even loading Windows Media Player. He still doesn't believe me. One of my co-workers steps in and tells him the same thing. He claims that my store must only hire idiots, promises to go to our competitor and never return, and leaves.

      At least he didn't buy it. I wouldn't want to be around for that return.
      I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
      - Bill Watterson

      My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
      - IPF


      • #4
        Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post

        Customer wanted a laptop. He wanted to play some games (Fable, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and so on) and be able to run his work's 3D drafting program, which he said was similar to SolidWorks. Now we're down to a 4-year-old kid on a tricycle towing a 45-foot yacht up a hill covered in loose gravel.

        Good god! What kind of head injury did he have to think that laptop would work for those?! He must not be an avid gamer... perhaps just starting? Deffinetly not a full time 3D artist... I mean, any 3D program, even just a drafting program, is a complete ram hog. All the avid gamers/3D nuts I know (including myself) are complete 'must have fastest/bestest/will not explode' computer/laptop on the market... not... cheapest POS system I can find! Just.. Just...

        ... oh god... my brain. It's seizuring.


        • #5
          Not all Laptop's are equal.

          I play games on my laptop all the time, with I-tunes running in the background.

          Although, I had originally built that laptop in order to edit video with Avid.

          Yes, my laptop can beat your laptop up.
          Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


          • #6
            Well remember you can only play GAMES on a GAMING LAPTOP!


            • #7
              Quoth LifeCarnie
              Yes, my laptop can beat your laptop up
              Are you sure?
              Last year when I first got my laptop, it ran while running 2 virus protection softwares simultaneously, which I was told was very WTF bad. They were McAfee and Norton.

              Luckily the perk of living on an Honors floor is that there are dozens of computer geeks to help.

              And by run, I mean it turned on, I could type (usually) and play movies and the basic computer games.
              "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

              Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


              • #8
                Now generally if I'm buying something I'm not so sure about I take the sales assistants advice. Why? Cause they generally know what they are talking about.

                I'm mustn't be a very good SC, I would have listened and bought the 2 lots in the first place.


                • #9
                  Well... I can see why some of them might be prone to ignoring advice since they probably assume (in some cases correctly, perhaps) that someone working at a computer store is going to try to "pull the wool over their eyes" and sell them stuff that they don't actually need, knowing that the consumer wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I can imagine it happening and I do, I admit, sometimes go to a store expecting people to try to sell me things and keep myself wary. (Superfluous warranties, anyone?)

                  Still, there's a point where you just need to either do your homework ahead of time, admit you need help, or admit you've been wrong. That's where the SCs get hung up.
                  You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred.

