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  • Dis-Enchanted

    We had the craziest weekend at the cinema. It was the second weekend of The Golden Compass as well as the opening weekend of Enchanted and Bee Movie. While we were fully staffed (unlike the previous weekend), there we periods where we were rushed off our feet.

    Suck Number 1.

    I was on the kiosk. Picture if you will a line of tills - 10 of them, maybe 40 feet long. My till is till number 2, down towards one end. It is a quiet spell and I am down towards the other end making up Film Feast bags (a small bag of popcorn, a few sweets, a bottle of drink, a toy) with the help of R, a co-worker. At this point a gentleman with 2 or 3 kids approaches where we are working and asks for some popcorn.

    I look around to direct him to someone who is serving, but as is their wont all the other cashiers have disappeared because it is quiet. So I serve this man his popcorn and drinks. I rush down to the other end and run his stuff through the till and come back and tell him the total.
    He says, "I haven't finished yet.," and hands me a packet of sweets, I take the sweets from him in hurry and rush back to my till and rush back with the total.
    It comes to over £20. I say "£2x.xx, please."
    He hands me £20 and then turns to talk to his kids. I wait.
    Then he hands me more.
    I head down to my till, ring it through and bring him his change.

    Now by the end of the transaction I am pretty pissed off at running back and forth, so I may not have been as polite as usual but I certainly wasn't rude.

    But 2 minutes later, R tells me that the guy complained to her that I had been rude to him and snatched the bag of sweets out of his hand.


    Suck number 2.

    We sold a lot of hotdogs. It seems like my whole home town had a craving for hotdogs on Sunday. We had barely opened when customers were buying hotdogs. We could not heat them up fast enough and getting the rolls out of the freezers and defrosted was causing problems.

    So during a busy spell a man orders two hot dogs. I make them up, taking the last two rolls out of the bun warmer.

    He looks at them and says, "Can you put that one in a new bun, you've broken the roll?"
    Now the roll was slightly squashed in the middle where I've opened it up to put the sausage in.
    Knowing, I've taken the last two rolls, I say "No..." and before I've offered an explanation, he turns and storms off.
    He heads out of the cinema, so whether he just came to partake in our fine reconstituted, irradiated meat sandwich, I don't know.

    Minor sucks:

    Unattended kids who grubby paws kept making their way into the BJ ice cream topping containers.

    Kids who charged down the disabled ramp and ran smack into me.

    Both sets who earned a shouting at from me.

    Teenagers who bought tickets for a film on Saturday night, then got a refund 20 minutes later. The came back later to loiter in the lobby. They didn't cause trouble though.
    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

  • #2
    ^maybe that teen bought the tickets for a movie to take a girl to but he got turned down when he showed them to her?


    • #3
      Quoth cinema guy View Post
      BJ ice cream topping
      Scuse me, but I think I wandered into this gutter by accident, can anyone tell me how to get out of here?
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Juwl, follow the sign that says Ben & Jerry's.
        "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

