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My adventure at CVS this weekend

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  • My adventure at CVS this weekend

    I was out on Saturday, looking for some ornament hooks for my tree. The only place I could think of was CVS, and lo and behold, there they were, 100 for only 79 cents! So, I got them, and took them to the register, and this is where the adventure began with the two women in front of me:

    WSC1: Woman sucky customer 1
    WSC2: Woman sucky customer 2
    C: Cashier

    C: Okay, maam, your total is $5.32
    WSC1: I need some Winston Lights.
    C: One moment (and he started looking.....)
    WSC1: Young man, it's a gold box (being he was supposed to find them NOW!!!)
    C: Yes, maam. Your total is now $10.58
    WSC1: Don't you sell stamps? I need a book of them.
    C: We do sell stamps. One book, correct?
    WSC1: That's what I said, young man.
    C: Your total is now $18.19.
    WSC1: How much?
    C: $18.19.
    WSC1: (Hands "young man" a $20 bill.)
    C: (Starts ringing up WSC1)
    WSC1: Wait, how much in change was it?
    C: 19 cents.
    WSC1: (As she digs in her purse for change, brings out two nickels)
    C: It's 19 cents, maam.
    WSC1: Oh, darn. Hang on (digs through her purse some more and gets out nine pennies)
    C: Thank you (and gave her the change).

    Now, this is what happened with WSC2. When it was her turn, WSC1 would not move out of her way, and was rummaging through her purse looking for her cigarette lighter, as well as trying to open her pack of smokes.

    WSC2: Before you ring me up, I need to see what my balance is on this card (which was a prepaid AT&T gift card).
    C: (Rings it through) I'm sorry, but it has a zero balance.
    WSC2: That's not right. You need to check it again. (WSC1 has still not moved out of the way of WSC2, nor does she even care that she's still there)
    C: I'm sorry, but your balance is zero.
    WSC2: You need to keep checking.

    Finally, a nice employee in the film department announced, "I'll take the next customer waiting!"

    I got my hooks and left, and WSC2 was still arguing with the cashier, as if he's at fault for not being able to tell her what she wanted to hear, but WSC1 had left, or so I thought. When I got out to my car, she was out there, still rummaging through her purse, now trying to light her cigarette, and was parked right next to my car! At least she was standing in a place where she wasn't blocking the walk way.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 12-17-2007, 09:19 PM.

  • #2
    I hate cigarette customers that do that. I've been working at CVS for 4 years, I know what a box of Marlboro Fucking Lights looks like by now. The store I work in is set up weird. The entrance is at the corner of the building. When you walk in the customer service desk is on the wall to the left, but the photo lab is on the wall to the right. If I was ringing in the photo lab and a customer wanted cigarettes I would have to walk over to the front counter to get them. Thats not a problem, except when the customer would FOLLOW ME OVER to make sure I got the right kind.

    I didn't know we could look up the balance of gift cards at the register. Of course, there probably is a way, but corporate doesn't tell us these things. The staff of that store probably figured out how to do it on their own.
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." - Anonymous

    "I thought I'd get your theories, mock them, then embrace my own. The usual." - Dr. House


    • #3
      I avoid the sucky cigarette (and just plain ol' sucky) customers at CVS by not going there. I needed ornament hooks too. I went to the Dollar Store where I got 300 hooks for $1! Boy Howdy! I do so love me the Dollar Store!


      • #4
        Paper clips make good ornament hooks in a pinch. Just flip the inside up, so you get an S shape. And if you get colored ones you can match them to the ornaments...
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          I wasn't aware that we could check the gift card balances, either ('course, all I ever ring up are prescriptions, so that might have something to do with it ).

          But indeed, I'll be damned if anyone ever told us about it.

          Stories such as this really make me glad I don't have to hawk smokes back in the pharmacy. *twitch*

          BUT! At least the woman didn't start yelling at the kid about it... just kept it at arguing.



          • #6
            Quoth theredbaron47 View Post
            I wasn't aware that we could check the gift card balances, either ('course, all I ever ring up are prescriptions, so that might have something to do with it ).

            But indeed, I'll be damned if anyone ever told us about it.

            Stories such as this really make me glad I don't have to hawk smokes back in the pharmacy. *twitch*

            BUT! At least the woman didn't start yelling at the kid about it... just kept it at arguing.

            Oh, I don't know. By the time I left, it sounded like it was getting pretty heated. It was an AT&T gift card, for God's sake. Where it this the fault of CVS for a customer not keeping up with their own shit?


            • #7
              We get the same people at our store.

              I just take it as a small consolation that with all of the smoking they're doing that they'll croak eventually.


              • #8
                Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                We get the same people at our store.

                I just take it as a small consolation that with all of the smoking they're doing that they'll croak eventually.
                It'll never happen. I've known friends and family who never ever smoked and had died of some sort of cancer, and yet there are others who smoke their entire life and die of.....natural causes!


                • #9
                  Quoth El Barto View Post
                  I didn't know we could look up the balance of gift cards at the register.
                  You can't with all gift cards, that is probably why your corporate doesn't provide instructions. With all of the gift cards out there it would be impossible to keep track of the correct method. I know the Simon Mall visa gift cards my company gives out every year for Christmas, the cashier's can't check. The customer is responsible for knowing the balance. If the charge is greater than the balance, the card will decline.


                  • #10
                    Quoth El Barto
                    I hate cigarette customers that do that. I've been working at CVS for 4 years, I know what a box of Marlboro Fucking Lights looks like by now. The store I work in is set up weird. The entrance is at the corner of the building. When you walk in the customer service desk is on the wall to the left, but the photo lab is on the wall to the right. If I was ringing in the photo lab and a customer wanted cigarettes I would have to walk over to the front counter to get them. Thats not a problem, except when the customer would FOLLOW ME OVER to make sure I got the right kind.
                    At the store I used to work at, the packs were in an overhead bin. Every now and then if I took too long to find a pack, I'd get one who would lean backwards so they can look under the display.

                    Also, the most common brands (Marlboros, Camels, etc.) were typically on the bottom row. I've had quite a few people reach up under the display and grab them. It didn't bother me much then, but I suppose it should've.
                    "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe

