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Little things that SCs do that bother me but shouldn’t

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  • #46
    *deep breath*

    Customers who would bark "MARBOREDS!" at me or grunt "NEWSPAPER!"

    Customers who thought they were too good to wait, and would budge in line and try to dangle 50 cents or a dollar in front of my face when I was clearly in the middle of a transacation and in no spot to open my till and ring up their stupid newspaper. I'd ignore them, they'd clear their throat, I'd ignore more, they'd grunt, I'd ignore, and they'd eventually either throw the money at me or leave it on the counter and flounce off.

    Likewise, customers who refused to wait, and either just a newspaper or an event amount of gas and would just walk in and throw their money somewhere in the middle of a huge rush. After a huge rush, I'd see a ten and a twenty dollar bill on the end of the counter or a five laying right by my till and two dollars worth of quarters piled up next to the gas money. Then I'd look on my screen and see even amounts of gas I hadn't rung up yet. Well, how NICE! Look bitches and assholes, this is a small store, it's easy to tell when it's slammed, if you don't want to wait two seconds to pay for gas or a paper, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!

    Customers who would flop their credit card on the counter or throw money at me.

    Likewise, customers who would walk in and cram their money in my hand or just give me their credit card or cash, and stare at me blankly, then get all upset and go "MARBOREDS!"

    Customers who played "the game". They'd first ask for a pack of "Marboreds" (yes I know it's Marb Reds or Marlboro Reds, I'm a smoker myself, but people are too stupid around here to pronounce anything right) and then as soon as I rung it up they'd go "NO! I said MarbLIGHTS!" and then I'd get lights and then they'd go "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME? I SAID ULTRALIGHTS!" and rinse wash repeat, then they'd bark "NOOOO! 100s!!!!" Seriously, I hope all those people had a burning house collapse on them.

    Customers who treated the parking lot like Nascar training roads. Your piece of shit 1979 F-150 is NOT impressive. That diesel truck needs power steering fluid, and for the love of God, WHO THE HELL puts spinner rims on an early 90s Corsica?! Who the hell gets their jollies off by peeling out of parking lots?

    People who tried to steal ice. It was especially funny when from inside I could hear people rattling the doors which were paddlelocked shut. HAHAHAHA!

    People who made a HUGE mess of the coffee area. Honest to gosh the sugar goes in the COFFEE! The counter doesnt need to be any sweeter. Spill something? PLEASE TELL ME! How immature do you have to be, to be 45 and destroying a coffee area?

    People who would walk in like zombies but would freak out "COFFEE? COFFEE! WHERE'S THE COFFEE?!! IT BETTER BE FRESH! I NEED COFFFFFFEEEEEE!"

    Lotto whores. ENOUGH said. Scratch scratch scratch, make a mess of my counter, scream at me for selling you a losing ticket, refuse to wait in line, throw your losing tickets at me....yeah, thanks a lot. I work so hard to pay for your Social Security checks and this is what you spend it all on? What a waste.

    People who would walk in, grab a soda, put it on the counter. I'd try to ring it up, but they'd waltz away, and grab some chips. Then waltz away and go get beer. Then waltz away and go get candy.......use a basket or wait until you're DONE to do this!

    Carding............I won't even go there. I WILL NOT.

    Ok sorry that was way too long but damn I'm so happy I'm never working at a gas station again.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #47
      I mentioned in one of my posts here that I am getting the same thing now I'm working in petrol; cept it's more "Superkings black!" XD
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #48
        When people plop their stuff on the counter, then immediately start swiping their credit/debit card. Knock it the *&%%^$^&% off! I have not even logged on to the computer yet and you swiped five times already and are bitching that it isn't doing anything. I will tell you when to swipe the card.

        Oh, and don't dare ask if you are going to be charged for each swipe. If you were that concerned about getting charged 5 times, you would not have swiped your card 5 times.

        Same when you actually wait till the end of the transaction and swipe your card. Don't re-swipe because the computer 'didn't do anything.' It is waiting on me to hit a button on my side. I am bagging your things at the moment. I was not issued extra arms when I got the job so just chill! Don't swipe 89586587625 times then wonder if you are going to be charged 89586587625 times.

        That little DEELEEP sound is highly annoying.

        Ok. I work in lingerie sometimes. (Usual dept is Home.)

        Yes, I have actually gotten the 'my girlfriend is about your size line, would you try this on for me' line. Um....NO.

        Twice in the last week, I had some teeny boper couple come in. She would try on lingerie and would want the boyfriend to come in the dressing room with her. Um..... EWWWW! First, we have other customers trying on bras, etc in the dressing rooms. A guy would not be welcome back there- at all. Second.... we aren't into giving you a place to DTD then discard the lingerie. Buy the lingerie and use the back seat like normal teen brat couples. Who wants to do THAT in a store, anyway??

        FFS! Just READ THE DAMN COUPON. That would solve a world of issues if people would just READ! people who don't read, then whine that the coupon works on 'nothing' truly deserve to be beaten by a curtain rod.

        No. I can't double bag. The person you have the gift for is in the store with you? Um.... how about shopping when they are not around? Either that or go to customer service and get a box before meeting up with the person.

        Yes, I am serious. I must check your ID for check and credit cards. Your name does not match? Too bad, so sad. Don't care if it is your husband's, mother's card or next door neighbor's third cousin's card. If the names do not match, I can't use it. ONLY exception is when it is the store card and I can call customer service to see if you are an authorized user.
        Last edited by retaildrone; 12-25-2007, 06:55 PM.


        • #49
          Quoth CancelMyService View Post
          It should be pointed out that "pet" is a term of endearment over in British-world. It doesn't mean that the person is expecting you to be animal-like.
          That one tends to be regionally based - mostly around the Newcastle/Tyneside area. Yorkshire tends to be 'love', I think 'duck' is Lancashire. "Fancy a pint" is understood pretty much everywhere.



          • #50
            I'm aware that "pet" is used (or was, I guess) a bit across the pond, but having spent my entire life growing up in the U.S. where it's not used, it just comes off as being condescending to me.

            I kind of like the idea of "duck," though. "Thanks a lot, duck." Hahaha. Gives me the giggles.

            Ditto to your entire post, retaildrone. Those multiple-swipers are terrible. "Why is nothing happenin-- OH GOD DON'T CHARGE ME TWICE!"


            • #51
              Yeah, I've heard "duck" too; like I said, if it's a little old lady saying it, it's not condescending at all. However, my least liked name has to be "Sweetheart"; and it's always sleazy men who use that term to me. -.- Yeah, in your dreams I'm your sweetheart.
              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
              My DeviantArt.


              • #52
                The majority of my customers are great people. There are, however a few annoyances.

                * Snapping "No, just looking" when I greet them.
                * Totally ignoring me when I greet them.
                * People who think I should know the location and price of everything in the store.
                * People who don't get that empty cases and turned off lights just might mean the area is closed.
                Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


                • #53
                  Quoth HALFHUMANHALFZOMBIE View Post

                  #5: Customers who shop in a hurry : More stupidity for the ones who shop when they are supposed to be working.
                  Sometimes, I shop for something on my lunch. Sometimes, I do have to get something for the office, while I am not a break.
                  Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                  San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

