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Yes. Yes you should. Now, please leave.

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  • Yes. Yes you should. Now, please leave.

    I want to hug the clothing manager today. She's like 5'6'' of spine. Awesome. Anyway, this wasn't my customer, but at the end of the day a lady and her bf/husband are near the front, browsing. I make the closing announcement. They appear confused. They head to the only open register.

    L = Lady
    G = Guy
    M = Cashier
    A = Manager
    J = Security Guard

    L: I thought we had more time. Don't you close at 7?
    M: No, we close at 6 during winter break (mind, this is a college campus).
    L: It said 7 on the internet!

    Lies! The internet has out winter hours in bold because they change.

    Anyway, the lady wants to return two shirts and a mug. No problem.

    M = Ooh, this shirt has a stain on it. We'll need to ask clothing for permission.
    L = It was like that when I bought it.
    Mental Me: *Oh shit. This won't end well.*
    Me: Hey M? Isn't A the clothing manager?
    M: Yeah.
    Me: And isn't that her over there?
    M: Yeah.
    Me: A! *Wave* We need your help!

    A proceeds to tell the duo that no, they cannot return the shirt with a LARGE, NOTICEABLE STAIN ON IT. Shirts that are returned must be in SELLABLE CONDITION. No one wants to buy a shirt with a LARGE, NOTICEABLE STAIN ON IT.

    L: But it was like that when I got it home!
    A: Didn't you look at it in the store?
    G: What, is she expected to inspect every item she buys?
    A: Well, yes. I do. It's how one shops.
    G: This is ridiculous! Maybe I should inspect this jersey I bought! *makes a huge show of inspection to illustrate his point*
    A: Indeed you should.
    G and L proceed to cuss out A. She stands there.

    I would like to take this intermission to point out that this LARGE, NOTICEABLE STAIN is both LARGE and NOTICEABLE. As in, one could see it very clearly. Our clothing employees would not have put it out. Normal customers would not have bought it.

    G and L lose their battle
    G: *storms back towards register* That's a fucked up policy! Fuck this fucking bookstore!
    J: Sir, I'm going to ask you to leave. Now.
    G: Not till I fucking get my fucking money!
    A: We'll do the returns for the other shirt and the mug.
    G: I want my fucking money!
    J: Leave. Now. Walk off campus.
    G: Fucking bookstore...I'll be back tomorrow morning!
    J: Very well. So will I. Now, please get out.
    Mental Me: I sooooo wish I opened tomorrow.
    G and L leave.
    A: That's a shame. That was a really cute shirt. I even own that one.

    Basically, I think this lady stained her shirt before wearing it and tried to pass it back to us. Even on the off chance that it WAS stained before she bought it, one does LOOK at the things one buys, yes? It's not uncommon to inspect merchandise, is it? Should you inspect the shirt? Yes.
    Current Faith in Humanity Meter:

  • #2
    Quoth MrDelirious View Post
    Basically, I think this lady stained her shirt before wearing it and tried to pass it back to us. Even on the off chance that it WAS stained before she bought it, one does LOOK at the things one buys, yes? It's not uncommon to inspect merchandise, is it? Should you inspect the shirt? Yes.
    I think you're completely right. I never buy something without giving it a good once over - i.e. checking for stains, making sure zippers work and buttons aren't loose, etc. Seems like....oh, crap, I's common sense. SC's don't come with that particular feature, do they?
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #3
      Quoth myswtghst View Post
      I think you're completely right. I never buy something without giving it a good once over - i.e. checking for stains, making sure zippers work and buttons aren't loose, etc. Seems like....oh, crap, I's common sense. SC's don't come with that particular feature, do they?
      The kicker to the whole thing was how they both tried to make the act of LOOKING AT WHAT ONE IS BUYING seem like a painful endeavor. Like it's somehow our fault that they didn't look at things.
      Current Faith in Humanity Meter:

