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Two From Tonight

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  • Two From Tonight

    Story #1: Pure Evil..Er, Stupid...

    Okay, so this is how it's supposed to work.

    There are these lucky few people who are GOLD members. Gold members have a few special privledges like if they call and we have a copy of a movie they want we will hold it for them until 8pm same day.
    Gold members are the only ones who have this privledge.

    So, this woman hangs out at the counter for quite a while this evening waiting for a Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector. Despite being very busy, lines, etc. we were very nice and kept checking the drop boxes for her even though it was detracting from the people who were waiting in line.

    Eventually she got tired of waiting and asked me if I would just call her when one came in and hold it for her. I asked her if she was a Gold memberand she said yes. So, I explained the rules of movie holding. It was already past 8pm and we don't call the customer- if they want something they have to call us.

    Then she gives me her account card. She was not a Gold member and so then I had to explain to her that since she actually is not that we can't hold anything for her.

    And here we go...

    Her: "But at The other store they call me when what I want comes in AND they hold it for me until whenever I can get there!"

    Yes, the age old "other store that does everything and anything the customer wants" ploy.

    Me: "I don't know about the other store but we follow the rules and these are the rules."
    Her: "Well I guess they're just nicer."
    Me: "Do you want a bag for your movie?"
    Her: "I'm disabled you know..."

    Yes, the 'I'm disabled and therefore the world owes me everything' ploy.

    Me: "Uhm?"
    Her: "I'm disabled and the people at the other store are nicer to me than you."
    Me: "Okay."
    Her: "I'll just go to the other store from now on."
    Me: "Okay. Have a nice night."

    She grabs her bag and walks over to the exit door.
    Her: "BITCH!" and she stormed out.

    I didn't even turn from the computer- I just ignored her and started posting the note to her account.

    Pretty soon my CSR comes over and says, "That woman who called you a bitch is STARING in the window at your back."

    Me: "I don't really care- she called me a bitch you know."

    So, here she comes back in...


    Me: "Oh, no. Of course not."
    Come on! You were STARING in the window all creepy! Yes, we were talking about you! DUUUHHHH!!!!

    Her: "I'll be back! I know you have a manager... somewhere!"
    Before she got out the door I turned to my CSR and said, "I suppose it hasn't crossed her mind to simply ask me for my manager's name and the next time she'll be here."
    CSR: "Apparently not."

    I think maybe that might've made her angrier...

    Story #2: The Apology

    So, this older woman had bought a new movie yesterday. She had opened it and watched it. She decided that it was actually a different movie she wanted and tried to return it for the other movie. I told her the policy- same title exchange for defective item. Then she wanted a refund. The product was open... can't refund on open product.

    She got angry and YANKED the movie out of my hand and shoved it in her purse while saying stuff like, "That's just stupid!" yadda, yadda.

    Her son was with her (probably in his 20's)- I expected the norm- I expected him to get in my face.

    Then something weird happened that almost floored me.

    Him soothingly: "Now Mom, it's not her fault. She didn't make these rules."
    Her: "I know, I know!"

    I left them to their conversation- stunned.

    After a bit she came up and REALLY floored me.

    Her: "I'm sorry I got so upset."
    Me: "It's okay- we all do sometimes."
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London

  • #2
    Quoth NightAngel View Post
    Her: "I'll be back! I know you have a manager... somewhere!"
    "Indeed I do. He doesn't like you either."



    • #3
      Quoth NightAngel View Post
      Story #1: Pure Evil..Er, Stupid...

      Her: "I'm sorry I got so upset."
      Me: "It's okay- we all do sometimes."
      That's soo sweet, good for her at least she has a bit of compassion for other's feelings.


      • #4
        I have a theory that many people, maybe even most people, just don't stop and think about how they are behaving. When they have a moment of clarity, they realize that's not how they want to be. Some even go the next step and try to make it right.


        • #5
          Quoth NightAngel View Post
          Then something weird happened that almost floored me.

          Him soothingly: "Now Mom, it's not her fault. She didn't make these rules."
          Her: "I know, I know!"

          I left them to their conversation- stunned.

          After a bit she came up and REALLY floored me.

          Her: "I'm sorry I got so upset."
          Me: "It's okay- we all do sometimes."
          I stories with happy endings.

          As for the first story, that woman gets a great big ...and I'll bet she comes back in soon to pull the same stuff, despite her implying that she'll give "the other store"* all of her business.

          *A subsidiary of Everyplace Else
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid

