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Customers make me hate this time of year...

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  • Customers make me hate this time of year...

    Dear SC's,

    I understand that you perhaps didn't get the chance to do your shopping before now, and that you're in a rush to get everything you need to get now to catch up with the season. However, don't yell at me when we don't have that camera, PSP, DS, Wii, blah blah that you promised whomever you'd get them and waited until NOW to buy.

    Also, to a very specific SC, you were very cool when I told you we were out of the DS and that I didn't know when we'd get it in. However, I ignore that in favor for the fact that you are an asshole as a father. What did you do? You had your 6 year old pick out all the games he wanted before having the damned DS in your hand. So, yeah, no shit he started fussing when you told him to put them all back. You told him to grab them, making him think it was a guaranteed thing that he was gonna get it. So, yelling at him for fussing at you about it? Fail. Absolute fail.

    Also, to everyone who got pissy with me for being unable to help you? I don't know cameras, for one. Second? I WAS RINGING PEOPLE UP! Did you MISS the open register in front of me? Or did it looking like I was just scanning barcodes for fun?

    I hate you.
    6/16/2008: Best. Day. Ever.

    Things I've Learned: Birth is not a miracle, it's a science, and science is damned disgusting. It's also really, really, cool.