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Old tales from McDonalds (long and some language)

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  • #16
    Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post

    Me: "No sir."
    SC: "Well, maybe I'll just go to ARBY'S then!! What do you think of THAT??"
    Me: "I think I get paid the same regardless, sir."
    Me: "He's sitting right here, sir. As soon as he stops laughing, I'll let you speak to him."
    SC car: *SCREECH*

    LOL. I love how that SC expected you to grovel and cry as he wasn't going to spend a couple of $$$ at your Maccy D's. Oh no, however will you survive without his custom?
    No longer a flight atttendant!


    • #17
      Quoth Knightmare View Post
      McDonald's french fries suck.

      Yes, they suck. suck suck suck suck. Cold, bland, no salt, limp as a noodle. Horrible.
      The only good thing about McDonalds is the regular hamburgers.

      Now Wendy's french fries... those are the best when freshly made!
      Do what other people (not me) do. Order fries with no salt. I hear the employees LOVE that ...but you do get fresh fries.

      The two different Wendy's that I go to on occasion...LOVE the burgers, despise the fries. However, the fries would be second to McD's for me if they were EVER fresh. And I mean EVER.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #18
        Quoth Knightmare View Post
        McDonald's french fries suck.

        Yes, they suck. suck suck suck suck. Cold, bland, no salt, limp as a noodle. Horrible.
        The only good thing about McDonalds is the regular hamburgers.

        Now Wendy's french fries... those are the best when freshly made!
        McDonald's fries have no salt?! Are you serious? Have you ever seen the gizmo they use to salt fries? My Gawd man, my arteries clog just watching it done.

        Of course, like any place, the food is much 10000 times better when fresh and hot - any french fry gets nasty and limp when cold. To each his own of course.

        Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
        Do what other people (not me) do. Order fries with no salt. I hear the employees LOVE that ...but you do get fresh fries.

        The two different Wendy's that I go to on occasion...LOVE the burgers, despise the fries. However, the fries would be second to McD's for me if they were EVER fresh. And I mean EVER.
        Yeah, ordering fries without salt is the way to go, but on behalf of all McD's peons current and past PLEASEEEEEEEE don't do it during a busy time. Depending on who takes your order, they will most likely have to clean the entire fry bin (as well as the scoop) plus put down a new basket of fries. Not only do you have to wait but everyone else who orders fries at the same time may have to as well. And we all know how much customers like to wait, especially during lunch or dinner.

        P.S. McDonald's fries are only supposed to be kept for 7 minutes and then tossed for "freshness" reasons. If you see that the timer on the fries has elapsed, don't be afraid to ask them to put down a new basket.
        Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


        • #19
          Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
          Do what other people (not me) do. Order fries with no salt. I hear the employees LOVE that
          Pwetty pictuwes: DeviantArt | Flickr


          • #20
            Quoth PaRaGaS View Post
            Not me.

            As long as they're not stone cold, they're tolerable. And even if they are, I'll give them to the man of the household.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #21

              Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
              SC: "Well, maybe I'll just go to ARBY'S then!! What do you think of THAT??"
              Me: "I think I get paid the same regardless, sir."
              SC: "GET ME YOUR MANAGER!!"
              Me: "He's sitting right here, sir. As soon as he stops laughing, I'll let you speak to him."
              SC car: *SCREECH*

              This is maybe the best thing I've ever heard a person say, ever.

              I never do this, but I haven't even finished reading the thread yet. Hell, I haven't even finished the first post. But I'm laughing so hard, I just had to say "Bravo." If this quote is any indication of the post to come, you'll be hearing from me again momentarily.

              Thanks for making my night.


              • #22
                Quoth Knightmare View Post
                I have been on this earth for 35 -almost 36! - years. I have been to so many McDonalds "restaurants" that it just isn't funny. And one thing I have learned from all my visits is: McDonald's french fries suck.

                Yes, they suck. suck suck suck suck. Cold, bland, no salt, limp as a noodle. Horrible.
                The only good thing about McDonalds is the regular hamburgers.

                Now Wendy's french fries... those are the best when freshly made!
                And don't forget about McD's skimping on the portion sizes; I've often gotten fries that looked half filled. Now Hardee's or Burger King's fries, OTOH, totally rock!


                • #23
                  I would like to thank this thread for making me crave French fries...preferably from McD's.

                  However, I'm currently trying a diet, so I'm fighting temptation. Wish me luck.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #24
                    It's always a little disappointing when you go to out to eat with a specific craving at they end up not having what you want. I've never experienced a fast food place being out of french fries, but it's happened a few times that the McDonalds or Burger Kings milkshake machine would be down. But, you just accept it and order something else, or else go somewhere else. I never for the life of me could understand people freaking out or getting upset. Seriously, a lot of people need to understand sometimes crap happens, you don't always get what you want. A fast food place being out of a particular item is not a tragedy.

                    I went out to dinner last Saturday night at this really beautiful new restaurant that I was really looking forward to. I get there, knowing exactly what I want to order - ribs and mashed potatoes, possibly my favorite meal of all time. Yet, they were out of both ribs and mashed potatoes. I was bummed, but figured it was just a sign to order something else, so I did.

                    I worked at a food stand in an amusement park for a couple of years, and we would run out of stuff all the time. People would stare at you in openmouthed shock and horror, as if you'd just informed them their entire family had been murdered. They'd act as if they couldn't make it through the day now that they couldn't get an icee or a pretzel. Even before I ever worked in food service I understood the concept of running out of things. It happens.


                    • #25
                      I share in your remembered pain Mysty. In the course of three days we had the following happen.

                      Day 1: Someone trips on his shoelaces and grabs the ANSUL (emergency grill fire system) tag and ends up pulling it out. When the ANSUL is pulled the grills get coated in foam and gel and we're not allowed to use the grills until it's been recharged. So no burgers on Day 1.
                      Day 2: We had been telling our owners we needed new fryers 'cause they were having random wierd issues. Today they completely shut down and will not turn on. So on Day 2 we have burgers but no fries, or chicken, or fish. Owners oddly enough have new fryers and an installer at the store for close.
                      Day 3: Our Grease Trap in the dishpit overflows and floods the entire restaurant. We have to shut down and I get to spend three hours cleaning up foul smelling greasy water before my shift is over and I run away to breath fresh air and bathe a few thousand times.

                      Not what I call a fun set of days.


                      • #26
                        Quoth InverseHellion View Post
                        I share in your remembered pain Mysty. In the course of three days we had the following happen.

                        Day 1: Someone trips on his shoelaces and grabs the ANSUL (emergency grill fire system) tag and ends up pulling it out. When the ANSUL is pulled the grills get coated in foam and gel and we're not allowed to use the grills until it's been recharged. So no burgers on Day 1.
                        Not what I call a fun set of days.
                        One of my friends-friends worked at a supermarket deli. On his first day of work, in the deli, they showed him around, were things are, how to uses the scales etc. He had worked in a deli before so he had some knowledge of the products. His first job was to fry up some chicken. The manager was supervising and after the first few batches he got the general idea and the manger left for a minute to answer a customers question. The manager is gone for less than 60 seconds when the Fire Alarm goes off. The nearest exit was thru the back room so as the manager sis walking back the new guy is standing their with this horrified look on his face. The manager notices that the ANSUL has been set off. He assumed that the grease caught on fire and that is why the guy is so scared. While they are standing outside thhe manager comes over to ask him to explain what happened and calm him down(thinking their was a fire) He admits he wanted to see what would happen if the system want off, so he pulled it. He did not last long.
                        Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-29-2007, 11:31 PM. Reason: edit quotes


                        • #27
                          Quoth mattm04 View Post
                          He did not last long.
                          Y'know I can't quite imagine why.


                          • #28
                            Quoth InverseHellion View Post
                            Y'know I can't quite imagine why.
                            Me, neither.

                            I wonder if he goes around pulling fire alarms in his spare time.
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #29
                              At the Sonic I work at we run out of things all the time...and people straight lose their shit.

                              Onions Rings:
                              At our particular Sonic all the onions rings are made in the morning and then fried up when an order is taken. Well, If fifteen million people want onion rings that afternoon its safe to say we will probably be out by 8 p.m. I had one older women scream at the top of her lungs that she was calling Corporation on us because this completely unacceptable. I told her I was sorry over the switchboard then had a good laugh because we're privately owned.

                              Slush Machine:
                              We have a weird slush machine that likes to randomly break and have many many issues. Telling someone they can have their cherry/orange/watermelon/green apple/grape slush is like telling them their mother died judging by some people's reactions.

                              We use real bananas in many things, mostly our banana splits

                              Me: Sir I'm sorry we are out of bananas today.
                              SC: But I wanted a banana split!
                              Me: Well I'm sorry sir but we cannot make it today.
                              SC:But I WANT IT.
                              Me: Well sir if you would run down to the grocery and buy yourself a banana we would be more than happy to make it for you.

                              Incidentally this man did go buy himself a banana and I made the banana split free of charge because it amused me.

                              Another banana story is a women ordered a banana shake and it wasn't until after I took the order that I realized we were out of bananas so I sent my Carhop Raychel to tell her that we couldn't make it while i continued to take orders.

                              Raychel: Ma'am. I'm sorry but we are out of bananas and can't make your shake. Would you like another type?
                              SC: My husband has cancer and is dying and all he wanted today was a banana shake and you can't do that for him?!
                              Raychel: I'm sorry ma'am but we're out of...
                              SC: He is probably dead right now because It took forever for my order to be taken and now because you won't make a shake and are taking up more of my time.
                              Raychel: I'm sorry we're extremely busy and are out of bananas. We can't make the shake.
                              SC: I hope your proud that you've killed my husband. *peels out*

                              Poor Raychel came in crying feeling like an awful person. I just told her that if he rhusband was minutes away from dying she probably shouldn't have left his bedside anyway. Especially not to yell at innocent carhops over fruit shortage.

                              The worst of all though....

                              Power Outage:

                              A friend of mine who is a complete idiot crashed into a electric pole while I was at work knocking out most of the power to down town. As a result we all got flashlights and chairs to sit out the power being down. Since the power was out everyone jumped into their cars to drag main street. An elderly woman pulled up with her family and came to the door of the store (which we had locked) and knocked. We asked if we could help her and she requested that we let her buy some ice cream, the ice cream machine however was also down. This lady promptly freaked and told us her ninety year old mother was in the car and she needed something cold because the heat of the night. It ended with the cops being called and the women being escorted off the lot.

