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Why can't people understand a simple sale promotion???

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  • Why can't people understand a simple sale promotion???

    Ok this is my first post here and I work for a video game retailer. Anyway in June and July we had a "two for" summer sale in three price ranges, 2/20, 2/30, 2/40. We used colored stickers to identify those games on sale.

    Simple concept here, buy two games in a certain category, get the single price. You'd think most people could understand that. Oh boy are you wrong.

    I can't count the number of times I was asked for example "if I buy a 2/20 and a 2/30 game can I get one for $10 and one for $15?" Uhhh no, it doesn't work like that, if you want games in separate categories you pay full price.

    In addition to that, people couldn't seem to figure out, despite the colored stickers plastered all over the games, that the sale ONLY applied to used games. People gave me looks of disbelief when they tried to buy a 14.99 NEW game and a 14.99 preowned game at 2/20. (We also had huge banners hanging from the store ceiling stating the sale was on used games ONLY).

    And in the "I can't believe how cheap people are" category, the store offers a discount card that grants the user 10% off preowned games. You can probably guess where this is going. Many times a customer would bring up say two 19.99 games that were on the 2/30 deal, so they are ALREADY saving $10 or 25% (more than twice as much than they normally would with the card!) and these geniuses think they should be entitled to an additional 10% off the already discounted price. I had one customer get visibly angry with me because I refused to discount the games TWICE for him.

    And one final note: After the sale was done, it was a pain in the ass to take all those stickers off.

  • #2
    Having a promotion is making SCs read and we all know what happens when you ask an SC to read .
    Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


    • #3
      Magic invisible words show up on the sign?
      I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


      • #4
        SCs have their own "logic". You can't win with them, just have a nice wall or desk handy.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          The clothing store I work at always has items 2 for $20, 2 for $25, etc. I get that question all of the time. 9 times out of 10, they freak out and get all pissy. Whats worse is, apparently some managers at other stores in our district let customers mix the promotions like that.. so when we tell them no, they get even more pissed off.

