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Taco bell...

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  • Taco bell...

    What can I say about this oh wonderous of places, many many choices of wonderous food to eat. A good place to eat, yea, not to work though.

    I've been working at Taco Bell for about 2 months now, and you'd think it wouldn't be that bad right; well you're wrong.

    The first day I work there, the first freaking day, this old guy buys 5 chalupas and spends about the next 3 hours eating them, I can't see him at the time, he's behind a decoration wall. Well he leaves, so I go to wipe down his table, when I see it looks as though old guy needed a bib. There was so much food on that table. I was pissed.
    Well at the time, one of my fellow co-workers was on break, he just looks at me and laughs, he knew the wole fucking time what was going on and didn't think it would be nice to ask the guy to get more in his mouth then on the table.

    -deep cleansing breath-

    ok, well thats only my first day....

    yes it gets worse.

    Some people from my school come in, it's been about a month since I've worked there, nothing to bad aside from the old guy incident. So I wasn't expecting anything to happen.

    Well after I take there orders I was put on break, so I was eating, had my headphones in. Trust me after working there for even only a month you want to tune it all out when possible. after that I went to the bathroom. When I got out the boys were gone.
    I saw that they had gotten bits of lettuce and cheese everywhere, so I go to get the broom and I start sweeping. I make me way around the whole lobby, just so I wouldn't have to sweep again in five minutes; when I see a half eaten crunch-wrap all over a table and the floor by it.
    This was all the way on the other side of the lobby from where they were sitting.
    And once again here is happy co-worker laughing his ass off at me once again.

    I grow to hate him more each and everyday.

    Oh and the boys had left a nice present over where they were sitting. More half eaten food smooshed under their trays ready for me to clean up.

    don't work at taco Bell.
    "You'd feel pretty good to, if you just bit the head off of a choclate jesus."
    "you don't need to run if your gonna go by your with someone else"

  • #2
    I would think of it more as "don't work in food service". I'm so glad I got outta that.
    "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


    • #3
      Quoth TacohellOpoly View Post
      don't work at taco Bell.
      I think that should be amended to,"Don't eat at Taco Bell."


      • #4
        Damn you for making me crave Taco Bell now!

        I feel your pain. I worked at a pizza shop for 6 months (that was 6 months far too long), and while probably not the same experiences as at a fast food restaurant, it had its own set of equally horrible experiences.

        Good luck! Whatever kind of discount / free food you get there, make real sure to cash in on it.
        Last edited by theredbaron47; 12-31-2007, 12:15 AM.


        • #5
          Just be glad you didn't have to deal with a bunch of scam victims who thought they were buying legitimate Taco Bell coupons books. I'm not sure how widespread this scam was, but apparently in my area, people were going door to door and selling fake coupons.

          I found out about it when my son and I went there for lunch a couple weeks ago. There was a sign on the door about it, and that they were sorry, but could not accept the coupons. Things were pretty slow, so my son asked the lady at the counter if they were having to deal with a lot of people who were pissed off that they couldn't use the coupons. She said not so much in the dining room, as the sign headed most of them off, but some of the people at the drive-thru would throw a royal fit.
          Sometimes life is altered.
          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
          Uneasy with confrontation.
          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


          • #6
            I feel for ya.

            One of our most famous "lotto whores" at the gas station was this elderly guy. He'd buy a small bag of cookies each visit, and would sit at the booth and scratch for hours, often spilling coffee as well. He'd go up to cash in his winnings, cookies in hand, and I tell you, half of his food did not even go in his mouth. He'd unintentionally spit cookie crumbs at us and get them everywhere. Yish.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth blas87 View Post
              One of our most famous "lotto whores" at the gas station was this elderly guy. He'd buy a small bag of cookies each visit, and would sit at the booth and scratch for hours, often spilling coffee as well. He'd go up to cash in his winnings, cookies in hand, and I tell you, half of his food did not even go in his mouth. He'd unintentionally spit cookie crumbs at us and get them everywhere. Yish.
              If his idea of a good time is a bag of cookies and a pile of lotto tickets, I'd say he's pretty easy to please.


              • #8
                Not quite the same, but a long time ago, I worked in a restaurant that had this huge corner booth, which sat about 8 people. It was awkwardly wedged into a corner, so it was sort of octagon-shaped, with the table bolted on a pole to the floor.

                A woman once let her three year old smash a bottle of tabasco sauce AGAINST THE WALL UNDER THE TABLE. That was a fun half hour I spent on my hands and knees banging my head against the underside of a table decorated with used gum trying not to get shards of glass embedded in my palms after she didn't apologize.

                Food service is awesome.

                People are messy.

                Sorry your customers are gross.


                • #9
                  Quoth Enigma View Post
                  I would think of it more as "don't work in food service".
                  True, it doesn't matter what restaurant you work at, there are an awful lot of customers who are uncouth slobs. At the pizza place, I had to deal with pizza smeared on the windows, walls, tables, seats and floors; shiploads of used napkins, pizza crusts and spilled soda and condiments everywhere and -- nastiest of all -- dirty diapers left on the tables amidst pizza pans and plates!

                  At Arby's, we were constantly having to clean Arby-Q sauce, Horsey Sauce and Ketchup off the walls, tables and floors (this was back when they came in squirt bottles on the tables). Sometimes we didn't find it until it had dried into a paintlike substance that had to be scraped and scoured off.

                  I guess they figure they can make as nasty a mess as they want, since they don't have to clean it up. Scumbags. Their mommas ought to be ashamed.
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #10
                    On the bright side, you can always leave at any time! The glory of an at-will contract.

                    Once they trick you into upper management, your stuck until they're done having their way with you.... :'(

                    You ever get those customers that come in every X at every hour Y, that are really polite and you eventually learn by name? That's one plus to food service, not everyone's a huge dick (surprisingly).

                    All I can say is, if you can't stand it, leave. If you don't mind it, might as well stay till you find somewhere else.... and finally, kick that obnoxious coworker in the face ;P. You're called "TEAM Members" for a reason, bleh.

                    Oh yeah, maybe push to become a "Food Champion" instead of a service champion. If you get good at steaming or stuffing, you'll probably be lucky enough to be there all the time (if that's truly "lucky" :P).


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas87 View Post
                      I feel for ya.

                      One of our most famous "lotto whores" at the gas station was this elderly guy. He'd buy a small bag of cookies each visit, and would sit at the booth and scratch for hours, often spilling coffee as well. He'd go up to cash in his winnings, cookies in hand, and I tell you, half of his food did not even go in his mouth. He'd unintentionally spit cookie crumbs at us and get them everywhere. Yish.
                      Oh, you just brought back memories of The Potato King!

                      He lived in a flat across the road with his wife, The Bitch Queen from Armageddon. She'd drive across the road to the shops and come in for a sneer when she felt like disgracing us with her presence. He would only come in when we were trying to close, and he'd always tell us that he needed potatoes for his evening meal. The fact that he was chewing said evening meal quite copiously, as well as splattering the counter from time to time, was lost on him.

                      From his vantage point, he could see us pulling things in, and we're certain that he delighted in approaching us as we were trying to go home after an eleven-hour day. Of course, he always tried to talk to us about our home town - we had told him we live in Brighouse, and he once passed through there some decades past, which made him an expert. All the while, he kept chewing and spraying the same mouthful.

                      Odd chap.



                      • #12
                        My BF worked in Taco Hell during college, in the days when the meat didn't come precooked in bags and they sliced the lettuce in the store.

                        One of his memorable customers was the poor homeless gent who got the cheapest thing on the menu (& at TH, that's really cheap) & would sit at the table for an hour or two. BF said that he didn't mind the guy too much; he didn't make much of a mess but the guy was quite argumentative. With himself. And he'd lose the argument.

                        OTOH, BF did learn the best places to buy drugs in town (from his co-workers) and he & the manager ran the store by themselves on Thursdays (parole reporting day).
                        I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

