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Is it just me or are people getting ruder all the time?

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  • #16
    Quoth Despina83 View Post
    I swear, people get more inconsiderate, rude, and lazy all the time. Just some examples off the top of my head:

    Leaving used tissues, wet wipes, wrappers, and empty snack bags in their cart when they leave
    I work at the headquarters of a large corporation and people do this in our break room. Our breakroom is trashed half the time, because their are people who don't seem to think it's their place to clean up after themselves. Including leaving garbage in the sink, after they've washed their dishes. Anything that washes into the sink seems to get left there. Including half eaten food.

    I tried to do something about it a couple of years ago, by posting printed signs that said in big, bold letters "Your Mommy doesn't work here!! If you make a mess than clean it up!" Most people thought the signs were funny, many people agreed with me, however my boss reprimanded me.

    She said that this is a place of business and the signs weren't appopriate.

    But, leaving a pile of used napkins and McDonald wrappers on the table for the next person to clean up is perfectly exceptable corporate behavior. Not to mention that the kitchen counter is constantly soaking wet, from people doing their dishes in the sink, making a huge mess, and than walking away without cleaning any of it up.

    Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


    • #17
      I was walking down the main aisle in a store with my husband, when some woman came out of the side aisle, nearly hitting me with her cart and just walking away.

      I loudly yelled "NO, EXCUSE ME! ALL MY FAULT!" She turned around and glared at me and just walked off.

      My husband asked me if I realized she worked there. I told him I didn't notice, since I was trying to avoid having a cart imbedded in my thigh.

      I will hold doors open for people who will walk by me like it's my job to hold the door, so I just loudly say "YOU'RE WELCOME!"

      I had an old woman jump in front of me in line, because I am apperently invisable, so I just said "age before beauty" She gave me such a dirty look, but I just smiled at her.

      I ignore the sensormatic sensors going off too, because I know I paid for everything and those things go off all the time for no reason.
      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


      • #18
        I know this probably ticks some people off, but grocery store etiquette was MUCH better in Anjou, Quebec, for me, than it has been for me in various places in Washington.

        Surprisingly, everyone was conscientious in Manhattan. I mean--damn, I love you Manhattanites, and if I were a millionaire, I'd move there.


        • #19
          Quoth Aggravated Associate View Post
          I am terrible at math. Awful. We're talking abysmal math skills. So when someone says, "Wait, I'll just give you the 64 cents instead!" I just have to stand there like an idiot, emarrassed and frantically trying to figure out the difference in my head while the SC stands there, staring at me and rolling their eyes. There's a reason why I'm not your accountant, sweetcheeks.

          I can pretty much guarantee you that you're not as bad as I am. Honestly, I'd more than likely fail third grade math. Just ask the bitch who said, "Do you know how to count? I'm waiting for you." I know I'm constantly bringing that story up, but it still pisses me off to this day. God, I hope there's such a thing as karma. I even stand there like Forrest Gump with the gears frantically turning when someone says, "Oh, that was supposed to be 3 for 10." Believe me, I am fully aware of just how pathetic this is. Me having a bit of social phobia doesn't help in this situation, when I'm standing there mentally shouting, "Think! Quick, she's waiting! Think you dumbass!!"
          Last edited by Despina83; 12-31-2007, 09:18 PM.


          • #20
            Quoth Misanthropical View Post

            I had an old woman jump in front of me in line, because I am apperently invisable, so I just said "age before beauty" She gave me such a dirty look, but I just smiled at her.
            I do believe the phrase you were looking for was 'shit before the shovel'
            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


            • #21
              I know I'm goign to get yelled at for this but 98% of the rude people I encounter are when I make those brief forays into the city. Sad to say even my county seat is trying to model itself after a bigger city and starting to become infected with urban attitude problems. But go to a gas station or diner in the small towns or deal with the older people who still remember the good old days and you get doors held open, manners, personal responsibility, actually greetign peopel with a msile and nod, if you are a regular at a place they know your name and will ask about your family or how thigns are, heck after my mother died I got a sympathy card from the folks at the diner where her and step dad would go eat out regularly with their friends. Don't see that happening in the city. Oh well.

              And as for those sensormatics I've set them off by brushing against them wearing nothign but a pair of shorts, sneakers and t shirt, I've set them off by carrying a mobile phone through and I know it was the mobile because I waved it back throuhg there and it set them off with just it and my hand in the field. I've set them off by walking into it accidentally. Heck one day at Kmart the stupid thigns would sit there and go off randomly without anyone near them. Stupid load of junk they are if ya ask me.


              • #22
                Quoth Rahmota View Post
                I know I'm goign to get yelled at for this but 98% of the rude people I encounter are when I make those brief forays into the city.
                You're very lucky then, I encounter rude people all over, regardless of geographical location, they just change as to how they are rude.

                eg, I'm more likely to get stared at and pointed at in the small rural towns of our county and I'm more likely to find someonewho doesn't say please or thank you in the city.
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #23
                  I actually surprised myself this morning. I was waiting for my prescriptions at the pain management place I go to when another (older) lady checked out and finished up ahead of me. As much as I hurt, it got through my thick skull that she hurt, too! I jumped up and opened the door for her! The real shocker? She thanked me!!
                  Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                  • #24
                    eg, I'm more likely to get stared at and pointed at in the small rural towns of our county
                    Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you.Mostly that happens when someone from the city comes out and its obvious they are from the city by them acting very out of place like some lady dressing and wearing her makeup like a streetwalker or yuppie dude running around acting all high and mighty in his designer clothes and fancy sunglasses. All very humourous to us folks.


                    • #25
                      Yeah, people can be pretty rude and stupid. Just today we were shooing people out of the shop an hour after we closed. And people kept walking in!

                      Customer: Do returns go back to any register?
                      Me: *eyebrow* The store is closed, ma'am...
                      Customer: But the doors are open...

                      Oh, yeah, my mistake! I'm sorry! I guess we ARE still open. None of us need to go home anyway. It's not like it's New Year's Eve or something. Stupid holiday, anyway. Let's open the shop just for you! *grumble*


                      • #26
                        Quoth Despina83
                        Leaving carts near the cart corral, in a handicapped parking spot.
                        There, fixed that for ya.
                        Saying, "Oh, wait, I've got the fifteen cents!" just as I'm handing you your
                        "Little quicker next time, chief. Have a nice day."
                        "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


                        • #27
                          Quoth Xilonen View Post
                          Ugh, I understand completely

                          Quote: Sighing and rolling your eyes when you speak barely above a whisper and I need you to repeat what you've said

                          That's not fair! I'm hard of hearing, and I end up being the jerk when I have to ask more than once for you to repeat yourself! THEN you go and talk loud enough to burst my eardrums as you answer you cell phone while I'm trying to get the information I need!

                          I understand that one oh to well I'm 50% deaf in both ears, I have gotten to the point where I just go to stores at night or with someone else so they know what's going on.
                          I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.


                          • #28
                            Quoth Rahmota View Post

                            Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you.Mostly that happens when someone from the city comes out and its obvious they are from the city by them acting very out of place like some lady dressing and wearing her makeup like a streetwalker or yuppie dude running around acting all high and mighty in his designer clothes and fancy sunglasses. All very humourous to us folks.

                            My family roots (on one side) are farmers, I'm equally comfortable and at home at either, when I said people pointed et cetera its because I'm 6'8, I do tend to stand out in a crowd...
                            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                            • #29
                              cetera its because I'm 6'8, I do tend to stand out in a crowd...
                              Well there is that. Ya neglected to mention it in the previous post...Cmon I need the data, the 411, the info....(Can you guess which movie I'm watching now.... )

                              Anyhow okay so there is that. So people are probably more concerned you're there to raid the village for your castle. hehehehe.

                              Anyhow people tend to notice that which is different and strange. Making eye contact, smiling and being polite can help break that wall down and show you're not sos trange after all.

