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SEED FEED! (LONG, language, almost violence)

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  • #31
    Okay not to be argumentative- but did you mean to type "brought" in this?
    Because that was his 2nd sentence before mgmt came around. That's why I thought he said from the beginning that he bought it.
    He doesn't appear to be the type of customer that saves receipts. Probably a cash only person and feels no need to hang on to receipts or have any organization whatever. LOL This was walmart right? I wonder how well it would work if every person who came in to return something without a receipt was then told they must not have bought it and must leave without said item. Yanno? I mean we do get a LOT of people who return without receipts, hence the reason for limiting that and using a DL to be able to track how often they return without a receipt. I'd probably be in a fight every day if I told every person that didn't have a receipt that they must not have bought it- now leave without this item. LOL Oh wait, nevermind. That's why we have the handy (and foolproof- not) system of the pink tags on items brought in the store.
    Last edited by shazman; 08-23-2006, 09:42 PM.


    • #32
      Quoth Banrion View Post
      I love Jeff Dunham! Walter is good, but I think Sweeeeeet Daddy is my favorite. Just the detail in that dummy is amazing.
      Huh uh. Peanut is my favoritest!

      I love your mom Myst! They should call you back and hire her!


      • #33
        Shazman, it's irrelevant really. With grammatical constructs such as his, even if really did say "bought", he probably meant "brought" anyway. It's a common mistake. So knowing which he said still doesn't confirm the purchase.

        Without a receipt, he's got no proof. If you're going to walk back into a store with something you just bought there, you take your receipt, or if for some reason you didn't get it, you get someone's attention first. Otherwise how can they tell you brought it in after paying, as opposed to picked it up off the shelf?


        • #34
          Plus, people are known to say they bought something and lie about it. His word is not proof of anything.
          "I live in Los Angeles, and I was on the walk of fame. I was drunk, and I got a henna tattoo that says, 'Forever.'" -Zack Galifianakis

          Call Sophia Moore or Kent E. Ryder for a good time!


          • #35
            Well that's true it may be irrelevant. I was just confused why later in the post the mom was saying he'd never said he bought it- when twice in the story earlier he did say he bought it. In fact that's why I thought, while reading it, that he was so upset- because he'd bought it thinking it came with feed but it didn't. Ofcourse I didn't think about the fact (until now) that surely if he BOUGHT it he'd have realized long before he left the store that it didn't have feed in it. LOL

            About the receipt though- that part we'll just disagree. I have returned items many times in my life (and deal with it on a daily basis at work) without a receipt. Ofcourse you're right that you should get someone's attention if you're bringing something in the store and you don't have the receipt of purchase. I have already mentioned the pink (or sometimes orange) return tags we have for those returning items- given as they enter the store. It's not foolproof, but to expect every person returning an item to have the receipt is a bit overboard IMO.


            • #36
              Fantastic, Mysty! I think your mom and mine might have been seperated at birth. Our little cove in the mountains was buzzing for months when my mother confronted the neighborhood redneck, wrenched the shotgun out of his hands, and tore him several new orifices (Orifi? Dang, it's hard to start a speech with this crowd.) when she saw him shoot one of our cats.
              Drive it like it's a county car.


              • #37
                The dude is obviously a jerk and deserved to be thrown out.

                As to the feeder, they aren't illegal is used within game laws. I have several and I fill them with shelled corn and other seed. Here we're allowed to put them up until 10 days before you're going to hunt that area, any sooner it's considered hunting over bait. The idea is to get the deer to come to the area for a free meal and after the feed has been removed the deer might continued to return making the hunting a little easier. It's been my experience they don't work so well. I no longer use mine for hunting purposes, but to feed the deer to promote growth. I also plant food plots that have high protein plants (mostly native type). Food plots work. When hunting deer there's basically four areas to hunt, where they eat, where they drink, where they sleep and all places in between. Another thing that works well is salt licks, particularly for hogs.

                I won't surmise this guy's intentions but he was a jerk.

                Mysty you should have hit him with a stone-cold stunner or an RKO.
                Bow down before me for I am ROOT

                Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


                • #38
                  Copying to War Stories
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

