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Sprayed with gas

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  • #16
    Quoth texasbelle5 View Post
    The problem I see with wielding a spraying gas hose is that you are going up in a ball of flame too, since gas is so very flammable.

    Kind of a pyrhhic victory.
    You say phrhhic, I say pyre-ic.

    I have to think that the cops down here would have responded in a similar manner as the cops in the OP.

    Then again some of the cops I know in the local force down here have twisted senses of humour.


    • #17
      Quoth VenomX View Post
      I thought for sure I would be fired.
      Yeah, I'm surprised, too.

      If you worked for me, I would have canned your ass for wasting all that gas, even if you were allegedly defending yourself.

      From the way you describe the spraying gas, that was probably a bit of a mess to clean up.

      And calling for a lighter??

      No maybe's about it. If you covered their windshield and sprayed into the car, there would be plenty of fumes, and the whole damn thing would go up in flames.

      I have to wonder why this person just attacked you randomly and unprovoked. Based on some of your other posts that I read, you seem like a trouble magnet.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #18
        I have to wonder why this person just attacked you randomly and unprovoked. Based on some of your other posts that I read, you seem like a trouble magnet.
        There really are trashy neighborhoods that have slimy punks that roam the streets looking for trouble. I grew up in one such neighborhood. You have to live and grow up in one to understand. That's why if you watch the Judge Judy clip you'll see that she's glad that the bully in that case got stabbed in the chest in self-defense (she grew up in Brooklyn). Just like her, I have ZERO tolerance for bullies. Those punks had no right to go there and put their hands on him. Like I said: Ask yourself if those punks had not gone there and assaulted him like that, would this have happened??? And I'll put money on it that they already have a criminal record.


        • #19
          Quoth Ree View Post
          I have to wonder why this person just attacked you randomly and unprovoked. Based on some of your other posts that I read, you seem like a trouble magnet.
          The guy I sprayed is the same guy I had words with when he tried to tell me he only wanted $10 in gas when infact he told me $20.

          The town I live in has a MAJOR drug problem. If they are not on crack they are major dope heads.

          Hell we have drug deals right in our store and parking lot. You inform the police and they tell you "dont care, less work for me".

          My boss wont do it but the store a block up the road has a dozen signs in his window telling people they cant...

          "hang out"
          "stand around"
          "sell stuff"
          "beg for money"
          "wait for your ride"

          Nope not a trouble magnet. I just dont take crap from anyone. I have no problem telling you what I think if you are in the wrong or just totally stupid.

          Put it this way....

          If you was pumping gas for people and I told you I wanted $20 and it got to $18 and I told you I only wanted $10 and thats all I was going to pay. What would you do?

          We pay out of our pocket for any shortages. Times that by 10 to 15 that try it a week.
          You would be working and not making any money.

          And yes I offered to pay the $4 give or take to the boss and he said not to worry about it.
          Last edited by Ree; 01-01-2008, 11:16 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting


          • #20
            Those idiots should have thought about it before hitting you from behind.
            Herewith, a nugget of wisdom from the very wise Mike Brady: "Alone, we can only move buckets. But if we work together, we can drain rivers."



            • #21
              One of my favorite movies, Korean, I think, is called "Attack the Gas Station". Plot-wise, these four guys hold up a gas station because, essentially, they're bored. They end up staying there most of the night and are the film's protagonists, despite their anachronistic ways. In the climactic battle scene, where rival gangs and the cops have all converged on this one poor gas station, the leader of the original guys gets everybody to cease and desist by climbing up on one of the pumps and spraying everyone THOROUGHLY. That makes them stop fighting, but then he pulls out a lighter and folks go very still.

              The boys make their getaway and after a moment's time to process what just happened, the gangs and cops and such all pull out lighters, using them to cover their respective retreats.

              It's a fantastic movie. ^_^


              • #22
                I have told all the police officers that if I am near a live nozzle and am attacked or being robbed I will spray them and if I have a lighter I will set them on fire.

                The one officer did not like that and was tempted to arrest me. I reminded him about it taking over 4 hours for them to come the one time we called and how they always tell us theres nothing they can do or its a civil matter. We bother talked and he didnt take me in but warned me I would be in major trouble if I did what I said I would.

                I repeated if theres more than one or they have a gun I will defend myself that way.


                • #23
                  What happened at your store that you have such a bad relationship with the cops?

                  I do recall hearing from coworkers who came from Milwaukee and other bigger cities that in some spots, the crime is so bad even the cops blow red lights and stop signs and won't go near there.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #24
                    We make too much work for them it seems.

                    We use to call when we would have drive offs, shoplifting, bums begging outside and inside the store, fights outside, etc...

                    Now after they started telling us everything was a civil matter we dont bother calling them anymore.

                    Five young men beat the crap out of another young man a month ago, we didnt call just asked them to not fight on the property. Later a detective showed up asking questions and "we didnt see who did what". No we couldnt ID any of the group of 5, no we didnt hear anything that was said. Even though it took place right by me and 2 co-workers seen all when they stepped outside after hearing the yelling.

                    If they cant bother to do their jobs when we call, then we can not help them when they want to do their job to help one of their little informers. Yep turned out the one that got beat up and slammed a few dozen times into his stearing wheel was a "snitch".

                    Even if they would do their job for us when we call would you expect us to be a witness against 5 dealers? Sorry but I dont feel like being shot up with an AK47.


                    • #25
                      Quoth HowMayIHelpMe? View Post
                      Those idiots should have thought about it before hitting you from behind.
                      Ok, you do see what's wrong with your statement, right? Idiots and thinking is a contradiction in terms!

                      Quoth VenomX View Post
                      Yep turned out the one that got beat up and slammed a few dozen times into his stearing wheel was a "snitch".

                      Even if they would do their job for us when we call would you expect us to be a witness against 5 dealers? Sorry but I dont feel like being shot up with an AK47.
                      Your town sounds like such a vacation hot spot! Seriously though, I'd think about getting out of there if I were you.
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #26
                        Quoth MinimaMagistra View Post
                        One of my favorite movies, Korean, I think, is called "Attack the Gas Station"...
                        ...It's a fantastic movie. ^_^
                        Yeah, and either VenomX has seen it, or is planning sequels.

                        I have told all the police officers that if I am near a live nozzle and am attacked or being robbed I will spray them and if I have a lighter I will set them on fire.
                        Seriously though, that threat sounds so foolhardy I can't believe it.

                        You've seen way too many B movies if you think you can drench someone in gas and pull out a lighter and not end up going into flames yourself.

                        Oh, and BTW, this is probably the 3rd or 4th thread where you mention some type of violence against a customer.

                        Have you read that section of the rules about not condoning violence unless it's self defense?
                        Last edited by Ree; 01-02-2008, 02:11 AM.
                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #27
                          It would be in self defense if I did it..

