Quoth GingerBiscuit
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Great googlymoogly.

People who titter when they talk for no apparent reason.

The absolute worse time I ever saw this was pretty much what Ginger wrote there...said by a MAN. Or, I should say, a creature who pissed standing up. He wasnt' much of a man. He was trying to make a good impression on me as he knew I was a friend of his daugher...
Whom I happened to know he had been beating the shit out of when she lived in his house. We got my friend out of the house, no problem, but here's this abusive ASSHOLE standing in front of me, trying to talk to me while giggling after every third word. God Bless AMERICA, it was excruciating. I dont' know if he knew how much I knew about him. Maybe that was why he was so nervous, I dunno. But it was GROSS.
It gave me an enormous amount of perverse pleasure to know what a repugnant, nervous, imasculated worm that guy was. But that didnt' make the encounter any less painful.
